PDF WALL STREET - Internet Archive This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. See more information on great products, including the C60 BlackSeed Oil Gel Caps, Telomere Lengthening, Zeolite Detox, and much more @http://SarahWestall.com/Shop, Listen to show streaming live now! He remained for several months, while writing for a Russian socialist paper, the Novy Mir (New World) and giving revolutionary speeches at mass meetings in New York City. of finance Rudolf Hilferding and their respective works, Imperialism: A Study (1902) and Finance Capital (1910).8 Lenin's Imperialism distills key points of the Bolshevik view of international finance in the Russian context. It was not clear, who these authorities were and in fact there were never any orders, but the arrangement made it possible for the participants to receive military commissions and wear the uniform of American army officers. They simply had overpowered the American Red Cross organization with large contributions and in effect purchased a franchise to operate in its name. Proudly powered by WordPress. [T]here were also strong financial incentives for Wall Street firms, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Company, of which Schiff was a senior partner, to see the old regime fall into the hands of revolutionaries, who would agree to grant lucrative business concessions in the future in return for financial support today. (T/F): The United States financed World War I solely through public bond sales. 2680.) It is a well-known fact that the Bolsheviks were and are financed by Jewish interests in the West. Big Banking is becoming an evermore increasingly nefarious entity, considering its history, and seeing its involvement in American government, now and going forward. Did the Germans purposefully arrange to send Lenin to Russia to start a The Bolsheviks - Russian Revolution On April 16, 1917, Vladimir Ulyanov, the Russian exile better known by his revolutionary alias, Lenin, arrived at St. Petersburg's Finland Station following a roundabout journey from Switzerland,. How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power. How Canada Lost an Opportunity to Shorten the War, MacLeans magazine, Canada, June 1919. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! In private interviews, he said, I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The financier just mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the Russian revolution with large financial donations. Another name specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador to Russia at the time. Please do your own due diligence, especially on important decisions. from 1962 French edition, pp. Lenin and Trotsky were on the closest of terms with these moneyed interests both before and after the Revolution. Bolshevik, (Russian: "One of the Majority") , plural Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power. To sit beside him was the supreme delight. (Hermann Hagedorn:The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time, published by Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1935, pp. B. the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia. With this in mind we can appreciate the great strength of those mysterious forces both in England and the United States, that intervened on Trotskys behalf. Trotsky was arrested by Canadian and British naval intelligence, when the ship, on which he was traveling, the S.S. Kristianiafjord, put in at Halifax. Censorship protected Jewish-owned finance houses and corporate interests that were investing in Bolshevik USSR. In 1911 theSt. Louis Dispatchpublished a cartoon by a Bolshevik named Robert Minor. This cartoon by Robert Minor appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1911. Lenin and the Bolsheviks - International Baccalaureate History - Marked It was a sound investment. At the end of the war 50,000 Russian officers and men went back to their country ardent . It is now a matter of record, that Thompson syndicated the purchase on Wall Street of Russian bonds in the amount of ten million roubles. In addition, he gave over two million roubles to Aleksandr Kerensky for propaganda purposes inside Russia and with J.P. Morgan gave the rouble equivalent of one million dollars to the Bolsheviks for the spreading of revolutionary propaganda outside of Russia, particularly in Germany and Austria. Devolution or Revolution, SCORTCHED EARTH: The Commoditization of Planet Earth, BULLY PULPIT: Editorials, Opinions & Masonic Visions, G.O.D: Guns, Oil & Drugs, The Unholy Trinity, GEO-ENGINEERING: Chemtrails, H.A.R.R.P & Weather Warfare, HIDDEN HISTORY: Advanced Ancient Civilizations, MIND GAMES: Psychokinetics, Remote Viewing & ESP, OUR DANCE WITH DESTINY: The Road Up Ahead, THEATER OF THE ABSURD: Political Vaudeville & Social Satire, REALPOLITIK: The Geo-Political Chessboard, ODESSA: Third Riech / Project Paperclip, RETURN TO EDEN: Resilient, Resourseful, Holistic Living, SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Targeted Assassinations & Coup DEtat, ZERO-POINT: Grids, Ley Lines & Energetic Earth, THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: Disinformation, Omissions & Lies, COVID-1984: The Omni-Present National Bio-Metric State, STRANGE DAYS: Psychic Veils & Anomalous Realities, BIO-WARFARE: Soft Targets, Bio-Toxins & World War C, REALPOLITIK - The Geo-Political Chessboard, VOODOO ECONOMICS: Forgotten History, US Bankers Financing US Enemies & Why It Is Important Now By Jon Rappoport (Archive), DAS KAPITAL: America, Big Business & Revolution By Dr. K R Bolton, THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: For Corporate Media, Bernie Sanders Is Bigger Threat Than Donald Trump By Julie Hollar, HIDDEN HISTORY: Who Financed Bolshevik Revolution? In order to rescue the Bolsheviks, who were supposedly an archenemy, the Chase National Bank was instrumental in establishing the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1922. . The cause of the Arabs, even as early as 1936, was . 