Special Forces pulls new pistols from service after soldier - CBC And I suspect at end of day this recent P320 one will be identified as a negligent discharge or from weapons from 2017 where owners failed to . The trigger bar has to push up on it, for it to release. Much has been made of Nimoys Spock being the most popular character in TOS, but Id argue that without Shatners over-the-top swagger and brash manner, the balance would be lost. I cant stand Glocks but SIG P320s are junk. People who know how to handle guns prudently and safely. And they would not have done that for no reason at all. Canadian soldier. (It wasnt my gun). No picture for me. The sheriff's office said its investigation found no mechanical problems with its deputy's gun. The pistol is popular with commercial gun owners and law enforcement south of the border. Search Texas Statutes. But I hope Sig fights it until the bitterest of ends. So far I have only heard of one instance (post fix) where there was an ND and the post mortem on the gun demonstrating a mechanical failure. Result: Sig P320 goes off when dropped and shoots people. Hilton has filed a $15 million lawsuit alleging the P320 has a serious design and manufacturing flaw. They did, however, note that when they were contacted by ABC, the company pointed out specific circumstances that were subsequently uncovered in the investigations of a number of these incidents. Grow up, you aint all that! It was one of the first ones and was sent back as a voluntary upgrade. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. This guy had been working at the LGS for over a decade and never had an AD or ND, he was the strictest when it came to safety. That could happen easily. As for the Serpa holster, this is a bunch of internet echo chamber BS that originated with Obama-era federal agencies putting a bad light on a good product in order to sway public opinion and thus damage the manufacturers bottom line. Bravo. Weird how that might happen. They admitted their problem and fixed it. Trigger is lighter than the Glock, it took years of aggressive training to reach the point of acceptable discharges with the Glock. Good job! Ive seen similar situations at our Municipal range. You couldnt ask questions. They wouldnt have adopted it if was. DND/CAF is not in a position at this stage in its investigation to offer insight into the potential causes because our investigation scope is broader than the technical aspect pertaining to the unintended discharge of the pistol.. But as Officer Hilton says, There is no way anything could have gotten into my purseinto the trigger guard and pulled that trigger., This ABC report includes an interview with Joshua Harrison, a firearms expert hired by the network to examine the P320s design and give his opinion of its safety. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/dea-agent-lee-paige-still-wont-go-away/. Circumstances that explained those un-commanded discharges.. NEWINGTON - A Hillsboro man is suing Newington gunmaker Sig Sauer alleging his Sig P320 pistol fired, without him pulling the trigger, causing a bullet to be discharged into his thigh. Theres a couple of possibilities. The Milwaukee Police Department reports "multiple unexplained accidental discharges" of the Sig Sauer P320 9mm, a gun all officers are required to carry, making for more than 1,600 firearms. Yaaay! The latest of these suits was filed last week in US District Court in Massachusetts. Funny how that works. Sigs are crap! I dont own a Glock or a SIG and am not a fanboy of either. I have almost a hatred for Glocks but the one thing that they are is reliable. Cars have so many electronics these days, who knows what could have gone wrong! Yes, a lot of police officers only shoot when they have to for qual. Charlton posted to the online commercial forum Canadian Gun Nutz, describing the CBC News piece as inaccurate and promising SIG Sauer would release a statement. He was told to shoot two rounds. You need a lead that can be the lightening rod and not be afraid to make an ass of themselvesit give the watcher permission to take it seriously. Heres the version of the report that ran later that night, during ABCs Nightline program . I dont consider the drop-bang issue a failure and Sigs response was actually above any real need, except to perhaps deflect any easy wins for slime ambulance chasers I get that. It offers the quality and reliability of Sig Sauer, with a tried and true striker system and ingenious features that make it a novel gun. Capitol Police Officers Explanation for Shooting and Killing Ashli Babbitt Is Riddled With Problems, The City of Wichita Raked In Almost $200,000 Selling Seized Guns in the Last Five Years, State Judge Issues Order Blocking Enforcement of Illinois Firearms Ban Act Statewide, Federal Judge Grants Injunction Blocking Enforcement of ATFs Frame or Receiver Rule, Illinois Rep. Bob Morgan: Anything Stamped M&P is a Weapon of War, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ZZ6pynGLM, https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/dea-agent-lee-paige-still-wont-go-away/, https://sofrep.com/news/dod-evaluation-says-armys-new-sig-sauer-p320-service-pistol-riddled-issues/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0LUbLu6TqA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsu6WsSQ2_g, https://millsentertainment.smugmug.com/William-Shatner-The-Wrath-of-Khan. Finger on the trigger and muzzle discipline are sometimes unheralded. While good firearms training and practices among law enforcement officers is certainly the case much of the time, weve seen far too many instances over the years of un-safe or downright dangerous practices by allegedly highly trained individuals to apply that kind of blanket endorsement to all cops or alphabet agency employees. Again the Far Right Stupidity and hypocrisy is infinite. And it doesnt take too much Googling to find plenty of reports of LEOs suing the Georgia company as well (see here, here, here, and here for just a few). They both underwent full testing but while the Sig was the cheaper handgun ($1.50), it also quoted higher costs for magazines and spare parts, boosting the overall cost of the acquisition. It has nothing to do with Glock. 2. Thats why NY demanded the NY Trigger be installed on Glocks before theyd buy them. The round went downrange so nobody was hurt. The second, longer version of the ABC story again included comments from Joshua Harrison, the consultant ABC hired to independently assess the P320. . The networks report didnt mention lawsuits filed by LEOs (or anyone else) against other gun makers claiming similar alleged design defects. If the gangster greed monger criminal Capitalvanians in the gun industry had their products under the jurisdiction of the consumer safety administration all the newer striker fired guns would never have been allowed on the market unless they had manual safeties and a safe take down system. Wont last!. What a wonderful parody of a MAC cultist! Third, Glock has had problems, too. As a striker-fired pistol, the P320 is "under constant pressure to fire," Bagnell said. About Those SIG P320 Lawsuits - The Truth About Guns After all, there are limits on complying with Rule 2 and even Rule 3, because a gun muzzle is ALWAYS covering something, somewhere, and ALWAYS knowing what lies beyondperhaps FAR beyonda possible target is an impossibility. Sig P320 Accidental Discharge 2021 Perhaps nothing speaks more clearly to the need for a total recall than the fact that in 2021, over four years after Sig Sauer offered its voluntary upgrade, people are still suffering injuries and lawsuits continue to be filed. A fine of up to $10,000. I was tempted to buy one at one time but no more. On Thursday, M.D. Its not happening on your person without some catastrophic event. Keep the phrase legal momentum in mind. The American manufacturer of the new pistols belonging to Canadas special forces claims the soldier wounded in an accidental discharge last fall was using the wrong holster for the weapon. First off, no joke on me. Its also beyond debate that current production Sig quality is drastically inferior to what it once was, particularly the German made pieces. Get a dead trigger when the striker breaks. Many gun makers have had issues with drop firing, unintended discharge, bad safeties This is a resource I compiled of semi-auto pistols that have been recalled or Upgraded for Safety related problems like Drop Firing, Safeties that Malfunction, Risk of Accidental Discharge, etc. All chasing that pot of gold at the end of litigation.. Not that big of a stretch when considering the lawyers beating the bushs for clients to add to the lawsuits, and the fact many of them will lose their jobs if its proven to NOT be the gun, but instead negligence on their part. Maybe in South America a poor military did, but thatd be about it. First, clearing a loaded firearm with a finger over the muzzle doesnt exhibit even cursory adherence to the Four Rules. Anyway my question for $600 would be: Did you have your 3rd wife killed? Were not saying that the suits against GLOCK are any more (or less) substantiated than those against SIG. The Hide Armory. Theres also an un-named Texas gun shop manager who says a P320 fired as he cleared the weapon, blowing off one of his fingers. Such being the case, there very well may BE in inherent design flaw in the gun; We shouldnt just cast the thought aside as being beyond consideration and insist on blaming the problem on operator error.. The Collette suit, for example, lists 39 such discharges, all but five of which involved law enforcement officers. three changes to the original design. Too Many Accidents It somehow moved to the hinges of the desk. The Nightline segment includes an interview with Major Peter Villani, an expert (paid) witness for Hilton. Maybe its a technical issue, maybe its a training issue. The details are not out yet, but they use Glocks, and I will make a good bet that her trigger finger did the