The Master's Program in Supply Chain Management focuses on the analysis, design, management, and operation of supply chains in manufacturing and professional service industries. Admission and Application Every year the rolling admissions for our English-taught master’s programs open on September, 1st for the start of the following year. The program prepares graduates for leadership roles in the management of organizations. Graduates of this program are equipped with all the necessary skills to manage companies that want to exploit their growth potential internationally. Development, acquisition, management and implementation of consultancy projects. Graduates of this program are equipped with all the necessary skills to manage companies that want to exploit their growth potential internationally. Strategically minded business generalists with leadership skills are needed now more than ever. The degree program is intended for … WU placed 34th of 90 European schools ranked . UE 066 505 - Master’s Programme Civil Engineering Science UE 066 510 - Master’s Programme Management of Infrastructure (to be discontinued) Duration of course. Competency-based learning and fewer exams – which are integrated and more comprehensive – make up the curricula. The Master's program in Marketing & Sales Management is a practice-oriented, part-time degree program. All of them are part-time. Admissions Procedure for Bachelor’s Programs, Admissions Procedure for Master’s Programs, Enrolling in Regular Degree Programs at FHWien der WKW, Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy, Communication Management, Journalism & Media Management, Marketing & Sales Management. It combines cutting-edge theory and practical applications. The Executive MBA program offered by the WU Executive Academy placed 32nd out of the top 100 executive MBA programs in the … The requirements on employees will change multiple times throughout their careers. Rethinking Tourism. Learn more about the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs: Career Center für Studierende & AbsolventInnen, Download Information Folder incl. The study plan takes place in three different prestigious locations, Florence, Rome, and Venice, to engage students in a grand tour of contemporary art, with a focus on the jobs of the future. 4 semesters. In which language do you want to receive our newsletter? The Master's program offers a sound academic and practice-oriented training and paves the way to the management levels of real estate companies. Students can choose from more than 60 bachelor's and master's degree programs and master courses in the departments of Applied Life Sciences, Building and Design, Health, Public Sector, Social Work and Engineering. The part-time Information Systems Management master’s degree program is at the interface between computer science, business, and management. Diplom-Ingenieur Master of Science. The Vienna University of Economics and Business (German: Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien or WU) is the largest university focusing on business and economics in Europe and, in terms of student body, one of the largest universities in Austria.It has been ranked as one of the best business schools in Europe and received Triple accreditation (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA). UH 066 416 Master programme Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering In a world of increasing internalisation and national interdependence, nations have become very much aware that their environmental impacts and "ecological footprints" do not respect national borders. Fort de 20 ans d’expérience dans la formation webmarketing, la formation de niveau master marketing digital #MBAMCI repose sur des méthodes d’apprentissage innovantes. Dann abonnieren Sie jetzt unseren Newsletter âInformieren & studierenâ und erhalten Sie Wissenswertes zu Ihrem Wunsch-Studium und Tipps für Ihre Bewerbung um einen Studienplatz an der FHWien der WKW! Executive Management. all International Master programmes offered at BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. If so, then sign up for our newsletter âAll About Studying at FHWienâ and learn more about your favorite study program at FHWien der WKW and get exclusive application tips! Teaching usually two to three days per week in this time frame: The CEMS MIM is exclusively open to students enrolled in a Master’s programme (M.Sc.) If so, then sign up for our newsletter âAll About Studying at FHWienâ and learn more about your study program at FHWien der WKW! The requirements of the labor market are growing and growing – making it increasingly important to be âfit for the jobâ after completing your degree program. Curriculum, Requirements Master's degree program Executive Management, Specific admissions procedure MA Executive Management. Sie interessieren sich für ein Studium an der FHWien der WKW, Ãsterreichs führender Fachhochschule für Management & Kommunikation? The master's programme Mechanical Engineering - Management follows on directly from the bachelor's programme Mechanical Engineering - Management at TU Wien. The Master course in Arts Management is an 11-month full-immersion interdisciplinary course, that is truly featured by a unique itinerant formula. Search the website of FHWien der WKW for persons, study programs, other pages, news, events and press releases. Ils possèdent des compétences managériales indispensables pour gérer les collaborateurs … Internationale Studierende Regelstudiengänge, Für die Wirtschaft: Arbeitsweise & Nutzen, Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy, Studienbereiche Communication Management, Journalism & Media Management, Marketing & Sales Management, Studienbereich Human Resources & Organization, Studienbereich Management & Entrepreneurship, Studienbereich Tourism & Hospitality Management, Information on Admission MA Executive Management, Requirements for our Master’s degree program Executive Management, Specific Admissions procedure for our MA Executive Management, Development of strategic goals for companies or divisions, Operative Management and leadership of the company, project management. The head of the course is Prof. Dr. Christian Kreuzer, the CEO of Controller Institute (CI) in Vienna. The Master’s Degree in Executive Management includes a large amount of interdisciplinary courses and projects. The program combines theory and practice and offers students flexibility to focus on their area of interest. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies. The program places particular emphasis on the modern management of information systems. Studentsâ personal development and their employability in business is our central goal. Course programmes. Discover the potential for sustainable urban tourism and shape the future of international city destinations. This is to prepare our graduates for the beginning of – or the next step in – their careers. Students acquire the skills to create, communicate, and deliver value through customized products and services. The aim is to train students to become “business all … Emphasis in this English-language Masterâs program is placed on the strategic management of organizational growth and restructuring processes. Alle 27 Business Management Master-Studiengänge, die in Wien angeboten werden im Überblick. A module is a teaching unit consisting of multiple topic blocks, which are thematically linked and cover a specific area relevant to the degree program. This means: Topic blocks make up modules, and at the end of the module there is an exam. Durchsuchen Sie die Website der FHWien der WKW nach Personen, Studiengängen, sonstigen Seiten, News, Events und Pressemitteilungen. Emphasis in this English-language Masterâs program is placed on the strategic management of organizational growth and restructuring processes. Driving Change. Students apply for the programme at postgraduate level, and the programme must be completed together with the home school’s Master’s … Are you interested in studying at FHWien der WKW, Austriaâs leading university of applied sciences for management & communication? You cannot apply for the Master's program in Leadership in Tourism for the next winter semester 2021/22, as the program expires. Examples for positions and functions of graduates: Activities and tasks carried out by graduates include. in Business Administration, Management or Economics at one of the CEMS member schools or universities. À l’issue de leur cursus, les étudiants sont opérationnels dans l’organisation et la coordinationdes clients, des investisseurs, des fournisseurs et des employés. The Master’s degree program in Executive Management offer graduates a two-year, part-time, generalist business degree for managers. Il est présent dans de nombreux secteurs : marketing, finance, gestion, commerce et ressources humaines. This Master's program trains managers, project managers and consultants in Organizational and Human Resource Development who can become active above all in those areas in which strategic, conceptual and integrative competences are required. Certificate received upon completion. Good social skills are important for managers, who must respond in a genuine and proactive way. WU Master’s in International Management placed 11th out of 90 programs (2nd place in the German-speaking area) European Business School Ranking 2020. Our graduates are in demand where a holistic, strategic view of communication problems and solutions is required rather than pure specialization. The focus is on journalistic know-how for print, TV, radio and online as well as in the use of these skills for multimedia work. Financial Management & Controlling. Graduates of the Masterâs degree program in Executive Management are business generalists. Sie interessieren sich für ein Studium an der FHWien der WKW, Ãsterreichs führender Fachhochschule für Management & Kommunikation? In welcher Sprache möchten Sie den Newsletter erhalten? The contents of the degree program is based on the following four pillars: The degree program in Executive Management is geared towards graduates who already have a basic knowledge of business administration. (U6 station Währinger StraÃe/Volksoper), ⬠363.36 per semester (excl. Resit examinations possible on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16:00, Possible in the 3rd semester, also as a summer school, wko campus wien, Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna Within the framework of the four-semester extra-occupational Master’s program “Innovation and Technology Management” at UAS Technikum Wien, modern management-oriented concepts and methods (e.g. Teaching is directed towards learning outcomes. Dann abonnieren Sie jetzt unseren Newsletter "Informieren & studieren" und erhalten Sie Wissenswertes zu Ihrem Studium an der FHWien der WKW! The teaching of contents in projects and lectures held by well-known entrepreneurs and adjunct faculty promotes the networking of students with managers from the real world. We train the communication professionals of the future in our part-time Master's program. The Master’s program offers application-oriented and theory-based courses to enable graduates to work in quality journalism and develop their own media projects. Graduates of this program are equipped with all the necessary skills to manage companies that want to exploit their growth potential internationally.
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