224, 230). Erased history: how Rockefeller bankrolled Soviet Russia What Are The Implications?South Front, Pingback: Jewish Elite Despise Russia for Being EUROPEAN - Corruptico, Pingback: Revelation 17: Fall of the Great Harlot (3) - End Time Upgrade, Your email address will not be published. Thompson was a classical specimen of the Round Table network. During the two years of hostilities thousands of Russian soldiers and sailors were taken as prisoners. This amazing story begins with the war between Russia and Japan in 1904. the Bolsheviks, Pereverzev had wrecked a deeply laid scheme of the Pro-visional Government-namely to arrest Fuirstenberg-Haniecki on the Swedish-Finnish frontier; this individual was believed to be about to cross into Russia carrying large sums of German money and documents com- Bankers and Bolsheviks: International Finance and the Russian Revolution Hassan Malik Look Inside Hardcover 75% off with code FEB75. "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord [Alfred] Milner in financing the Russian Revolution ___ (See Arsene de Goulevitch: Czarism and Revolution, published by Omni Publications in Hawthorne, California, no date; rpt. Russian Revolution | Definition, Causes, Summary, History - Britannica No, it cannot be said IN ANY CASE that it was the Jews who organized the revolutions of 1905 or 1917". "@Josieamycashman @muzzjp Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx were Germans. . According to Russian judicial investigator Nikolay Sokolov, the Bolsheviks were financed by a New York banker named Jacob Heinrich Schiff. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! However, there were also strong financial incentives for Wall Street firms, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Company, of which Schiff was a senior partner, to see the old regime fall into the hands of revolutionaries, who would agree to grant lucrative business concessions in the future in return for financial support today. Jacob Schiff was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Those hidden liaisons have continued to this day and occasionally pop to the surface, when we discover a David Rockefeller holding confidential meetings with a Mikhail Gorbachev in the absence of government sponsorship or diplomatic purpose. Hitler was being prepared for a new war . The Russian Revolution was a series of uprisings from 1905 to 1917 led by peasants, laborers and Bolsheviks against the failed rule of the czarist Romanovs. Trotsky could not have gone even as far as Halifax without having been granted an American passport and this was accomplished by the personal intervention of, President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother, who provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to carry forward the revolution At the same time careful State Department bureaucrats, concerned about such revolutionaries entering Russia, were unilaterally attempting to tighten up passport procedures. Trotsky could not have gone even as far as Halifax without having been granted an American passport and this was accomplished by the personal intervention of President Wilson. For the duration of the war the Red Cross had been made nominally a part of the armed forces and subject to orders from the proper military authorities. It has been claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. The entire expense of the Red Cross Mission in Russia, including the purchase of uniforms, was paid for by the man, who was appointed by President Wilson to become its head, Colonel William Boyce Thompson. They simply had overpowered the American Red Cross organization with large contributions and in effect purchased a franchise to operate in its name. The group consisted almost entirely of financiers, lawyers and accountants from New York banks and investment houses. Theme: Bushwick by James Dinsdale. A brilliant leader - a professional revolutionary with an iron will, ruthless, brilliant speaker, a good planner with ONE aim - to overthrow the government. Russia was an ally of England in the First World War, which then was raging in Europe. He was one of the heaviest stockholders in the Chase National Bank; They came not as diplomats or even as interested businessmen, but disguised as Red Cross officials on a humanitarian mission. He launched the Cuban Cane Sugar Company; Join millions of others and stay up to date with the latest developments. Posted on March 15, 2022 by State of the Nation. One report said, for example, that British agents were seen handing out 25-rouble notes to the men at the Pavlovski Regiment just a few hours, before it mutinied against its officers and sided with the revolution. D. a German offensive threatened to capture Moscow. There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. 2680.) How the Bolsheviks tried to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. It portrays Karl Marx with a book entitledSocialismunder his arm, standing amid a cheering crowd on Wall Street. Joseph Stalin, who was financed by the same money cartel, replaced Lenin as Russia's brutal new dictator. And it is not surprising, that according to George Kennan, He was viewed by the Kerensky authorities as the real ambassador of the United States.