deed. Fundamentally, the bits that the ambulance chaser claims are flawed function exactly the same way as a S&W M&P. They have hundreds of thousands of P320s in regular service now and, despite a search, we couldnt find a rash of reports of soldiers claiming their pistols are firing on their own. Sounds like these officers and others are attempting to cover their posteriors. The guys at the LGS saw only one broken striker but it confirmed what the manager who had the P320 go off and my thoughts. But were way past the days of major league, internationally known gunmakers turning out complete crap, selling it and the public living with it. Fair enough. The more someone touches, loads, clears, cleans, holsters, un-holsters, or otherwise deals with their firearm, the higher the statistical likelihood that complacence kicks in. Pistol misfire that injured soldier was an unpredictable accident - CBC saw the video, doesnt explain how it bypasses striker pin safety. He is acting as a consultant in the Collette suit that was filed last week. I guess none got her the attention she wanted and a national coverage so she went in for the bang. On Nov. 5, 2020, a recently-purchased SIG Sauer P320 pistol went off unexpectedly at a training range in Dwyer Hill, outside of Ottawa. Fine. Police Department, was wounded when his P320 duty gun discharged without a trigger pull while he was carrying it in a gym bag wrapped carefully with a cloth. Officer Collette was wounded in his left leg. Alec Baldwin fatally shot a cinematographer and injured a director with a prop gun on the set of the film "Rust" and the distraught actor repeatedly asked afterwards why he . Withe the P320 Sigs contract was $169.5 million, $103 million cheaper then Glock. Sig fanboys are almost as bad as Glock fanboys. Oct 20, 2022 #36 ; vh20 said: . Sig P320 Accidental Discharge Problem | SIG Talk Legal Penalties. Folks disagree on brands. No autographs, No self taken pictures. An x-ray (fluoroscope) of the mechanism in operation could show what, if anything, is happening inside the gun that might prove, or disprove, the contention that the gun is flawed. They have similar vertical sear engagement, but the M&P has more engagement width wise. LEO handguns get into struggles, they get laid and rolled on, they get smacked into vehicles/doorways, they get dropped, they get drawn and holstered way more often than their civilian counterparts. But it hardly indicts the P320 as a badly engineered weapon or that its worse than another brand. Post again when you buy a real gun that you can defend yourself with. So I give a ton of credit to Shatner for reading the reality of what it was and in essence, saving it. There are several stories about her in the news for various no reasons, she must be throwing them out by a dozen. Sig Sauer Refuses to Recall Its P320 Handgun - The Stoddard Firm Ditto; that's what i was getting at earlier Bear007 Custom Aug 25, 2021 #18 Hes talking about trial lawyers recruiting clients whove experienced negligent discharges with P320s and suing the gun manufacturer. He said hes a gun owner and a concealed carry permit holder. If the latter were to occur, the drop safety would prevent discharge because it would not be pushed up by anything. Theres just too much other paraphernalia bouncing around in there. If you can make the trigger move backwards, all bets are off. Bagnell also represented Virginia Sheriffs Deputy Marcie Vadnais who sued SIG when she said her P320 went off on its own when she was removing the weapon from her belt. Vadnais was featured in the Nightline version of ABCs report. To be sure, Ive informally asked every other owner of a Serpa holster when I meet them, whether they have ever had an ND because of the holster. Who knows. Its pathetic how often these legal stunts work. Whats this silly BS? and youve gotten this far reading our thread. To give you an example of early self-propelled lawn mowers if you lost your grip on the handles the mower would not shut off and it would take off on its own right down the street all by itself. But now, P320 is the subject. Police officers (maybe) do an annual qualification and thats it. One of the officers a few years ago was carrying his P320 in a P226 holster that he took a Dremel to make the P320 fit. How many times did Shatner actually watch it? The problems associate with those pistols (and the P365) have long since been ironed out. Wheee!!. I have been purchasing and using Sig firearms exclusively for over 40 years. The P320 Voluntary Upgrade Program is a SIG SAUER initiative to upgrade P320 pistols at no additional cost . Neither argument is relevant or very intelligent and certainly not useful. The drop-bang thing only happened at a very narrow event window, it was only once the Internet doom-preachers figured out that narrow window and did it over and over online did it appear to be a thing. Sig adapted and changed the pistol sufficiently to prevent even that issue. Sig Sauer P320 [Review+Video]: Worth It? - Pew Pew Tactical I