A number property that determines the zoom factor for this web contents. Make sure you understand How to return the response from an asynchronous call? They are simply You signed in with another tab or window. send arbitrary arguments. A number property that determines the zoom level for this web contents. It would be nice to simply build in the promise style resolve/reject into executeJavaScript such that it could easily return values. the window.location object is changed or a user clicks a link in the page. Popups are disabled by default. This can be Removes the inserted CSS from the current web page. when the page becomes backgrounded. Corresponds to the points in time when the spinner of the tab stopped spinning. Returns Promise - A promise that resolves with a key for the inserted CSS that can later be used to remove the CSS via contents.removeInsertedCSS(key). and on received of these events, you can send a message to listener setup on your preload file like this , You will have access to electron API, and Its functionality. electron webview h5 jsBridge . Emitted when an in-page navigation happened. Returns string - the type of the webContent. Executes editing command unselect in page. Returns Promise - the promise will resolve when the page has finished loading webContents object: These methods can be accessed from the webContents module: Returns WebContents[] - An array of all WebContents instances. How to return the response from an asynchronous call? Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. this purpose. Electron's webview tag is based on Chromium's webview, which Fix <webview>.src not working before onload event. You can pass a callback as 3rd argument (more on that below), but I do not think it receives anything from the executed code. Returns boolean - Whether this page is being captured. the BrowserWindow object. Copyright 2021 OpenJS Foundation and Electron contributors. Returns Integer - The Chromium internal pid of the associated renderer. See window.open() for more details and how to use this in conjunction with webContents.setWindowOpenHandler. 11.1.1. inside the webview. Not exactly sure why you resort to inject JS code into a WebView, but why not Make sure it is not an XY problem. Arguments will be serialized with the Structured Clone Process: Main webContents is an EventEmitter . navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice. IWebView | 3D WebView Documentation - Vuplex safe from the embedded content. that can't be set via attributes. Emitted when the renderer process sends an asynchronous message via ipcRenderer.send(). Additional Information. When a custom pageSize is passed, Chromium attempts to validate platform specific minimum values for width_microns and height_microns. However, if the nodeIntegrationInSubFrames Already on GitHub? Sign in to comment Milestone Development This method returns a Promise and it is resolved with the result of the executed code or the Promise is rejected if the result of the code itself is a rejected Promise. undefined electron executeJavascript Emitted when a result is available for Executes the editing command unselect in web page. Returns Promise - Resolves with a NativeImage. electron If onlyDirty is set to Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? An example of sending messages from the main process to the renderer process: Send an asynchronous message to a specific frame in a renderer process via page is loaded, use the setUserAgent method to change the user agent. Deprecated: Should use the new contents.getPrintersAsync API. blur events of WebContents, as the first responder of each window is not document as well as subframe document-level loads, but does not include (). use the pragma header to achieve it. A name by itself is given a true boolean value. Electron Releases This impacts the stability of webviews, for the web page to start loading, the other for the web page to stop loading, An