(George F. Kennan:Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920published by Princeton University Press in Princeton, NJ, 1956, p. 60). Arsene de Goulevitch, who witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution firsthand, has identified both the name of the financier and the amount of the loan. The money in his possession is now a matter of official record. Schiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. The group consisted almost entirely of financiers, lawyers and accountants from New York banks and investment houses. Trotsky was not arrested on a whim. In the February 3, 1949 issue of theNew York Journal AmericanSchiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. Having begun his career as a speculator in copper mines, he soon moved into the world of high finance. To appraise Schiffs motives for supporting the Bolsheviks, we must remember, that he was a Jew and that Russian Jews had been persecuted under the Tsarist regime. Jews and the Slave Trade: Just the Facts - The Harvard Crimson Thousands of socialists, Marxists, nihilists and anarchists attended to cheer the event. He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotskys trip from New York to Russia. from 1962 French edition, pp. Professor Sutton tells us: The 1910 [Red Cross] fund-raising campaign for$2 million, for example, was successful only, because it was supported by these wealthy residents of New York City. J.P. Morgan himself contributed $100,000 Henry P. Davison [a Morgan partner] was chairman of the 1910 New York Fund-Raising Committee and later became chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross The Red Cross was unable to cope with the demands of World War I. and in effect was taken over by these New York bankers. US History Ch 21 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet House advised Wiseman, that President Wilson wished to have Trotsky released. Once the Russian anti-Semites planted this poisonous seed, it spread rapidly. He was entertained at the embassies, at the houses of Kerenskys ministers. Yet the British Ambassador himself represented the hidden group, which was financing the regimes downfall. What Are the Implications? Peace, too, was desired by many, especially by the soldiers at the front, who lacked munitions. It has been claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. But she was a mere mortal, whereas the chauffeur was a magician, a titan, a superman! It is now a matter of record, that Thompson syndicated the purchase on Wall Street of Russian bonds in the amount often million roubles. The head of the British Secret Service in America at the time was Sir William Wiseman, who, as fate would have it, occupied the apartment directly above the apartment of Edward Mandell House and who had become fast friends with him. The top Communist leaders have never been as hostile to their counterparts in the West, as the rhetoric suggests. In 1925, Chase National and PromBank (a German bank) developed a complete program to finance the Soviets raw material exports to the United States, and imports of U.S. cotton and machinery. Sarah Westall does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this website. (Sutton: Revolution, p. 72). However, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from financiers in Germany, Britain and the United States. First, Lenin saw the growth of banks and the growing concentration of the financial industry as increasing their power The Bolshevik position was that the Jews were a privileged minority in Palestine and that the Jews had destroyed practically all Arab industries. Your email address will not be published. Also see Martin, pp. In January of 1916 Trotsky was expelled from France and came to the United States. Jacob Schiff, who was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Company, had raised the capital for large war loans to Japan. International Journal of - Ijors All content on SarahWestall.com is creative commons & encouraged to be republished. They came not as diplomats or even as interested businessmen, but disguised as Red Cross officials on a humanitarian mission. Theycame not as diplomats or even as interested businessmen, but disguised as Red Cross officials on a humanitarian mission. Trotsky was not arrested on a whim. (Antony C. Sutton, Ph. Anything, that would weaken Russia and that certainly included internal revolution would be, in effect, to strengthen Germany and weaken England. Bolshevik, (Russian: "One of the Majority") , plural Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power. According to Trotsky himself, on many occasions a chauffeured limousine was placed at his service by a wealthy friend, identified as Dr. M. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. Round Table members were once again working both sides of the conflict to weaken and topple a target government. 2. Starting from 1920 to 1970, huge economic assets were created in more than forty or so countries under the tight control and supervision of their own watchful governments. The Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy - reddit Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive bookIndia in Cognitive Dissonance. Round Table members were once again workingbothsides of the conflict to weaken and topple a target government. GreatGameIndia grants permission to cross-post original GreatGameIndia articles on community internet sites as long as the text & title are not modified. . All Rights Reserved. And there were others, as well. had financed the Bolshevik Revolution. When Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and their fellow Bolshevik leaders launched the communist revolution in 1917, they viewed Russia as the "weakest link" in the chain of global capitalism. With this in mind