lost $150 dumping that gun and Sig instead of acknowledging that it had a problem and calling it a recall, denied all and everything and called it a voluntary upgrade., At my LGS a P320 just went off when one of the guys put it the counter when he set up a target. P320 Accidental Discharge Still an Issue : r/SigSauer - reddit Remember the stupidity of the far right is infinite and the blind greed of the gun makers prove they could not care less about human life and suffering. I can say one thing for sure, the X on the side of the my is about is welcoming to me as grip zone was. The weapon had a history of going off unexpectedly when it was dropped at a certain angle. Face it, you paid far too much for a plastic gun. You simply may not PREFER one make to another, or may simply dislike another make, but were to the point in semi-auto pistol production history where amongst the big brands, the only real distinctions are preference. Why are Milwaukee police Sig Sauer guns accidentally going off? This website has been messed up all week so that might be the problem in replying. Its the expert who gets caught up in the routine and stops paying attention. Nope. Contacted late Friday, a spokeswoman for special forces said the investigation is still ongoing and would not confirm the companys findings. So even if, as the ambulance chaser claims, the striker leg could vibrate off of the sear face, it could not discharge unless the drop safety was also disengaged because the drop safety prevents movement of the striker sufficient to make the firing pin protrude from the breech face. Sig P320 discharge while holstered. Carrying a handgun in a purse, particularly one that isnt designed specifically to carry a firearm, is problematic at best. It was at that point that I knew the gun had a design flaw. So your fanboy perjorative falls not only flat but false. (a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly discharges a firearm inside the corporate limits of a municipality having a population of 100,000 or more. Voice Over Work Sydney, Why Do My Fingertips Smell Like Garlic, What Happened To Chuckie's Mom In Rugrats, How To Reference A Hospital Policy In Apa, Taylor From Catfish Dead, Articles S

sig p320 accidental discharge 2021

2. Harrison stated that, I have not seen enough to convince me that the upgraded version is dangerous., When ABCs David Scott asked Harrison if its a mystery whats going wrong with the updated version though Harrison had just stated the upgraded pistol isnt dangerous Harrison said, I do not have an explanation for why the updated version should have complaints from trained individuals. Happy with my old S&W revolvers, 3rd Gen S&W pistols,1911s and a slew of P226s. When he put his hand on the grip, the weapon fired, according to the lawsuit. Special Forces pulls new pistols from service after soldier - CBC And I suspect at end of day this recent P320 one will be identified as a negligent discharge or from weapons from 2017 where owners failed to . The trigger bar has to push up on it, for it to release. Much has been made of Nimoys Spock being the most popular character in TOS, but Id argue that without Shatners over-the-top swagger and brash manner, the balance would be lost. I cant stand Glocks but SIG P320s are junk. People who know how to handle guns prudently and safely. And they would not have done that for no reason at all. Canadian soldier. (It wasnt my gun). No picture for me. The sheriff's office said its investigation found no mechanical problems with its deputy's gun. The pistol is popular with commercial gun owners and law enforcement south of the border. Search Texas Statutes. But I hope Sig fights it until the bitterest of ends. So far I have only heard of one instance (post fix) where there was an ND and the post mortem on the gun demonstrating a mechanical failure. Result: Sig P320 goes off when dropped and shoots people. Hilton has filed a $15 million lawsuit alleging the P320 has a serious design and manufacturing flaw. They did, however, note that when they were contacted by ABC, the company pointed out specific circumstances that were subsequently uncovered in the investigations of a number of these incidents. Grow up, you aint all that! It was one of the first ones and was sent back as a voluntary upgrade. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. This guy had been working at the LGS for over a decade and never had an AD or ND, he was the strictest when it came to safety. That could happen easily. As for the Serpa holster, this is a bunch of internet echo chamber BS that originated with Obama-era federal agencies putting a bad light on a good product in order to sway public opinion and thus damage the manufacturers bottom line. Bravo. Weird how that might happen. They admitted their problem and fixed it. Trigger is lighter than the Glock, it took years of aggressive training to reach the point of acceptable discharges with the Glock. Good job! Ive seen similar situations at our Municipal range. You couldnt ask questions. They wouldnt have adopted it if was. DND/CAF is not in a position at this stage in its investigation to offer insight into the potential causes because our investigation scope is broader than the technical aspect pertaining to the unintended discharge of the pistol.. But as Officer Hilton says, There is no way anything could have gotten into my purseinto the trigger guard and pulled that trigger., This ABC report includes an interview with Joshua Harrison, a firearms expert hired by the network to examine the P320s design and give his opinion of its safety. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/dea-agent-lee-paige-still-wont-go-away/. Circumstances that explained those un-commanded discharges.. NEWINGTON - A Hillsboro man is suing Newington gunmaker Sig Sauer alleging his Sig P320 pistol fired, without him pulling the trigger, causing a bullet to be discharged into his thigh. Theres a couple of possibilities. The Milwaukee Police Department reports "multiple unexplained accidental discharges" of the Sig Sauer P320 9mm, a gun all officers are required to carry, making for more than 1,600 firearms. Yaaay! The latest of these suits was filed last week in US District Court in Massachusetts. Funny how that works. Sigs are crap! I dont own a Glock or a SIG and am not a fanboy of either. I have almost a hatred for Glocks but the one thing that they are is reliable. Cars have so many electronics these days, who knows what could have gone wrong! Yes, a lot of police officers only shoot when they have to for qual. Charlton posted to the online commercial forum Canadian Gun Nutz, describing the CBC News piece as inaccurate and promising SIG Sauer would release a statement. He was told to shoot two rounds. You need a lead that can be the lightening rod and not be afraid to make an ass of themselvesit give the watcher permission to take it seriously. Heres the version of the report that ran later that night, during ABCs Nightline program . I dont consider the drop-bang issue a failure and Sigs response was actually above any real need, except to perhaps deflect any easy wins for slime ambulance chasers I get that. It offers the quality and reliability of Sig Sauer, with a tried and true striker system and ingenious features that make it a novel gun. Capitol Police Officers Explanation for Shooting and Killing Ashli Babbitt Is Riddled With Problems, The City of Wichita Raked In Almost $200,000 Selling Seized Guns in the Last Five Years, State Judge Issues Order Blocking Enforcement of Illinois Firearms Ban Act Statewide, Federal Judge Grants Injunction Blocking Enforcement of ATFs Frame or Receiver Rule, Illinois Rep. Bob Morgan: Anything Stamped M&P is a Weapon of War, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-ZZ6pynGLM, https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/dea-agent-lee-paige-still-wont-go-away/, https://sofrep.com/news/dod-evaluation-says-armys-new-sig-sauer-p320-service-pistol-riddled-issues/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0LUbLu6TqA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jsu6WsSQ2_g, https://millsentertainment.smugmug.com/William-Shatner-The-Wrath-of-Khan. Finger on the trigger and muzzle discipline are sometimes unheralded. While good firearms training and practices among law enforcement officers is certainly the case much of the time, weve seen far too many instances over the years of un-safe or downright dangerous practices by allegedly highly trained individuals to apply that kind of blanket endorsement to all cops or alphabet agency employees. Again the Far Right Stupidity and hypocrisy is infinite. And it doesnt take too much Googling to find plenty of reports of LEOs suing the Georgia company as well (see here, here, here, and here for just a few). They both underwent full testing but while the Sig was the cheaper handgun ($1.50), it also quoted higher costs for magazines and spare parts, boosting the overall cost of the acquisition. It has nothing to do with Glock. 2. Thats why NY demanded the NY Trigger be installed on Glocks before theyd buy them. The round went downrange so nobody was hurt. The second, longer version of the ABC story again included comments from Joshua Harrison, the consultant ABC hired to independently assess the P320. . The networks report didnt mention lawsuits filed by LEOs (or anyone else) against other gun makers claiming similar alleged design defects. If the gangster greed monger criminal Capitalvanians in the gun industry had their products under the jurisdiction of the consumer safety administration all the newer striker fired guns would never have been allowed on the market unless they had manual safeties and a safe take down system. Wont last!. What a wonderful parody of a MAC cultist! Third, Glock has had problems, too. As a striker-fired pistol, the P320 is "under constant pressure to fire," Bagnell said. About Those SIG P320 Lawsuits - The Truth About Guns After all, there are limits on complying with Rule 