D Day - V Corps - Order of battle Bn. The 294th landed in Normandy on D+ (June 7, 1944). January 4, 1945: Co "B" dismantled steel treadway bridge at NOISEUX, BELGIUM. In October 1943, the battalion left Boston for England and spent months in England training. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944. Co "B" constructed reinforced Heavy Ponton Bridge 465 ft. in length across the SEINE RIVER at MELUN in 9 hours and 30 minutes. understand the battlefield experiences and sacrifices of your WWII veteran and their military unit. Co "C" withdrew from position #11 and filled foxholes and emplacements of the position. - Co. "C" was relieved on road blocks by a Company from 294th Engr. As a photo-recon pilot, he was dispatched as soon as the attacks ended to search for the enemy fleet. 284th Combat Engineers constructed Class 40 Bailey Bridge at CHERAIN, BELGIUM. In March of 1943, fourteen young men from Saybrook enlisted in the army and left by bus for Fort Devens. We would like to share just a few words about another of Deep Rivers WWII veterans. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I would try Richard Horrell of WWII Connections. Engineer Combat Battalion - Wikipedia 14. August 12, 1944: Co "A" replaced flooring on Bailey Bridge at St. BEAUDELLA. This bridge remained in use until 1955. 9. The battalion was organized and under the command of only three captains. After a nerve-wracking mission to bomb Tokyo and a typhoon, B.E. Witness to War is a non-profit dedicated to preserving the oral histories of combat veterans through digital video interviews. 52. What a great way to start my Sunday; hearing from someone who was there in the flesh. Active: August 1941 - May 1943 July 1943 - April 1945: Country Nazi Germany Branch: Army Google Map of Major Ops of the 298th The Assault Force - The Normandy Invasion | U.S. Army Center of proceded [sic] on to the vicinity of MAYENNE arriving late in the afternoon. October 10, 1944: Co "A" occupied newly established blocks No's #6 - #7 - #8 - #9, as of 1300 hours. 54. June 21, 1944: Battalion moved to new bivouac in the vicinity of MONTEBURG. Battalion noun Any large body of troops. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. He sure did on Guadalcanal but he hopes some later generation will find a way to avoid war. The other patients and I raced outside and we saw the carnage. Our World War II veterans are dying at the rate of 1500 a day! His crew shot down a ME 109 just before we got there. I believe my father-in-law was in A Company. September 9, 1944: Bn. 125. At a R.J. approximately 2 miles East of MILLEY, the head of the column was ambushed by enemy infantry and tanks. Yours will be another great story for people to see. The battalion's motto is "Build, Support, Sustain!". 126. The 296th Engineer Combat Battalion was attached to 1101st and 1120th Engineer Combat Group, the 3rd Army, 1st Army, V Corps, and VII Corps during World War II. As he sat in solitary confinement waiting for interrogation, he was comforted by his faith. Section, and two squads of Co "C" resulting in their passing a point where they should have turned - at this point Co "A" took the lead and Co "C" joined the rear of the Bn. Several prisoners were captured in the vicinity. April 2, 1945: The Battalion was attached to the XVIII Airborne Corps as of 0800 hours. Holtum, Netherlands. 36. This society is an independent charitable organization. In the interim my dear, I would be happy to provide you with your own page, as I have done for so many of my other vet friends on the main site. Bill Garrison was standing in a chow line when a man up the line suddenly dropped, shot dead by a sniper. 87. moved to 3rd Armd. But the highlight for every guy in the outfit was building the largest bridge in the European Theater. The Bn. Bn. November 10, 1944: The Battalion was relieved of attachment to the 3rd Armored Division and attached to the 4th Infantry Division. In many (most) cases, names have been. 12. moved to a new bivouac in BELLEAU WOODS in the vicinity of CHATEAU-THIERRY. Stan left by bus from East Hampton, CT with 13 other boys from Deep River and entered active service in the Army on March 8, 1943, in Hartford, CT. November 28, 1944: Co "A" started construction of a Timber Trestle bridge under the Bailey Bridge in VICHT. 