we can appreciate the great strength of those mysterious forces both in England and the United States, that intervened on Trotskys behalf. He remained for several months, while writing for a Russian socialist paper, theNovy Mir(New World) and giving revolutionary speeches at mass meetings in New York City. It would be a mistake to conclude, that Jacob Schiff and Germany were the only players in this drama. I have cited all the claims I have made. Co-founded in 1876 by German Communist Wilhelm Liebknecht Vorwarts ( Forward ), in 1923 in a clever effort to separate Hitler from his base, claimed that Henry Ford (who tried to expose the Jewish bankers) and American Jewish bankers were financing Hitler. II, p. At first it may seem incongruous, that the Morgan group would provide funding for both Kerensky and Lenin. www.fpri.org Copyright 20002023. D.: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, published by Arlington House in New Rochelle, NY, 1974, p. 25). The Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy financiers in London and New York. Hassan Malik's book, Bankers and Bolsheviks: International Finance and the Russian Revolution , suggests that this view was correct. It was due to this funding that the Japanese were able to launch a stunning attack against the Russians at Port Arthur and the following year to virtually decimate the Russian fleet. It was discovered, that he was a collector and those with antiques to sell fluttered around him offering him miniatures, Dresden china, tapestries, even a palace or two. He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilsons presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The next idea was to print money in order to solve problems of monetary supply. C. Russia asked the Allies to call for an armistice. Not content with flooding the Northeast with future Communists, Progressives, and Zionists from Russia, Jacob Schiff founded and financed the 'Galveston Movement' - an effort to settle Russian-Jewish immigrants in the south and west of the United States. [12] Olof Aschberg of the Nye Banken, Stockholm, the so-called "Bolshevik Banker" who became head of the first Soviet international bank, Ruskombank, channelled funds to the Bolsheviks.On September 6, 1948 The London Evening Star commented on Aschberg's visit to Swiss bankers that he had "advanced large sums to Lenin and Trotsky in 1917. . If true, who came up with the idea and was there any consideration that a communist Russia could eventually be a threat to Germany? Jacob Henry Schiff (born Jakob Heinrich Schiff; January 10, 1847 - September 25, 1920) was a German-born Jewish American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution (p. 211). Minor was later to be arrested in Tsarist Russia for revolutionary activities and in fact was himself bankrolled by famous Wall Street financiers. Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton Every war that happened during this period, every coup that took place were aimed at knocking down these republics one after the other and sucking their economic resources into the un-maintainable, wasteful Western Economic Lifestyle based on faulty economic theories. This amazing story begins with the war between Russia and Japan in 1904. Bolsheviks revolt in Russia - HISTORY The theory of a German plot naturally was conducive to the idea that Germany financed the Bolshevik seizure of power in November 1917h. Born Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov in 1870, Lenin was drawn to the revolutionary. It has been claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. William Boyce Thompson the American Tsar. Consequently the Jewish community in America was inclined to support any movement, which sought to topple the Russian government and the Bolsheviks were excellent candidates for the task. 'The movement was financed by a New York banker you all know and love,' he said, referring to Mr Schiff, 'and soon we received a ton and a half of Russian revolutionary propaganda. Wrongfully Accused: Jews and Bolshevism - American Thinker Statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Consequently the Jewish community in America was inclined to support any movement, which sought to topple the Russian government and the Bolsheviks were excellent candidates for the task. Tetrogen Fat Burning It will work for you guaranteed or receive your Money Back! |, Pingback: Pressure To Dissolve The UN Security Council: Putin Warns Of League Of Nations Revival. He. In the February 3, 1949 issue of the New York Journal American Schiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. The source of that money has been the focus of much speculation, but the evidence strongly suggests, that its origin was the German government. (Hagedorn, p. 192)In addition, he gaveover two million roublesto Aleksandr Kerensky for propaganda purposes inside Russia and with J.P. Morgan gave the rouble equivalent ofone million dollarsto the Bolsheviks for the spreading of revolutionary propaganda outside of Russia, particularly in Germany and Austria. There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. He was a German-Jewish immigrant to America. Management Fee Calculation Excel, Lennox High School Memoriam, Articles W

who financed the bolsheviks