2 and even Rule 3, because a gun muzzle is ALWAYS covering something, somewhere, and ALWAYS knowing what lies beyondperhaps FAR beyonda possible target is an impossibility. Sig P320 Accidental Discharge 2021 Perhaps nothing speaks more clearly to the need for a total recall than the fact that in 2021, over four years after Sig Sauer offered its voluntary upgrade, people are still suffering injuries and lawsuits continue to be filed. A fine of up to $10,000. I was tempted to buy one at one time but no more. On Thursday, M.D. Its not happening on your person without some catastrophic event. Keep the phrase legal momentum in mind. The American manufacturer of the new pistols belonging to Canadas special forces claims the soldier wounded in an accidental discharge last fall was using the wrong holster for the weapon. First off, no joke on me. Its also beyond debate that current production Sig quality is drastically inferior to what it once was, particularly the German made pieces. Get a dead trigger when the striker breaks. Many gun makers have had issues with drop firing, unintended discharge, bad safeties This is a resource I compiled of semi-auto pistols that have been recalled or Upgraded for Safety related problems like Drop Firing, Safeties that Malfunction, Risk of Accidental Discharge, etc. All chasing that pot of gold at the end of litigation.. Not that big of a stretch when considering the lawyers beating the bushs for clients to add to the lawsuits, and the fact many of them will lose their jobs if its proven to NOT be the gun, but instead negligence on their part. Maybe in South America a poor military did, but thatd be about it. First, clearing a loaded firearm with a finger over the muzzle doesnt exhibit even cursory adherence to the Four Rules. Anyway my question for $600 would be: Did you have your 3rd wife killed? Were not saying that the suits against GLOCK are any more (or less) substantiated than those against SIG. The Hide Armory. Theres also an un-named Texas gun shop manager who says a P320 fired as he cleared the weapon, blowing off one of his fingers. Such being the case, there very well may BE in inherent design flaw in the gun; We shouldnt just cast the thought aside as being beyond consideration and insist on blaming the problem on operator error.. The Collette suit, for example, lists 39 such discharges, all but five of which involved law enforcement officers. three changes to the original design. Too Many Accidents It somehow moved to the hinges of the desk. The Nightline segment includes an interview with Major Peter Villani, an expert (paid) witness for Hilton. Maybe its a technical issue, maybe its a training issue. The details are not out yet, but they use Glocks, and I will make a good bet that her trigger finger did the deed. Fundamentally, the bits that the ambulance chaser claims are flawed function exactly the same way as a S&W M&P. They have hundreds of thousands of P320s in regular service now and, despite a search, we couldnt find a rash of reports of soldiers claiming their pistols are firing on their own. Sounds like these officers and others are attempting to cover their posteriors. The guys at the LGS saw only one broken striker but it confirmed what the manager who had the P320 go off and my thoughts. But were way past the days of major league, internationally known gunmakers turning out complete crap, selling it and the public living with it. Fair enough. The more someone touches, loads, clears, cleans, holsters, un-holsters, or otherwise deals with their firearm, the higher the statistical likelihood that complacence kicks in. Pistol misfire that injured soldier was an unpredictable accident - CBC saw the video, doesnt explain how it bypasses striker pin safety. He is acting as a consultant in the Collette suit that was filed last week. I guess none got her the attention she wanted and a national coverage so she went in for the bang. On Nov. 5, 2020, a recently-purchased SIG Sauer P320 pistol went off unexpectedly at a training range in Dwyer Hill, outside of Ottawa. Fine. Police Department, was wounded when his P320 duty gun discharged without a trigger pull while he was carrying it in a gym bag wrapped carefully with a cloth. Officer Collette was wounded in his left leg. Alec Baldwin fatally shot a cinematographer and injured a director with a prop gun on the set of the film "Rust" and the distraught actor repeatedly asked afterwards why he . Withe the P320 Sigs contract was $169.5 million, $103 million cheaper then Glock. Sig fanboys are almost as bad as Glock fanboys. Oct 20, 2022 #36 ; vh20 said: . Sig P320 Accidental Discharge Problem | SIG Talk Legal Penalties. Folks disagree on brands. No autographs, No self taken pictures. An x-ray (fluoroscope) of the mechanism in operation could show what, if anything, is happening inside the gun that might prove, or disprove, the contention that the gun is flawed. They have similar vertical sear engagement, but the M&P has more engagement width wise. LEO