Squad Update v3.0 Release Notes RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period. Adjusted Deployables damage resistance against explosives, fragmentation, and HEAT. Updated ragdoll ankles to be stiffer, to create a more realistic death but also to prevent soldier feet from twisting up in weird unrealistic ways. Overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures. Added a new road connection between the Bunker and Train Bridge OP. This effect simulates the dimming of ambient light in enclosed spaces like buildings and forests. Updated the minimap with intent to make height more readable, minimap also now features trees. AAS v1. This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. Also a feature in v2.15 is improvements to FOB Deployables including new additions such as camouflage netting that will help conceal soldiers who are using the FOB for cover. Fixed floating foliage at various locations. Hawks RAAS Rework is an overhaul of the RAAS Gamemode, set out with express purpose of making Squad Lanes obsolete. Fixed a minor audio issue with the ambient sounds on Mutaha cutting out when around the main bases/edges of the map. Fixed a minor issue with wall pieces protruding where they shouldnt, at grid H7-3-9. This is intended to make deployable fortifications more resilient. This feature is currently enabled on the following maps: Anvil, Gorodok, Manic-5, Mestia, and Yehorivka, greatly increasing the close-up detail of the Landscape. Squad: New Harju Map Added in Update v3.4 | Player.One Added improved Client Performance Stats to better review game performance on machines with a more data-driven approach. The update also brings an overhaul of how the game handles lighting. Fixed a large Geo hole where a pipe should be located at grid K4-4-7. Fixed an issue with the vehicle driver smoke generator, where the smoke was invisible to the driver. Adjusted the CAF C9A2 & MIL Minimi Classic rearm costs to 30 ammo points per boxmag, instead of 25. SquadMaps is a website to display all the maps and layers in Squad. Squad's v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Fixed a minor UI issue with a typo for the kit limit warning for Auto Rifleman, it should read unlocked and not unclocked. Added WASD input zoom sensitivity scaling to open top vehicle turrets and emplacements. Adjusted the MEA BRDM-2, MEA BMP-2, MEA BMP-1, MEA Ural-4320 & RUS Woodland BMP-2 hull textures to improve the resolution on small details like the lamp, turret cloth and track wheels. Updated all muzzle flashes to now kick up much more dust after sustained firing. This updated grass is currently found on Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Mestia. Fixed an issue with foliage popup at close distance. The one exception is Fallujah, where shadow render distance has not been extended, pending more extensive map optimizations. Fixed an issue where unintended high altitude wind SFX was playing across nearly the entire map. Fixed an issue with small ground clutter/rocks having too short of a culling range. Adjusted most soldier clothing materials to be more consistent with each other and to respond to light in a more physically accurate way. Adjusted all Tallil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Added new map layer: Narva Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, using a unique flag lattice with under-utilised Points of Interest. Updated the HAB ghost placement mesh to include exit point indicators. Updated minimap with intent to make height more readable, also now features trees. Squad Maps This patch adds the new Harju Map to the game. Added new explosive splash damage against infantry upon vehicle destruction. ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the actual synced projectile. a UGL impact getting perceived the same as a Tandem rocket). Complete overhaul of the technical and artistic approach to lighting. Fixed an issue with an archway that was too low to walk under at grid H6-4-9. Updated the RUS/INS/MIL BRDM Spandrel to use a new firing sound. Now with well over 100 distinct layer configurations, Hawks RAAS Rework is the perfect supplement to any server, giving you a classic Squad experience with a new twist. Fixed an issue with a compound buildings floor and ceiling incorrectly displaying metal sheeting material at grid O5-5-1. RAAS v07. Updated the MEA G3 Rifle series firing sounds. Fixed a minor visual issue with a corner brick wall asset having a bad UV material. Fixed an issue with road/railroad culling distances being very low. Each factions deployables will have a different colour scheme depending on which biome the map belongs to: Forest, Desert, or Snow. However, if you experience any of these 3 bugs still in v2.12, please report on the Discord/Forums. This fix will force the server to re-acknowledge the data, which means there will be increased bandwidth usage after a seamless travel (map change). Also updated is the Buddy Boost feature, with a focus on making it easier to use. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Squad Lanes Destroying RAAS :: Squad Game Owner Discussion Fixed a minor issue with the INS Hab lacking bullet collision on the backfaces. Designers Note: The intention with this change is to incur a more noticeable effect on soldier stamina when navigating obstacles, to bring more nuance to stamina management and navigating terrain. Fixed clipping issues/exploits with rocks at grid C4-1-3, G6-8-7. These new effects should be more visible at distances and will linger with the wind for ~12 seconds. Kamdesh RAAS v4 Fixed respawn time of an MEA MTLB 6MA (was incorrectly 10 seconds, now 6 minutes). Harju. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. RAAS v08. Fixed a minor issue with team tickets going into negative value space under certain conditions on the match end scoreboard. All infantry inside the restriction zone can take damage from projectiles and anything else that causes damage. Updated the Manic-5 landscape, replacing the older landscape terrain shader with a new and improved shader which should offer a higher quality look. Fixed a minor gameplay issue with a blocking volume for the sewer that was slightly blocking the street above. Updated several map layers which were displaying vehicles bundled in groups in the vehicle card list info. Adjusted the North American biome street signs and cones to ignore collision with vehicles, to be consistent with all other biomes small street signs. The capture progress bar will also be hidden to indicate the flag is no longer valid to capture. This is linked to the moment a FOB starts getting de-shoveled / HAB deactivated. This will now be enabled by default on all server platforms and will aid in gathering information to address the critical Linux crash issues. Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point, relative to the other team. Design Intention: This is intended to make it harder to spot soldiers using deployables for cover. Updated the map camera location on all Anvil gameplay map layers, its been raised up by 50m to avoid any exploitation of its location in finding enemy Radio/RP/footsteps while on deploy menu. Alt-tabbing out of Squad during a loading screen freezes the Player (client). Fixed a minor visual issue with a concrete doorway trench arch static which had an incorrect setup for LOD1 normal maps. Added Atmospheric Scattering to all maps, which improves ambient lighting and the shading of distant objects such as mountains. A "lock" icon will appear over a capture zone when a team . Please note that the associated quality and performance tradeoffs have similarly changed. more than 100 rounds if they respawn with an empty kit. GB FV510 IFV was particularly susceptible to this issue. !vote start - Starts a vote with 6 layers, random modes. SMV Layers: See Discussion for SMV layer list - [LayerName_SMV] Credits For the Killfeed and Stickycam System ProMod Team - DevilsD - Arkanoid - Steez Popular Discussions View All (3) 0 Feb 21 @ 12:36am Updated map to use new grass & adjusted the scale of the grass. This will be addressed in a future update. This draws focus to the action and enhances the look of visual effects. Afterwards it becomes AAS,(assuming if you remember the next objective location). RAAS v08. Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. garding exported NetGUIDs and Seamless Travel. Upgrade package for defensive deployables. Updated the Fireteam notifications to include more detailed info such as: Mention the promotion if you are the new FTL. Updated the MIL/INS AK74 with 1P29 to once again have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 400m, in increments of 100m. This was related to the v2.0 layer overhaul vehicle spawners vehicle type authorizations. Fixed an issue with some fences culling at too short-range at grid H10-3-5. Adjusted the building in grid F8-4-9 to now have an open access point. This gives the ambient lighting much better colour and contrast, which ensures that it fits the sky colour, and greatly improves the quality of the sky. Potential Fix for a client crash related to network messages when joining a squad. RAAS v03. Optimization: Blur shader no longer costs performance when not in ADS. Updated the USA/GB/CAF M136 AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT damage value. Squad is a tactical first-person shooter made by Offworld Industries, a game developer comprised of several people who helped create the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2. Mention the demotion if you are no longer the FTL. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. Standard and Far Shadows have been replaced with more optimized Cascade Shadow Maps. Skorpo is a map featured in Squad. This, The deploy screen squad list will sometimes display incorrect players that are not actually in the squad. Fixed a minor issue with floating grass in the Tunnel. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. RAAS v11. Fixed a floating concrete platform at Shipping Yard grid G3-7-5. Note: autocannon are unchanged and still use a 50cm kill zone radius. Squad Maps The intention is to give the Defenders a larger range of choices that they must make in the opening moments of an invasion battle, which includes a deeper risk/reward assessment. Fixed a wall segment having a missing face at grid I7-8-9. RAAS v06. Adjusted the INS RPD ammo cost per boxmag to 15 ammo points, instead of 11. No change in all vanilla settings. Various Kit icon issues Occasionally the kit and weapon in the deploy screen squad list will show up as a white square instead of the kit. Fixed a minor issue with dirty toilet water seeping through the wall. Chora RAAS v3 features old school F88 Rifles. USA now has 2x M939. This achieved brighter highlights, deeper shadows, greater contrast, and more accurate colour. Fixed smoothing groups, fixed dark baked in shadows in windows &. Added Dynamic Mesh Quality setting: Scales the quality of distant skeletal meshes, including soldiers, vehicles, and weapons. Soldier stamina regeneration will be paused until these actions complete. SQUAD UPDATE V2.15 RELEASE NOTES : Squad - joinsquad.com Fixed an issue with RUS Tigr and GB LPPV where the open turret hatches were transmitting damage to the vehicle hull, this will no longer happen. The Most Underrated Mod Since The Start Of Open Modding While in AAS the flag layout is static and always the same for a map layer, in RAAS the flag layout is randomized and will be different every time you play. GitHub - fantinodavide/squad-js-map-vote Fixed floating shovel and no water sfx sound on inlet. Updated the Standard Lighting so FX emissive bloom can be adjusted by material instance brightness where needed. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. Fixed an issue with cliffs having a collision that is far off the actual terrain at grid G6-8-8. Hopefully, this issue should be resolved now. Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point than the other team. At ease, Offworld Industries Changelog Amphibious Gameplay and Water Interaction This update primarily showcases amphibious functionality Summary Join the marine forces in amphibious assaults from ships off the coast. !vote restart - Restarts voting with 6 random maps and modes. Only the admin cam has special caster features. Fixed an issue with back blast VFX, where the bounding boxes were making these effects flicker off at certain angles. Fixed an issue with Graphic settings to ensure contact shadows are always on for low and medium shadow quality. Fixed an issue with multiple vehicles turret armor meshes, which were not synchronized with the actual gun and shield movement. Tunnels are now darker in general, to better represent these CQB areas. RAAS v04. Random Advance and Secure (in short, RAAS) is one of the primary game modes in Squad and very similar to Advance and Secure (AAS). Design Intention: Encourage teamwork within and between squads by incentivizing capturing points en masse, and give squads a reason to stick together when back-capping on initial rollout. One squad leader is usually trying to pull the team together and getting yelled at by the other squad leaders, who are doing nothing productive, for losing everyone the game. RAAS v03. Adjusted MEA SL 01 pistol to have 2+1 mags, instead of 1+1 mags. Added new landscape shader & landscape textures. Removed Eye Adaptation from all layers to reduce exploits and allow for balanced gameplay in all areas. Another gameplay change to note is that soldier stamina will no longer regenerate while vaulting and climbing, with stamina regeneration paused during these activities. We felt that this was necessary to offset the lighting and foliage changes, which can make spotting enemies more difficult. Fixed a minor issue with a floating ammo crate at US main on Tallil Invasion v3. We have updated the capture speed to scale with the number of players. Added a new landscape shader and new landscape textures. Fixed a minor issue where ticket values would sometimes appear in the negative at the end of a round. Updated the landscape terrain shader to a new and improved version. Adjusted the protection zones on Tallil Skirmish v1 and v2 to be larger, to help mitigate issues with Main spawn camping. Added 2 new Gorodok RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Gorodok RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), CAF Gorodok RAAS v3 (CAF vs USA). RAAS v06. Fixed an issue with large jitters happening in the Vehicle Commander Seats of IFVs and Tanks. Local/Offline issues currently have a lower priority. Improved the micro terrain across the entire landscape. Overall this change should discourage rushing flags by increasing the chances of encountering a full squad on the point, rather than a lone enemy on back-cap duty. Fixed a minor issue with CAF SL Pilot & CAF SL Crewman not having tracers for their rifles. We plan to push a full localization pass in a future release as we lock down the text that needs to be translated for the game. The knowledge of Squad Lanes would still be both in the heads of experienced SLs and not so easy to access. The layer is focused on light vehicle combat, each team has access to up to 20 light vehicles (CAF TAPV and RUS Tigr). Adjusted the volume of the tire sliding sound for all wheeled vehicles to reduce annoying skidding audio. Smoke, grass, bushes and other foliage will now be blown around when a helicopter hovers low to the ground during flybys / landings. All armor piercing projectiles use another set of piercing more destructive sounds. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay with a hole in the rock face that could be shot through at Fishing Village grid D9-1-1. Clarified the requirement for Combat Engineer explosives. We have completely reworked the games handling of dynamic shadows. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay AAS v1 with tilted helipads at the RUS main. The quality and performance cost of this effect are controlled by Post Process Quality. This crash is currently not reproducible. Most noticeable when aiming down weapon sights, bipoded, using emplacements, or looking through a vehicle viewport. Exit Indicators will change colour from green to red to indicate when an obstacle obstructs the arrows position, which is an indication that the doorway may be partially or completely blocked to players. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Updated all muzzle flashes to be larger, brighter, and more consistent. Steam Community :: Guide :: RAAS Meta Explained Fixed a gameplay issue where in some circumstances, projectiles were dealing double damage to vehicles. Additionally, when leaving the UAV camera, they hear all of the local audio broadcasts at the same time, originating from the point where they were initially transmitted from even if the person doing the transmission has moved afterward. Fixed a minor issue on Logar Valley Insurgency v1 where the RUS Main Repair Station is crooked. Now they should block traces with the visibility channel. Updated landscape to be rockier across the entire landscape. Updated a few maps to use new grass. !vote cancel - Cancels current round of voting. Fallujah Fixed a detached wall segment at grid G5-3-2. Added a new visual aesthetic effect for helicopters the rotor wash of helicopter blades should now interact with the environment. Improved and optimized texture quality scaling. Fixed an issue with decorative stones causing issues with players crawling into the collisionless mesh by reducing the overall scale/size of these objects. Easily installed this mod works to correct debilitating Raas layers. Create Infographic with the information below: Added a Depth of Field (DoF) effect. Updated Fortification POI by removing a Ural truck inside a barn to allow for potential HAB placement. Fixed a minor issue with a shipping container that was blocking a doorway in grid G5-3-1. V2.11 mods will not work with v2.12 and could potentially crash Squad before it was able to launch the Main Menu. Updated landscapes are currently found on Manic-5, Mestia, Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Anvil. Squad Maps Now many of these faction setups will be displayed on individual lines, except for when a team has many of several vehicle types: IE Invasion layers with many Minsk bikes or Logis. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. Fixed an issue with columns having z-fighting issues on the rooftop of the Warehouse. I put this together for a couple reasons, partially out of personal interest in how some of the stranger layers function but also because of how often I see newer players struggle with . Increased the update rate of particles at all quality levels. Fixed an issue with ragdoll momentum, where previously the ragdoll would not maintain its forward momentum, this momentum should now be maintained. Fixed an issue where excessive landscape DFAO was applied to meshes intersecting the landscape, which manifested as a harsh line in the distance. TC v2. This addressed a number of visual bugs. Cons: Very exposed / prominent position which is easy to target with area effect weapons. Poisonous Snakes In Jalisco Mexico, View From Chase Bridge Msg Concert, Float To Decimal Converter, Articles S

squad raas layers