102. March 6, 1945: The Co "C" C.P. New bivouac was established in the vicinity of CERISY-LA-SALLE - Co. "B" bivouac area received several bomb hits at approximately 2330 hours. All men returned safely. The Battalion was subsequently inactivated on 28 November 1945 at Camp Kilmer, NJ. Many of them do not realize how lucky they are to have what they have and that INCLUDES full use of all five of their senses. 47. November 8 is Election Day and the Trustees of the Deep River Historical Society hope you all go out and VOTE. Alexander: The Story Of The 236th Battalion - Chattanoogan.com 1st Engineer Combat Battalion, 1st Infantry Division: 603rd Tank Company: 1st Engineer Regiment, 1st Division: 603rd Tank . Later, they were divorced and she had a series of lovers and, at one time, became America's ambassador to France. 70. 33. Co "B" was given the mission of cleaning the streets and Co "C" was given the mission of removing the railroad and building the road. Hannah Deutch was a teenager when the Kindertransport rescue effort became her means of escape from Germany. We slowly made out way West with the two Cutters alongside and landed in Argentia in Newfoundland. His very first mission turned out to be a memorable one. It was their third mission over Berlin and they were heading home. A brisk fire fight ensued until daylight. If you have additional information on the 294th I would like to share it with my father-in-law. . May 26, 2010 at 2:13 pm. 1 talking about this. 48. December 11, 1944: Bn. Army Superior Unit Award for 2005 (Hurricanes Katrina, This page was last edited on 7 June 2022, at 00:05. 24. Joe Izzillo- 4907 Europa Drive, Naples FL 34105- (239) 262-2778. About 400 miles east of Newfoundland, we hit a terrible storm with 70 foot seas. April 10, 1945: Co "B" removed the Steel Treadway Bridge at DRIESEL and constructed it again at WISSEN; construction was completed at 0530 hours April 11, 1945. John Canepa and the 297th Engineer Battalion 67. I have also visited with Jean Treasure in her home. 110. #1 of Companies A, B & C arrive at bivouac area in vicinity of St MARIE-DU-MONT. I remember walking in snow up to my crotch in Belgium. Reorganized and redesignated 1 April 1963 as Company B, 1st Battalion, 145th Infantry; Consolidated 15 February 1968 with Company D, 112th Engineer Battalion (organized and Federally recognized 13 February 1955 in Elyria); consolidated unit designated as Company D, 112th Engineer Battalion, and relieved from assignment to the 37th Infantry Division 128. Bn. Have you already requested personnel records from the archives? The battalion met little resistance across the river and quickly began constructing the bridge. Bn. 121. I fell in love with an English lass, Noreen, in Leicester. April 17, 1945: This day marked the end of the RHUR POCKET in which 315,000 Germans were captured. Waiting for the main part of his unit to catch up, he told soldiers he thought were sleeping to "Get up! He scrambled to his gun mount to man the 20 mm gun and then the threat became apparent. Organized by type of material, then chronologically, The collection contains a unit history and photographs regarding the 296th Engineer Combat Battalion of the United States (U.S.) Army during World War II. This incident was also kept secret until many years after the war when a local resident told of seeing hundreds of bodies being buried on the beach. This was the beginning of a painful journey to healing. March 10, 1945: Co "C" relieved of attachment to the 4th Cav. Bill Nolan from Portland knew his way around and brought Stan to his brother. Naturally, we were warned by security to keep quiet or we would end up being taken to Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas. 4. September 26, 1944: Co "C" attached to 297th Engr. An uneventful Christmas Eve for the 298th Engr. Shortly after, the battalion participated in two maneuvers in Louisiana, known as the "Louisiana Maneuvers"; there the battalion and its soldiers learned valuable lessons for war. ArmyAir Force/A.A.F.Marine CorpsNavyCoast GuardMerchant Marine, If Army Air Forces was your veteran How very nice to hear from you. July 17, 1944: Battalion moved to new bivouac at TRIBEHOU. On the grounds of the Digby estate was the 228th Station Hospital, which consisted of a bunch of Quonset huts. Co "C" attached to 297th Engr. Division. I have been flying since 1963. The Bn. This Veterans Day we give THANKS to all who have served our country and continue to recognize those 416 men and women who served Deep River during World War II. The 249th deployed teams to the Gulf Region under Joint Task Force Katrina, working with contractors, and local and state entities to assess, they helped install and maintain emergency generators at critical facilities. 