handguns get into struggles, they get laid and rolled on, they get smacked into vehicles/doorways, they get dropped, they get drawn and holstered way more often than their civilian counterparts. But it hardly indicts the P320 as a badly engineered weapon or that its worse than another brand. Post again when you buy a real gun that you can defend yourself with. So I give a ton of credit to Shatner for reading the reality of what it was and in essence, saving it. There are several stories about her in the news for various no reasons, she must be throwing them out by a dozen. Sig Sauer Refuses to Recall Its P320 Handgun - The Stoddard Firm Ditto; that's what i was getting at earlier Bear007 Custom Aug 25, 2021 #18 Hes talking about trial lawyers recruiting clients whove experienced negligent discharges with P320s and suing the gun manufacturer. He said hes a gun owner and a concealed carry permit holder. If the latter were to occur, the drop safety would prevent discharge because it would not be pushed up by anything. Theres just too much other paraphernalia bouncing around in there. If you can make the trigger move backwards, all bets are off. Bagnell also represented Virginia Sheriffs Deputy Marcie Vadnais who sued SIG when she said her P320 went off on its own when she was removing the weapon from her belt. Vadnais was featured in the Nightline version of ABCs report. To be sure, Ive informally asked every other owner of a Serpa holster when I meet them, whether they have ever had an ND because of the holster. Who knows. Its pathetic how often these legal stunts work. Whats this silly BS? and youve gotten this far reading our thread. To give you an example of early self-propelled lawn mowers if you lost your grip on the handles the mower would not shut off and it would take off on its own right down the street all by itself. But now, P320 is the subject. Police officers (maybe) do an annual qualification and thats it. One of the officers a few years ago was carrying his P320 in a P226 holster that he took a Dremel to make the P320 fit. How many times did Shatner actually watch it? The problems associate with those pistols (and the P365) have long since been ironed out. Wheee!!. I have been purchasing and using Sig firearms exclusively for over 40 years. The P320 Voluntary Upgrade Program is a SIG SAUER initiative to upgrade P320 pistols at no additional cost . Neither argument is relevant or very intelligent and certainly not useful. The drop-bang thing only happened at a very narrow event window, it was only once the Internet doom-preachers figured out that narrow window and did it over and over online did it appear to be a thing. Sig adapted and changed the pistol sufficiently to prevent even that issue. Sig Sauer P320 [Review+Video]: Worth It? - Pew Pew Tactical I lost $150 dumping that gun and Sig instead of acknowledging that it had a problem and calling it a recall, denied all and everything and called it a voluntary upgrade., At my LGS a P320 just went off when one of the guys put it the counter when he set up a target. P320 Accidental Discharge Still an Issue : r/SigSauer - reddit Remember the stupidity of the far right is infinite and the blind greed of the gun makers prove they could not care less about human life and suffering. I can say one thing for sure, the X on the side of the my is about is welcoming to me as grip zone was. The weapon had a history of going off unexpectedly when it was dropped at a certain angle. Face it, you paid far too much for a plastic gun. You simply may not PREFER one make to another, or may simply dislike another make, but were to the point in semi-auto pistol production history where amongst the big brands, the only real distinctions are preference. Why are Milwaukee police Sig Sauer guns accidentally going off? This website has been messed up all week so that might be the problem in replying. Its the expert who gets caught up in the routine and stops paying attention. Nope. Contacted late Friday, a spokeswoman for special forces said the investigation is still ongoing and would not confirm the companys findings. So even if, as the ambulance chaser claims, the striker leg could vibrate off of the sear face, it could not discharge unless the drop safety was also disengaged because the drop safety prevents movement of the striker sufficient to make the firing pin protrude from the breech face. Sig P320 discharge while holstered. Carrying a handgun in a purse, particularly one that isnt designed specifically to carry a firearm, is problematic at best. It was at that point that I knew the gun had a design flaw. So your fanboy perjorative falls not only flat but false. (a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly discharges a firearm inside the corporate limits of a municipality having a population of 100,000 or more.

Voice Over Work Sydney, Why Do My Fingertips Smell Like Garlic, What Happened To Chuckie's Mom In Rugrats, How To Reference A Hospital Policy In Apa, Taylor From Catfish Dead, Articles S