These are the 200 round box mags. RAAS v01. It should no longer crash, but we will be monitoring client logs. Squad Masters Vanilla are the normal maps with normal settings. If you spot any specific errors, please open an issue! Added new map layer: Goose Bay Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, dim twilight lighting scenario with very large capture zones. We also added a Shaders Graphics Settings section which currently will primarily affect the complexity of the Landscape allowing lower-end hardware more performance options. This should hopefully remove an annoying issue that some users have with our in-game mod browser. Updated the render distance of muzzle flashes, this was previously only 50m now muzzle flashes render out to 1000m. Updated the Anti-Tank rocket backblast visual effects to be longer lasting. Potential Fix for a client crash related to audio and gun sounds. Added a new map layer: Fallujah Seed v1 (USA vs MEA) New map layer for server seeding, which includes a single capture point in the Market with restriction zones. Skirmish v1. Fixed a minor visual issue with the viewport texture on the RUS woodland BMP-2. Updated CAF arid uniforms textures to look more authentic. !vote cancelauto - Cancel scheduled automatic start of vote. Fixed a few locations where archways/ doorways were too low / terrain too high at grid G8-7-2. Fixed a minor issue with the GB helmet scrim appearing too dark at longer ranges. Squad Update v3.0 Release Notes RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period. Adjusted Deployables damage resistance against explosives, fragmentation, and HEAT. Updated ragdoll ankles to be stiffer, to create a more realistic death but also to prevent soldier feet from twisting up in weird unrealistic ways. Overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures. Added a new road connection between the Bunker and Train Bridge OP. This effect simulates the dimming of ambient light in enclosed spaces like buildings and forests. Updated the minimap with intent to make height more readable, minimap also now features trees. AAS v1. This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. Also a feature in v2.15 is improvements to FOB Deployables including new additions such as camouflage netting that will help conceal soldiers who are using the FOB for cover. Fixed floating foliage at various locations. Hawks RAAS Rework is an overhaul of the RAAS Gamemode, set out with express purpose of making Squad Lanes obsolete. Fixed a minor audio issue with the ambient sounds on Mutaha cutting out when around the main bases/edges of the map. Fixed a minor issue with wall pieces protruding where they shouldnt, at grid H7-3-9. This is intended to make deployable fortifications more resilient. This feature is currently enabled on the following maps: Anvil, Gorodok, Manic-5, Mestia, and Yehorivka, greatly increasing the close-up detail of the Landscape. Squad: New Harju Map Added in Update v3.4 | Player.One Added improved Client Performance Stats to better review game performance on machines with a more data-driven approach. The update also brings an overhaul of how the game handles lighting. Fixed a large Geo hole where a pipe should be located at grid K4-4-7. Fixed an issue with the vehicle driver smoke generator, where the smoke was invisible to the driver. Adjusted the CAF C9A2 & MIL Minimi Classic rearm costs to 30 ammo points per boxmag, instead of 25. SquadMaps is a website to display all the maps and layers in Squad. Squad's v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Fixed a minor UI issue with a typo for the kit limit warning for Auto Rifleman, it should read unlocked and not unclocked. Added WASD input zoom sensitivity scaling to open top vehicle turrets and emplacements. Adjusted the MEA BRDM-2, MEA BMP-2, MEA BMP-1, MEA Ural-4320 & RUS Woodland BMP-2 hull textures to improve the resolution on small details like the lamp, turret cloth and track wheels. Updated all muzzle flashes to now kick up much more dust after sustained firing. This updated grass is currently found on Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Mestia. Fixed an issue with foliage popup at close distance. The one exception is Fallujah, where shadow render distance has not been extended, pending more extensive map optimizations. Fixed an issue where unintended high altitude wind SFX was playing across nearly the entire map. Fixed an issue with small ground clutter/rocks having too short of a culling range. Adjusted most soldier clothing materials to be more consistent with each other and to respond to light in a more physically accurate way. Adjusted all Tallil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Added new map layer: Narva Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, using a unique flag lattice with under-utilised Points of Interest. Updated the HAB ghost placement mesh to include exit point indicators. Updated minimap with intent to make height more readable, also now features trees. Squad Maps This patch adds the new Harju Map to the game. Added new explosive splash damage against infantry upon vehicle destruction. ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the actual synced projectile. a UGL impact getting perceived the same as a Tandem rocket). Complete overhaul of the technical and artistic approach to lighting. Fixed an issue with an archway that was too low to walk under at grid H6-4-9. Updated the RUS/INS/MIL BRDM Spandrel to use a new firing sound. Now with well over 100 distinct layer configurations, Hawks RAAS Rework is the perfect supplement to any server, giving you a classic Squad experience with a new twist. Fixed an issue with a compound buildings floor and ceiling incorrectly displaying metal sheeting material at grid O5-5-1. RAAS v07. Updated the MEA G3 Rifle series firing sounds. Fixed a minor visual issue with a corner brick wall asset having a bad UV material. Fixed an issue with road/railroad culling distances being very low. Each factions deployables will have a different colour scheme depending on which biome the map belongs to: Forest, Desert, or Snow. However, if you experience any of these 3 bugs still in v2.12, please report on the Discord/Forums. This fix will force the server to re-acknowledge the data, which means there will be increased bandwidth usage after a seamless travel (map change). Also updated is the Buddy Boost feature, with a focus on making it easier to use. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Squad Lanes Destroying RAAS :: Squad Game Owner Discussion Fixed a minor issue with the INS Hab lacking bullet collision on the backfaces. Designers Note: The intention with this change is to incur a more noticeable effect on soldier stamina when navigating obstacles, to bring more nuance to stamina management and navigating terrain. Fixed clipping issues/exploits with rocks at grid C4-1-3, G6-8-7. These new effects should be more visible at distances and will linger with the wind for ~12 seconds. Kamdesh RAAS v4 Fixed respawn time of an MEA MTLB 6MA (was incorrectly 10 seconds, now 6 minutes). Harju. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. RAAS v08. Fixed a minor issue with team tickets going into negative value space under certain conditions on the match end scoreboard. All infantry inside the restriction zone can take damage from projectiles and anything else that causes damage. Updated the Manic-5 landscape, replacing the older landscape terrain shader with a new and improved shader which should offer a higher quality look. Fixed a minor gameplay issue with a blocking volume for the sewer that was slightly blocking the street above. Updated several map layers which were displaying vehicles bundled in groups in the vehicle card list info. Adjusted the North American biome street signs and cones to ignore collision with vehicles, to be consistent with all other biomes small street signs. The capture progress bar will also be hidden to indicate the flag is no longer valid to capture. This is linked to the moment a FOB starts getting de-shoveled / HAB deactivated. This will now be enabled by default on all server platforms and will aid in gathering information to address the critical Linux crash issues. Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point, relative to the other team. Design Intention: This is intended to make it harder to spot soldiers using deployables for cover. Updated the map camera location on all Anvil gameplay map layers, its been raised up by 50m to avoid any exploitation of its location in finding enemy Radio/RP/footsteps while on deploy menu. Alt-tabbing out of Squad during a loading screen freezes the Player (client). Fixed a minor visual issue with a concrete doorway trench arch static which had an incorrect setup for LOD1 normal maps. Added Atmospheric Scattering to all maps, which improves ambient lighting and the shading of distant objects such as mountains. A "lock" icon will appear over a capture zone when a team . Please note that the associated quality and performance tradeoffs have similarly changed. more than 100 rounds if they respawn with an empty kit. GB FV510 IFV was particularly susceptible to this issue. !vote start - Starts a vote with 6 layers, random modes. SMV Layers: See Discussion for SMV layer list - [LayerName_SMV] Credits For the Killfeed and Stickycam System ProMod Team - DevilsD - Arkanoid - Steez Popular Discussions View All (3) 0 Feb 21 @ 12:36am Updated map to use new grass & adjusted the scale of the grass. This will be addressed in a future update. This draws focus to the action and enhances the look of visual effects. Afterwards it becomes AAS,(assuming if you remember the next objective location). RAAS v08. Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. garding exported NetGUIDs and Seamless Travel. Upgrade package for defensive deployables. Updated the Fireteam notifications to include more detailed info such as: Mention the promotion if you are the new FTL. Updated the MIL/INS AK74 with 1P29 to once again have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 400m, in increments of 100m. This was related to the v2.0 layer overhaul vehicle spawners vehicle type authorizations. Fixed an issue with some fences culling at too short-range at grid H10-3-5. Adjusted the building in grid F8-4-9 to now have an open access point. This gives the ambient lighting much better colour and contrast, which ensures that it fits the sky colour, and greatly improves the quality of the sky. Potential Fix for a client crash related to network messages when joining a squad. RAAS v03. Optimization: Blur shader no longer costs performance when not in ADS. Updated the USA/GB/CAF M136 AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT damage value. Squad is a tactical first-person shooter made by Offworld Industries, a game developer comprised of several people who helped create the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2. Mention the demotion if you are no longer the FTL. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. Standard and Far Shadows have been replaced with more optimized Cascade Shadow Maps. Skorpo is a map featured in Squad. This, The deploy screen squad list will sometimes display incorrect players that are not actually in the squad. Fixed a minor issue with floating grass in the Tunnel. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. RAAS v11. Fixed a floating concrete platform at Shipping Yard grid G3-7-5. Note: autocannon are unchanged and still use a 50cm kill zone radius. Squad Maps The intention is to give the Defenders a larger range of choices that they must make in the opening moments of an invasion battle, which includes a deeper risk/reward assessment. Fixed a wall segment having a missing face at grid I7-8-9. RAAS v06. Adjusted the INS RPD ammo cost per boxmag to 15 ammo points, instead of 11. No change in all vanilla settings. Various Kit icon issues Occasionally the kit and weapon in the deploy screen squad list will show up as a white square instead of the kit. Fixed a minor issue with dirty toilet water seeping through the wall. Chora RAAS v3 features old school F88 Rifles. USA now has 2x M939. This achieved brighter highlights, deeper shadows, greater contrast, and more accurate colour. Fixed smoothing groups, fixed dark baked in shadows in windows &. Added Dynamic Mesh Quality setting: Scales the quality of distant skeletal meshes, including soldiers, vehicles, and weapons. Soldier stamina regeneration will be paused until these actions complete. SQUAD UPDATE V2.15 RELEASE NOTES : Squad - joinsquad.com Fixed an issue with RUS Tigr and GB LPPV where the open turret hatches were transmitting damage to the vehicle hull, this will no longer happen. The Most Underrated Mod Since The Start Of Open Modding While in AAS the flag layout is static and always the same for a map layer, in RAAS the flag layout is randomized and will be different every time you play. GitHub - fantinodavide/squad-js-map-vote Fixed floating shovel and no water sfx sound on inlet. Updated the Standard Lighting so FX emissive bloom can be adjusted by material instance brightness where needed. The most obvious part of the v2.15 Update is the much anticipated release of the Australian Army. Fixed an issue with cliffs having a collision that is far off the actual terrain at grid G6-8-8. Hopefully, this issue should be resolved now. Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point than the other team. At ease, Offworld Industries Changelog Amphibious Gameplay and Water Interaction This update primarily showcases amphibious functionality Summary Join the marine forces in amphibious assaults from ships off the coast. !vote restart - Restarts voting with 6 random maps and modes. Only the admin cam has special caster features. Fixed an issue with back blast VFX, where the bounding boxes were making these effects flicker off at certain angles. Fixed an issue with Graphic settings to ensure contact shadows are always on for low and medium shadow quality. Fixed an issue with multiple vehicles turret armor meshes, which were not synchronized with the actual gun and shield movement. Tunnels are now darker in general, to better represent these CQB areas. RAAS v04. Random Advance and Secure (in short, RAAS) is one of the primary game modes in Squad and very similar to Advance and Secure (AAS). Design Intention: Encourage teamwork within and between squads by incentivizing capturing points en masse, and give squads a reason to stick together when back-capping on initial rollout. One squad leader is usually trying to pull the team together and getting yelled at by the other squad leaders, who are doing nothing productive, for losing everyone the game. RAAS v03. Adjusted MEA SL 01 pistol to have 2+1 mags, instead of 1+1 mags. Added new landscape shader & landscape textures. Removed Eye Adaptation from all layers to reduce exploits and allow for balanced gameplay in all areas. Another gameplay change to note is that soldier stamina will no longer regenerate while vaulting and climbing, with stamina regeneration paused during these activities. We felt that this was necessary to offset the lighting and foliage changes, which can make spotting enemies more difficult. Fixed a minor issue with a floating ammo crate at US main on Tallil Invasion v3. We have updated the capture speed to scale with the number of players. Added a new landscape shader and new landscape textures. Fixed a minor issue where ticket values would sometimes appear in the negative at the end of a round. Updated the landscape terrain shader to a new and improved version. Adjusted the protection zones on Tallil Skirmish v1 and v2 to be larger, to