39. We could not launch the life boats because of the high seas and the Coast Guard told us later that if we sank they would have tried to rescue as many as they could. The history, titled History 296 Engr. of the 60th Infantry Regt. Bn. The Captain said that in 25 years at sea he had never seen such a storm. It was the highest bridge constructed by the first army Engineer Combat Battalion in the E.T.O. Whitney were injured. Without enough points to go home in the first wave of returnees, Frank Capuozzi became an acting mess sergeant and took over a kitchen. 21. On 24 December 1944, Brigadier General Harlan Harkness, the assistant division commander, ordered the battalion to advance and secure the towns of Arsdorf and Bigonville to the north of the 26th Infantry Division, near the area of operations of the 4th Armored Division, in order to relieve the occupied towns so the division could advance and attack the enemy line. 90. Bn. We. N/AA pilotEnlisted air crewEnlisted ground crew. Then it was dispatched to France for a time. July 22, 1944: Bn. In 1994, the battalion was reactivated and designated as the 249th Engineer Battalion (Prime Power), stationed at Fort Belvoir, VA. Frank Capuozzi was a rifleman who rode in a jeep ahead of the guns as they pushed across France. The Battalion C.P. 294th Engineer Company | CurrentOps.com Units US Army 294th Engr Co 294th Engineer Company U.S. Army Subordinate units 294th Engineer Company ( MO ARNG) Carthage Armory | Carthage, Missouri, United States Detachment 1 Anderson Armory | Anderson Locations . August 24-25, 1944: Bn. Stan said their first job was repairing the main supply route from Utah Beach. One engine was shot out. September 30, 1944: At 0745 hours an enemy patrol approached Post #3; between then and 1030 hours a brisk fire fight occurred in and around Post #3. 26. While there, there was a German air raid and two planes were shot down. Heavy rains and the overflowing ROTGEN DAM caused failure of timber trestle bridges at ROTT, MULARTSHUTTE, and VICHT. Then fate intervened in the form of an ambulance without a driver. Many of the vehicles were damaged and one man was killed while driving the Battalion Commander from the defense position to the FWD. After a close call with a booby trap, he was injured when a tank shell landed right under his jeep. September 2, 1944: Bn. The 296th Engineer Combat Battalion was activated by the U.S. Army on 3 March 1943 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. April 21 - May 7, 1945: The Battalion moved to BRAUNFELS, GERMANY on April 21st and was given the mission of re-constructing and repairing Route N-49, which was the First U.S. Army's M.S.R., from BRAUNFELS to the AUTOBAHN south of GIESSEN. On his first raid in North Africa, reconnaissance platoon leader John Souther captured a hundred Germans with no losses to his own unit. In Germany, Carroll's unit liberated a forced labor camp, and he remembered that the prisoners were horribly emaciated. 111. Battalion vs regiment vs division - dxeexf.lesthetiquecusago.it Was searching the internet for my father-in-law who was a member of 294th Engineer Combat Battalion during WWII and found your web site. They traveled from Liverpool to Berlin, a total of 1800 miles in 623 days. After this bridge site was secure, the 249th was detached from the 1137th Engineer Group and was given the mission to secure and maintain the bridges on the Rhine River. You can literally trace the steps of your WWII veteran! Veteran's Branch of Service? location of the Company HQ on a map. B-24 flight engineer Bill Toombs was over Germany when bad went to worse. have been maintained. April 5, 1945: The Battalion moved back to KROPPACH north of ALTENKIRCHEN. in clearing rubble from the streets of CARENTAN. 