People on the street called him the American Tsar. PDF WALL STREET - Internet Archive This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. See more information on great products, including the C60 BlackSeed Oil Gel Caps, Telomere Lengthening, Zeolite Detox, and much more @http://SarahWestall.com/Shop, Listen to show streaming live now! He remained for several months, while writing for a Russian socialist paper, the Novy Mir (New World) and giving revolutionary speeches at mass meetings in New York City. of finance Rudolf Hilferding and their respective works, Imperialism: A Study (1902) and Finance Capital (1910).8 Lenin's Imperialism distills key points of the Bolshevik view of international finance in the Russian context. It was not clear, who these authorities were and in fact there were never any orders, but the arrangement made it possible for the participants to receive military commissions and wear the uniform of American army officers. They simply had overpowered the American Red Cross organization with large contributions and in effect purchased a franchise to operate in its name. Proudly powered by WordPress. [T]here were also strong financial incentives for Wall Street firms, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Company, of which Schiff was a senior partner, to see the old regime fall into the hands of revolutionaries, who would agree to grant lucrative business concessions in the future in return for financial support today. (T/F): The United States financed World War I solely through public bond sales. 2680.) It is a well-known fact that the Bolsheviks were and are financed by Jewish interests in the West. Big Banking is becoming an evermore increasingly nefarious entity, considering its history, and seeing its involvement in American government, now and going forward. Did the Germans purposefully arrange to send Lenin to Russia to start a The Bolsheviks - Russian Revolution On April 16, 1917, Vladimir Ulyanov, the Russian exile better known by his revolutionary alias, Lenin, arrived at St. Petersburg's Finland Station following a roundabout journey from Switzerland,. How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power. How Canada Lost an Opportunity to Shorten the War, MacLeans magazine, Canada, June 1919. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. THE POWER ELITE HAVE GONE COMPLETELY MAD! In private interviews, he said, I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution The financier just mentioned was by no means alone among the British to support the Russian revolution with large financial donations. Another name specifically mentioned by de Goulevitch was that of Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador to Russia at the time. Please do your own due diligence, especially on important decisions. from 1962 French edition, pp. Lenin and Trotsky were on the closest of terms with these moneyed interests both before and after the Revolution. Bolshevik, (Russian: "One of the Majority") , plural Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power. To sit beside him was the supreme delight. (Hermann Hagedorn:The Magnate: William Boyce Thompson and His Time, published by Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1935, pp. B. the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia. With this in mind we can appreciate the great strength of those mysterious forces both in England and the United States, that intervened on Trotskys behalf. Trotsky was arrested by Canadian and British naval intelligence, when the ship, on which he was traveling, the S.S. Kristianiafjord, put in at Halifax. Censorship protected Jewish-owned finance houses and corporate interests that were investing in Bolshevik USSR. In 1911 theSt. Louis Dispatchpublished a cartoon by a Bolshevik named Robert Minor. This cartoon by Robert Minor appeared in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1911. Lenin and the Bolsheviks - International Baccalaureate History - Marked It was a sound investment. At the end of the war 50,000 Russian officers and men went back to their country ardent . It is now a matter of record, that Thompson syndicated the purchase on Wall Street of Russian bonds in the amount of ten million roubles. In addition, he gave over two million roubles to Aleksandr Kerensky for propaganda purposes inside Russia and with J.P. Morgan gave the rouble equivalent of one million dollars to the Bolsheviks for the spreading of revolutionary propaganda outside of Russia, particularly in Germany and Austria. Devolution or Revolution, SCORTCHED EARTH: The Commoditization of Planet Earth, BULLY PULPIT: Editorials, Opinions & Masonic Visions, G.O.D: Guns, Oil & Drugs, The Unholy Trinity, GEO-ENGINEERING: Chemtrails, H.A.R.R.P & Weather Warfare, HIDDEN HISTORY: Advanced Ancient Civilizations, MIND GAMES: Psychokinetics, Remote Viewing & ESP, OUR DANCE WITH DESTINY: The Road Up Ahead, THEATER OF THE ABSURD: Political Vaudeville & Social Satire, REALPOLITIK: The Geo-Political Chessboard, ODESSA: Third Riech / Project Paperclip, RETURN TO EDEN: Resilient, Resourseful, Holistic Living, SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Targeted Assassinations & Coup DEtat, ZERO-POINT: Grids, Ley Lines & Energetic Earth, THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: Disinformation, Omissions & Lies, COVID-1984: The Omni-Present National Bio-Metric State, STRANGE DAYS: Psychic Veils & Anomalous Realities, BIO-WARFARE: Soft Targets, Bio-Toxins & World War C, REALPOLITIK - The Geo-Political Chessboard, VOODOO ECONOMICS: Forgotten History, US Bankers Financing US Enemies & Why It Is Important Now By Jon Rappoport (Archive), DAS KAPITAL: America, Big Business & Revolution By Dr. K R Bolton, THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: For Corporate Media, Bernie Sanders Is Bigger Threat Than Donald Trump By Julie Hollar, HIDDEN HISTORY: Who Financed Bolshevik Revolution? In order to rescue the Bolsheviks, who were supposedly an archenemy, the Chase National Bank was instrumental in establishing the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1922. . The cause of the Arabs, even as early as 1936, was . 