help mitigate issues with Main spawn camping. Added 2 new Gorodok RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Gorodok RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), CAF Gorodok RAAS v3 (CAF vs USA). RAAS v06. Fixed an issue with large jitters happening in the Vehicle Commander Seats of IFVs and Tanks. Local/Offline issues currently have a lower priority. Improved the micro terrain across the entire landscape. Overall this change should discourage rushing flags by increasing the chances of encountering a full squad on the point, rather than a lone enemy on back-cap duty. Fixed a minor issue with CAF SL Pilot & CAF SL Crewman not having tracers for their rifles. We plan to push a full localization pass in a future release as we lock down the text that needs to be translated for the game. The knowledge of Squad Lanes would still be both in the heads of experienced SLs and not so easy to access. The layer is focused on light vehicle combat, each team has access to up to 20 light vehicles (CAF TAPV and RUS Tigr). Adjusted the volume of the tire sliding sound for all wheeled vehicles to reduce annoying skidding audio. Smoke, grass, bushes and other foliage will now be blown around when a helicopter hovers low to the ground during flybys / landings. All armor piercing projectiles use another set of piercing more destructive sounds. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay with a hole in the rock face that could be shot through at Fishing Village grid D9-1-1. Clarified the requirement for Combat Engineer explosives. We have completely reworked the games handling of dynamic shadows. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay AAS v1 with tilted helipads at the RUS main. The quality and performance cost of this effect are controlled by Post Process Quality. This crash is currently not reproducible. Most noticeable when aiming down weapon sights, bipoded, using emplacements, or looking through a vehicle viewport. Exit Indicators will change colour from green to red to indicate when an obstacle obstructs the arrows position, which is an indication that the doorway may be partially or completely blocked to players. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Updated all muzzle flashes to be larger, brighter, and more consistent. Steam Community :: Guide :: RAAS Meta Explained Fixed a gameplay issue where in some circumstances, projectiles were dealing double damage to vehicles. Additionally, when leaving the UAV camera, they hear all of the local audio broadcasts at the same time, originating from the point where they were initially transmitted from even if the person doing the transmission has moved afterward. Fixed a minor issue on Logar Valley Insurgency v1 where the RUS Main Repair Station is crooked. Now they should block traces with the visibility channel. Updated landscape to be rockier across the entire landscape. Updated a few maps to use new grass. !vote cancel - Cancels current round of voting. Fallujah Fixed a detached wall segment at grid G5-3-2. Added a new visual aesthetic effect for helicopters the rotor wash of helicopter blades should now interact with the environment. Improved and optimized texture quality scaling. Fixed an issue with decorative stones causing issues with players crawling into the collisionless mesh by reducing the overall scale/size of these objects. Easily installed this mod works to correct debilitating Raas layers. Create Infographic with the information below: Added a Depth of Field (DoF) effect. Updated Fortification POI by removing a Ural truck inside a barn to allow for potential HAB placement. Fixed a minor issue with a shipping container that was blocking a doorway in grid G5-3-1. V2.11 mods will not work with v2.12 and could potentially crash Squad before it was able to launch the Main Menu. Updated landscapes are currently found on Manic-5, Mestia, Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Anvil. Squad Maps Now many of these faction setups will be displayed on individual lines, except for when a team has many of several vehicle types: IE Invasion layers with many Minsk bikes or Logis. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. Fixed an issue with columns having z-fighting issues on the rooftop of the Warehouse. I put this together for a couple reasons, partially out of personal interest in how some of the stranger layers function but also because of how often I see newer players struggle with . Increased the update rate of particles at all quality levels. Fixed an issue with ragdoll momentum, where previously the ragdoll would not maintain its forward momentum, this momentum should now be maintained. Fixed an issue where excessive landscape DFAO was applied to meshes intersecting the landscape, which manifested as a harsh line in the distance. TC v2. This addressed a number of visual bugs. Cons: Very exposed / prominent position which is easy to target with area effect weapons.

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