1 talking about this. You are a great artist. Henk Duinhoven was lucky to be in the countryside, where gardens had been harvested. 42. Redesignated on 9 November 1954 as the 237th Engineer Battalion (Combat)(Army), the Battalion was allotted April 16, 1945: The Battalion moved to LENNEP, GERMANY. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. December 16, 1944: The Ardenne breakthrough begins; there was much aerial activity in vicinity of STOLBURG and DUREN. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion US Army in Memoriam (pamphlet), 1989 June 6 Scope and Contents From the Series: The Dickinson R. Debevoise World War II series documents his service as a sergeant in the 2nd Platoon of company A of the 294th Combat Engineer Battalion. in the crossing of the SIEG RIVER and the reduction of the RHUR POCKET. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion US Army in Memoriam (pamphlet), 1989 As a young airman I hitchiked many times over that road to see my wife in the 1950s. April 12, 1945: Co "B" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at WIEHL, GERMANY. The timber trestle bridge at ROTT was closed to traffic. 8. He was in the hospital right at the time of the explosion . We did all of our training with mines and bridges on the property formerly owned by Sir Walter Raleigh, and now owned by the Digby family. March 24, 1945: The Battalion was relieved of the ferrying operations on the RHINE RIVER and moved to KONIGSWINTER, GERMANY. June 24, 1944: Co "C" constructed a Class 40 timber trestle bridge at St MARTIN-DE-AUDOVILLE. 146th engineer combat battalion 185th Combat Engineer Battalion 238th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 250th Engineers Combat Battalion Roster 263rd ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 299th Engineer Combat Battalion 309th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 320th Engineer Battalion 331st Engineer 335th Engineer Regiment 340th Engineer Regiment 389th Engineers . 245th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Third Army, Camp Gordon Georgia 551 heavy engineer pontoon battalion photos. It was Oran in North Africa. 46. gave him permission to go see him. moved 100 miles on the night of August 24 - 25th to the vicinity of LA LUPE, arriving at 0830 hours on the morning of August 25th. Five (5) men were killed and 25 injured. Destroyers came alongside and were able to rescue all the men on board. Bravo Joe. July 29, 1944: Co "A" cleared hundreds of wrecked enemy vehicles from the streets of RONCEY and other roads in the vicinity. Thats where Stan picked up a large German Flag. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944. Additionally, the commander serves as the Commandant of the U.S. Army Prime Power School, the institution responsible for the development of Army and Navy power generation specialists. From there we were sent for desert training in Camp Pilot Knob in the Mojave Desert, near Yuma Arizona, which was started by Gen. Patton, as a training ground for the war in Africa. She worked as a secretary at the 228th while I was there. 72. His job in the 1st Armored Division was to be out in front with his eyes open, and he was doing just that when a huge amount of enemy was spotted. 104. Co "A" occupied road blocks #4 & #5; Co "B" occupied road blocks #1, #2, #3; Co "C" occupied position #11. bivouac was shelled by enemy artillery for 30 minutes at 1900 hours; one shell exploding 11000 pounds of TNT in the center of the bivouac area. 89. October 23, 1944: Co "A" relieved from attachment to 297 Engr. From there, we boarded a ship and headed out in convoy to Glasgow, Scotland in January, 1944. Many years after the war, I found out that the 294th went up to Wales and from there sailed to Normandy in the Susan B. Anthony to Utah Beach on June 7, 1944. After all, he was the son of a chef. From then on it was the road to Berlin. Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion. Along with thousands of others, he was forced to surrender and was facing the prospect of joining what would become known as the Bataan Death March. 