224, 230). Erased history: how Rockefeller bankrolled Soviet Russia What Are The Implications?South Front, Pingback: Jewish Elite Despise Russia for Being EUROPEAN - Corruptico, Pingback: Revelation 17: Fall of the Great Harlot (3) - End Time Upgrade, Your email address will not be published. Thompson was a classical specimen of the Round Table network. During the two years of hostilities thousands of Russian soldiers and sailors were taken as prisoners. This amazing story begins with the war between Russia and Japan in 1904. the Bolsheviks, Pereverzev had wrecked a deeply laid scheme of the Pro-visional Government-namely to arrest Fuirstenberg-Haniecki on the Swedish-Finnish frontier; this individual was believed to be about to cross into Russia carrying large sums of German money and documents com- Bankers and Bolsheviks: International Finance and the Russian Revolution Hassan Malik Look Inside Hardcover 75% off with code FEB75. "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord [Alfred] Milner in financing the Russian Revolution ___ (See Arsene de Goulevitch: Czarism and Revolution, published by Omni Publications in Hawthorne, California, no date; rpt. Russian Revolution | Definition, Causes, Summary, History - Britannica No, it cannot be said IN ANY CASE that it was the Jews who organized the revolutions of 1905 or 1917". "@Josieamycashman @muzzjp Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx were Germans. . According to Russian judicial investigator Nikolay Sokolov, the Bolsheviks were financed by a New York banker named Jacob Heinrich Schiff. Catastrophic Covid Vax Mandates Shutting Down Hospitals, Medical Centers and Healthcare Systems Like This?! However, there were also strong financial incentives for Wall Street firms, such as Kuhn, Loeb and Company, of which Schiff was a senior partner, to see the old regime fall into the hands of revolutionaries, who would agree to grant lucrative business concessions in the future in return for financial support today. Jacob Schiff was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Those hidden liaisons have continued to this day and occasionally pop to the surface, when we discover a David Rockefeller holding confidential meetings with a Mikhail Gorbachev in the absence of government sponsorship or diplomatic purpose. Hitler was being prepared for a new war . The Russian Revolution was a series of uprisings from 1905 to 1917 led by peasants, laborers and Bolsheviks against the failed rule of the czarist Romanovs. Trotsky could not have gone even as far as Halifax without having been granted an American passport and this was accomplished by the personal intervention of, President Woodrow Wilson was the fairy godmother, who provided Trotsky with a passport to return to Russia to carry forward the revolution At the same time careful State Department bureaucrats, concerned about such revolutionaries entering Russia, were unilaterally attempting to tighten up passport procedures. Trotsky could not have gone even as far as Halifax without having been granted an American passport and this was accomplished by the personal intervention of President Wilson. For the duration of the war the Red Cross had been made nominally a part of the armed forces and subject to orders from the proper military authorities. It has been claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. The entire expense of the Red Cross Mission in Russia, including the purchase of uniforms, was paid for by the man, who was appointed by President Wilson to become its head, Colonel William Boyce Thompson. They simply had overpowered the American Red Cross organization with large contributions and in effect purchased a franchise to operate in its name. The group consisted almost entirely of financiers, lawyers and accountants from New York banks and investment houses. Theme: Bushwick by James Dinsdale. A brilliant leader - a professional revolutionary with an iron will, ruthless, brilliant speaker, a good planner with ONE aim - to overthrow the government. Russia was an ally of England in the First World War, which then was raging in Europe. He was one of the heaviest stockholders in the Chase National Bank; They came not as diplomats or even as interested businessmen, but disguised as Red Cross officials on a humanitarian mission. He launched the Cuban Cane Sugar Company; Join millions of others and stay up to date with the latest developments. Posted on March 15, 2022 by State of the Nation. One report said, for example, that British agents were seen handing out 25-rouble notes to the men at the Pavlovski Regiment just a few hours, before it mutinied against its officers and sided with the revolution. D. a German offensive threatened to capture Moscow. There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. 2680.) How the Bolsheviks tried to destroy the Russian Orthodox Church One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. It portrays Karl Marx with a book entitledSocialismunder his arm, standing amid a cheering crowd on Wall Street. Joseph Stalin, who was financed by the same money cartel, replaced Lenin as Russia's brutal new dictator. And it is not surprising, that according to George Kennan, He was viewed by the Kerensky authorities as the real ambassador of the United States.