56. Thank you very much for your service to our country and sharing your experiences with us. VII CORPS from February 1, 1944 to April 2, 1945. was shelled by artillery from across the RHINE RIVER - T/5 Malone was killed, Capt. The reason for the withdrawal was that the position now had no tactical value due to the new enemy situation. All traffic was moving North to Battice. By October, all of 296th was in Belgium. Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion March 14, 1945: The Battalion moved to DUISDORF, in the vicinity of BAD GODESBERG, GERMANY in preparation for the crossing of the RHEIN RIVER. Division begining [sic] at 1500 hours. moved to the vicinity of PLOMION. 34. moved to new location and relieved 297th Engr. Co "A" relieved of attachment to the 4th Cav. 22. The 237th Engineer Combat Battalion served with distinction under 1st Army during WWII. We are always glad to assist! On this day, two German E-boats came out of the fog and fired their torpedoes and escaped back to France. April 9, 1945: Co "C" converted the railroad bridge in WISSEN to take vehicular traffic. The Official (DECLASSIFIED) Files of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion during World War II Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944 Journal for August 1943 Journal for September 1943 Journal for October 1943 Journal for November 1943 Diary 1943 October 12, 1944: Co "A" Platoon on Post #9 were straffed [sic] by our own planes at 1416 hours - no damage was done. 257th Engineering Combat Battalion | WWII Forums She was also present on that fateful day. Date 1944-09-29. It was disgusting down below in the Queen Mary so Newton Riess went up on deck to escape the smell. How should we contact you? As they approached the beach, the ship hit two mines and sank. Division sector; one Battalion of the 60th Inf. I have been back to Sherborne on four occasions. HURTGEN FOREST, GERMANY99 November 8, 1944: The Bn. Once they got there, a fierce ten day battle ensued due to the last major German offensive, Operation Nordwind. Division now driving in the direction of PERIERS - St LO Highway. 11. His father worked as a chef in America and as soon as he became a citizen in 1939, he sent for the rest of the family. 79. April 7, 1945: Co "C" constructed a C1 #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at HANHOFF, GERMANY. 324th Combat Engineers WWII- Family & Friends - Facebook 132. When he had to bail out, Jim Wicker was literally sucked from the cockpit when he released the canopy because of his high rate of speed. Regiments vs Divisions regiment English ( wikipedia regiment) Noun ( en noun ) (military) A unit of armed troops under the command of an officer, and consisting of several smaller units; now specifically, usually composed of two or more battalions. 1. Recon. WW2 Army Unit Records Research | WW2 Research 1. November 29th: Our National Day of Giving. Bn. 75. With a commandeered ambulance full of casualties, he threaded his way through the ordeal thanks to luck and guile. We have six children, thirteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Division for the drive to close the famous "FALAISE GAP". moved from BRAUNFELS to WETZLAR on April 29, 1945. October 6, 1944: 47th Enfantry [sic] Regt. of a sector of the front line in the Hurtgen Forest. 96. August 13, 1944: Bn. moved to vicinity of LE HORPS. January 5, 1945: Co "A" started construction of a continuous Bailey Bridge across the L'OURTHE RIVER in DURBEY, BELGIUM. September 5, 1944: Co "C" started construction of Class 40 Timber Trestle Bridge under Bailey Bridge at MARIEMBOURG. Part 2 of 2. Status coordinate No status yet. The main body departed Fort Gordon, GA, on 27 September 1965 by troop train bound for . I came back from Germany to get married on August 4, 1945. After an accident resulting in a raft being sunk, the Battalion moved downriver to Mainz. The 257th was also credited the Ardennes-Alsace campaign (9 Dec 1944-25 Jan 1945) and the Rhineland (22 Feb - 21 Mar 1945) campaign. They learned how to dismantle and remove land mines, repair and build bridges and construct camps for their comrades in other units. 61. The remainder of the night was utilized for digging in which was a difficult operation in the frozen ground. The 294th Combat Engineers were training at the same time at Camp Gordon. Co "A" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge over the timber trestle bridge in VICHT. 119. Frank learned English and worked in the restaurant with his father. Learn when and where a WWII veteran was wounded or killed in action (we can often show you exactly how a veteran was wounded or killed in action). There we prepared the maps for the invasion and also the maps for the other countries on the continent. I get so tired of hearing some complain day in and day out about how it's too hot or too cold, or how they had to drive 15 miles to pick up a wife's prescription, or You get the drift. The main thrust of the effort was to use assault boats to get troops from 5th Infantry Division across and later to construct a more stable pontoon bridge. August 30, 1944: Bn. 108. RootsWeb is funded and supported by One platoon of Co "C" was sent to clear the situation at Post #4; they killed one German. The 294th built the second bridge across the Rhine River, and Carroll recalled that as the American army moved into Germany, all the cities they came across were piles of rubble. 53. Available for both RF and RM licensing. 6. For Air Corps flight crews we can determine the exact flights that your individual Air Corps veteran took part in. It was a fierce week long battle for the city of Heilbronn. The windows blew out the way he told me. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection, Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944, After/After Action Reports 26 July - 1 Dec 1944, Journal of 1128th Engr Gp Sep 44 thru Aug 45, Excerpts from the U.S. Army in World War II Series, More Excerpts from the U.S. Army in World War II Series, The documents below were kindly shared by Marc Shafer (whose father was a 298th member). 105. That was only one hazard at the air fields in China; the others being Japanese air raids and infiltrators. Gp; Co "C" joined the Battalion at ERZEE, BELGIUM. On June 4th 1944, the 297 th Engineer Battalion left the city of Bournemouth, England to reach its marshalling camp. Then, we went to Tennessee maneuvers for a couple of months. Unit records are useful in piecing together stories about a unit or group, as well as about individuals who served in them. The 249th sailed from the United States to England in May 1944, after equipping and preparing for combat, the Unit landed on Utah Beach in August 1944 under the 1137th Engineer Combat Group commanded by Colonel George A. Morris. was attached to 9th Infantry Division as of 1200 hours. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 November 9, 1944: Bn. December 4, 1944: Co "A" relieved Co "B" of attachment to the 294th Engr. The other officers that were supplied to the unit were second lieutenants from the 1943 class of West Point. GAVRAY, FRANCE.6 In loving memory of my grandfather who served with Co. A in this unit, I would like to bring together friends and. Bill Adair was suffering from the effects of a concussion when the battle for the Philippines came to an end for him. December 25, 1944: At 1800 hours the Bn. The battalion was used in an effort to block the German advance by deploying landmines, obstacles and establishing roadblocks. At first, there was jubilation, but that turned to fear as he hid in his basement for a week while the battle raged for Arnhem. The division was inactivated at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia on 27 November 1945. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material The winter of 1943 was brutal. Day May 8, 1945. 112. Witness to War: Preserving The Oral Histories of Combat Veterans I've heard the story of the training accident many times. Bn. Frank Capuozzi was born in Naples. By 1630 hours all units of the Battalion had been relieved - the Battalion moved back to RAEREN. It didn't blow up the plane, but they lost all the fuel for that engine, so now they had two engines out. December 28, 1944: At 0200 hours an enemy Infantry Battalion made an attack in the vicinity of the motor vehicle park and the Battalion FWD. Send Us a Request to Start Researching Your World War II Veteran. Co "A" relieved Co. "C" on the construction of Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT. Gp. Alongside those are the plaques with the names of the Sherborne men who were killed in World War II. This bridge was very important as it was the first bridge across the river in the 9th Inf. Official 249th Engineer Battalion website, Civil engineering and infrastructure repair in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, United States Army Center of Military History, "249th Engineer Battalion Responds to Terrorist Attacks", Prime Power Lights Up Anaconda by Sgt. 43. Division whose mission was to seize and hold the west bank of the ROER RIVER south of DUREN. Many times there is a daily record of events which shows daily combat details within the company, troop or battery to which the individual WWII veteran was assigned. Copyright 2023 Witness To War. 17 Germans were captured and several were killed in the action. 