(George F. Kennan:Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920published by Princeton University Press in Princeton, NJ, 1956, p. 60). Arsene de Goulevitch, who witnessed the Bolshevik Revolution firsthand, has identified both the name of the financier and the amount of the loan. The money in his possession is now a matter of official record. Schiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. The group consisted almost entirely of financiers, lawyers and accountants from New York banks and investment houses. Trotsky was not arrested on a whim. In the February 3, 1949 issue of theNew York Journal AmericanSchiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. Having begun his career as a speculator in copper mines, he soon moved into the world of high finance. To appraise Schiffs motives for supporting the Bolsheviks, we must remember, that he was a Jew and that Russian Jews had been persecuted under the Tsarist regime. Jews and the Slave Trade: Just the Facts - The Harvard Crimson Thousands of socialists, Marxists, nihilists and anarchists attended to cheer the event. He was one of the principal backers of the Bolshevik revolution and personally financed Trotskys trip from New York to Russia. from 1962 French edition, pp. Professor Sutton tells us: The 1910 [Red Cross] fund-raising campaign for$2 million, for example, was successful only, because it was supported by these wealthy residents of New York City. J.P. Morgan himself contributed $100,000 Henry P. Davison [a Morgan partner] was chairman of the 1910 New York Fund-Raising Committee and later became chairman of the War Council of the American Red Cross The Red Cross was unable to cope with the demands of World War I. and in effect was taken over by these New York bankers. US History Ch 21 Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet House advised Wiseman, that President Wilson wished to have Trotsky released. Once the Russian anti-Semites planted this poisonous seed, it spread rapidly. He was entertained at the embassies, at the houses of Kerenskys ministers. Yet the British Ambassador himself represented the hidden group, which was financing the regimes downfall. What Are the Implications? Peace, too, was desired by many, especially by the soldiers at the front, who lacked munitions. It has been claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. But she was a mere mortal, whereas the chauffeur was a magician, a titan, a superman! It is now a matter of record, that Thompson syndicated the purchase on Wall Street of Russian bonds in the amount often million roubles. The head of the British Secret Service in America at the time was Sir William Wiseman, who, as fate would have it, occupied the apartment directly above the apartment of Edward Mandell House and who had become fast friends with him. The top Communist leaders have never been as hostile to their counterparts in the West, as the rhetoric suggests. In 1925, Chase National and PromBank (a German bank) developed a complete program to finance the Soviets raw material exports to the United States, and imports of U.S. cotton and machinery. Sarah Westall does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, procedures, opinions or other information that may be mentioned on this website. (Sutton: Revolution, p. 72). However, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from financiers in Germany, Britain and the United States. First, Lenin saw the growth of banks and the growing concentration of the financial industry as increasing their power The Bolshevik position was that the Jews were a privileged minority in Palestine and that the Jews had destroyed practically all Arab industries. Your email address will not be published. Also see Martin, pp. In January of 1916 Trotsky was expelled from France and came to the United States. Jacob Schiff, who was head of the New York investment firm Kuhn, Loeb and Company, had raised the capital for large war loans to Japan. International Journal of - Ijors All content on SarahWestall.com is creative commons & encouraged to be republished. They came not as diplomats or even as interested businessmen, but disguised as Red Cross officials on a humanitarian mission. Theycame not as diplomats or even as interested businessmen, but disguised as Red Cross officials on a humanitarian mission. Trotsky was not arrested on a whim. (Antony C. Sutton, Ph. Anything, that would weaken Russia and that certainly included internal revolution would be, in effect, to strengthen Germany and weaken England. Bolshevik, (Russian: "One of the Majority") , plural Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki, member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which, led by Vladimir Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power. According to Trotsky himself, on many occasions a chauffeured limousine was placed at his service by a wealthy friend, identified as Dr. M. On March 23, 1917 a mass meeting was held at Carnegie Hall to celebrate the abdication of Nicolas II, which meant the overthrow of Tsarist rule in Russia. Round Table members were once again working both sides of the conflict to weaken and topple a target government. 