98. I was taken to the 228th for treatment. Often the military records will show the duties a WWII veteran held during the war. 17. An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion -strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. 45. 27. The Allies had arrived in Holland. He heard some firing from another gun and turned around just in time to see a horrifying sight. It was the day that was going to affect the lives of approximately one thousand men. Even though they were only delaying the inevitable, the Germans weren't beat, yet. 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294th engineer combat battalion wwii

What do they do at Parris Island? When he did get home he started a family and worked as a top rate hairdresser in New York. A minefield was laid and wire obstacles were erected. was set up in the village of ANTHEE. Bn. Access WWII personnel records showing your veterans enlistment, draft, honorable discharge, serial numbers, promotions, military training, ranks, military duties and enlistment photographs. Bn. (This interview made possible with the support of COL ROBERT W. RUST, USMCR (ret.) relieved Company "A" as of 1800 hours. In May 1945, when the war ended in Europe, the battalion was moved to Plattling, Germany where they built a camp for displaced refugees. Division. The 296th Combat Battalion held reunions every 2 years in Mass, Rhode Island, and CT. ANTHEE, BELGIUM.11 CHAOTEAU ENGLE BERMONT, BELGIUM..31 The Digby family were living in the relatively new castle at the time. It receives no town or state funding. The 249th Engineer Combat Battalion was constituted on 5 May 1943 at Camp Bowie, Texas. February 13, 1945: Co "B" constructed a C1. Bill Adair may have been the luckiest man in the Bataan Death march. D Day - V Corps - Order of battle Bn. The 294th landed in Normandy on D+ (June 7, 1944). January 4, 1945: Co "B" dismantled steel treadway bridge at NOISEUX, BELGIUM. In October 1943, the battalion left Boston for England and spent months in England training. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944. Co "B" constructed reinforced Heavy Ponton Bridge 465 ft. in length across the SEINE RIVER at MELUN in 9 hours and 30 minutes. understand the battlefield experiences and sacrifices of your WWII veteran and their military unit. Co "C" withdrew from position #11 and filled foxholes and emplacements of the position. - Co. "C" was relieved on road blocks by a Company from 294th Engr. As a photo-recon pilot, he was dispatched as soon as the attacks ended to search for the enemy fleet. 284th Combat Engineers constructed Class 40 Bailey Bridge at CHERAIN, BELGIUM. In March of 1943, fourteen young men from Saybrook enlisted in the army and left by bus for Fort Devens. We would like to share just a few words about another of Deep Rivers WWII veterans. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I would try Richard Horrell of WWII Connections. Engineer Combat Battalion - Wikipedia 14. August 12, 1944: Co "A" replaced flooring on Bailey Bridge at St. BEAUDELLA. This bridge remained in use until 1955. 9. The battalion was organized and under the command of only three captains. After a nerve-wracking mission to bomb Tokyo and a typhoon, B.E. Witness to War is a non-profit dedicated to preserving the oral histories of combat veterans through digital video interviews. 52. What a great way to start my Sunday; hearing from someone who was there in the flesh. Active: August 1941 - May 1943 July 1943 - April 1945: Country Nazi Germany Branch: Army Google Map of Major Ops of the 298th The Assault Force - The Normandy Invasion | U.S. Army Center of proceded [sic] on to the vicinity of MAYENNE arriving late in the afternoon. October 10, 1944: Co "A" occupied newly established blocks No's #6 - #7 - #8 - #9, as of 1300 hours. 