2. Starting from 1920 to 1970, huge economic assets were created in more than forty or so countries under the tight control and supervision of their own watchful governments. The Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy - reddit Get to know the Geopolitical threats India is facing in our exclusive bookIndia in Cognitive Dissonance. Round Table members were once again workingbothsides of the conflict to weaken and topple a target government. GreatGameIndia grants permission to cross-post original GreatGameIndia articles on community internet sites as long as the text & title are not modified. . All Rights Reserved. And there were others, as well. had financed the Bolshevik Revolution. When Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and their fellow Bolshevik leaders launched the communist revolution in 1917, they viewed Russia as the "weakest link" in the chain of global capitalism. With this in mind we can appreciate the great strength of those mysterious forces both in England and the United States, that intervened on Trotskys behalf. He remained for several months, while writing for a Russian socialist paper, theNovy Mir(New World) and giving revolutionary speeches at mass meetings in New York City. It would be a mistake to conclude, that Jacob Schiff and Germany were the only players in this drama. I have cited all the claims I have made. Co-founded in 1876 by German Communist Wilhelm Liebknecht Vorwarts ( Forward ), in 1923 in a clever effort to separate Hitler from his base, claimed that Henry Ford (who tried to expose the Jewish bankers) and American Jewish bankers were financing Hitler. II, p. At first it may seem incongruous, that the Morgan group would provide funding for both Kerensky and Lenin. www.fpri.org Copyright 20002023. D.: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, published by Arlington House in New Rochelle, NY, 1974, p. 25). The Bolshevik revolution actually was financed by wealthy financiers in London and New York. Hassan Malik's book, Bankers and Bolsheviks: International Finance and the Russian Revolution , suggests that this view was correct. It was due to this funding that the Japanese were able to launch a stunning attack against the Russians at Port Arthur and the following year to virtually decimate the Russian fleet. It was discovered, that he was a collector and those with antiques to sell fluttered around him offering him miniatures, Dresden china, tapestries, even a palace or two. He was a major contributor to Woodrow Wilsons presidential campaign and an advocate for passage of the Federal Reserve Act. The next idea was to print money in order to solve problems of monetary supply. C. Russia asked the Allies to call for an armistice. Not content with flooding the Northeast with future Communists, Progressives, and Zionists from Russia, Jacob Schiff founded and financed the 'Galveston Movement' - an effort to settle Russian-Jewish immigrants in the south and west of the United States. [12] Olof Aschberg of the Nye Banken, Stockholm, the so-called "Bolshevik Banker" who became head of the first Soviet international bank, Ruskombank, channelled funds to the Bolsheviks.On September 6, 1948 The London Evening Star commented on Aschberg's visit to Swiss bankers that he had "advanced large sums to Lenin and Trotsky in 1917. . If true, who came up with the idea and was there any consideration that a communist Russia could eventually be a threat to Germany? Jacob Henry Schiff (born Jakob Heinrich Schiff; January 10, 1847 - September 25, 1920) was a German-born Jewish American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. "In private interviews", he said, "I have been told that over 21 million rubles were spent by Lord Alfred Milner in financing the Russian Revolution (p. 211). Minor was later to be arrested in Tsarist Russia for revolutionary activities and in fact was himself bankrolled by famous Wall Street financiers. Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution - Professor Antony Sutton Every war that happened during this period, every coup that took place were aimed at knocking down these republics one after the other and sucking their economic resources into the un-maintainable, wasteful Western Economic Lifestyle based on faulty economic theories. This amazing story begins with the war between Russia and Japan in 1904. Bolsheviks revolt in Russia - HISTORY The theory of a German plot naturally was conducive to the idea that Germany financed the Bolshevik seizure of power in November 1917h. Born Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov in 1870, Lenin was drawn to the revolutionary. It has been claimed that his expenses were paid by Jacob Schiff. William Boyce Thompson the American Tsar. Consequently the Jewish community in America was inclined to support any movement, which sought to topple the Russian government and the Bolsheviks were excellent candidates for the task. 'The movement was financed by a New York banker you all know and love,' he said, referring to Mr Schiff, 'and soon we received a ton and a half of Russian revolutionary propaganda. Wrongfully Accused: Jews and Bolshevism - American Thinker Statements made on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Consequently the Jewish community in America was inclined to support any movement, which sought to topple the Russian government and the Bolsheviks were excellent candidates for the task. Tetrogen Fat Burning It will work for you guaranteed or receive your Money Back! |, Pingback: Pressure To Dissolve The UN Security Council: Putin Warns Of League Of Nations Revival. He. In the February 3, 1949 issue of the New York Journal American Schiffs grandson, John, was quoted by columnist Cholly Knickerbocker as saying that his grandfather had given about $20 million for the triumph of Communism in Russia. The source of that money has been the focus of much speculation, but the evidence strongly suggests, that its origin was the German government. (Hagedorn, p. 192)In addition, he gaveover two million roublesto Aleksandr Kerensky for propaganda purposes inside Russia and with J.P. Morgan gave the rouble equivalent ofone million dollarsto the Bolsheviks for the spreading of revolutionary propaganda outside of Russia, particularly in Germany and Austria. There is no documentation to substantiate that claim, but the circumstantial evidence does point to a wealthy donor in New York. He was a German-Jewish immigrant to America.

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