54. June 21, 1944: Battalion moved to new bivouac in the vicinity of MONTEBURG. Battalion noun Any large body of troops. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. He sure did on Guadalcanal but he hopes some later generation will find a way to avoid war. The other patients and I raced outside and we saw the carnage. Our World War II veterans are dying at the rate of 1500 a day! His crew shot down a ME 109 just before we got there. I believe my father-in-law was in A Company. September 9, 1944: Bn. 125. At a R.J. approximately 2 miles East of MILLEY, the head of the column was ambushed by enemy infantry and tanks. Yours will be another great story for people to see. The battalion's motto is "Build, Support, Sustain!". 126. The 296th Engineer Combat Battalion was attached to 1101st and 1120th Engineer Combat Group, the 3rd Army, 1st Army, V Corps, and VII Corps during World War II. As he sat in solitary confinement waiting for interrogation, he was comforted by his faith. Section, and two squads of Co "C" resulting in their passing a point where they should have turned - at this point Co "A" took the lead and Co "C" joined the rear of the Bn. Several prisoners were captured in the vicinity. April 2, 1945: The Battalion was attached to the XVIII Airborne Corps as of 0800 hours. Holtum, Netherlands. 36. This society is an independent charitable organization. In the interim my dear, I would be happy to provide you with your own page, as I have done for so many of my other vet friends on the main site. Bill Garrison was standing in a chow line when a man up the line suddenly dropped, shot dead by a sniper. 87. moved to 3rd Armd. But the highlight for every guy in the outfit was building the largest bridge in the European Theater. The Bn. Bn. November 10, 1944: The Battalion was relieved of attachment to the 3rd Armored Division and attached to the 4th Infantry Division. In many (most) cases, names have been. 12. moved to a new bivouac in BELLEAU WOODS in the vicinity of CHATEAU-THIERRY. Stan left by bus from East Hampton, CT with 13 other boys from Deep River and entered active service in the Army on March 8, 1943, in Hartford, CT. November 28, 1944: Co "A" started construction of a Timber Trestle bridge under the Bailey Bridge in VICHT. 102. March 6, 1945: The Co "C" C.P. New bivouac was established in the vicinity of CERISY-LA-SALLE - Co. "B" bivouac area received several bomb hits at approximately 2330 hours. All men returned safely. The Battalion was subsequently inactivated on 28 November 1945 at Camp Kilmer, NJ. Many of them do not realize how lucky they are to have what they have and that INCLUDES full use of all five of their senses. 47. November 8 is Election Day and the Trustees of the Deep River Historical Society hope you all go out and VOTE. Alexander: The Story Of The 236th Battalion - Chattanoogan.com 1st Engineer Combat Battalion, 1st Infantry Division: 603rd Tank Company: 1st Engineer Regiment, 1st Division: 603rd Tank . Later, they were divorced and she had a series of lovers and, at one time, became America's ambassador to France. 70. 33. Co "B" was given the mission of cleaning the streets and Co "C" was given the mission of removing the railroad and building the road. Hannah Deutch was a teenager when the Kindertransport rescue effort became her means of escape from Germany. We slowly made out way West with the two Cutters alongside and landed in Argentia in Newfoundland. His very first mission turned out to be a memorable one. It was their third mission over Berlin and they were heading home. A brisk fire fight ensued until daylight. If you have additional information on the 294th I would like to share it with my father-in-law. . May 26, 2010 at 2:13 pm. 1 talking about this. 48. December 11, 1944: Bn. Army Superior Unit Award for 2005 (Hurricanes Katrina, This page was last edited on 7 June 2022, at 00:05. 24. Joe Izzillo- 4907 Europa Drive, Naples FL 34105- (239) 262-2778. About 400 miles east of Newfoundland, we hit a terrible storm with 70 foot seas. April 10, 1945: Co "B" removed the Steel Treadway Bridge at DRIESEL and constructed it again at WISSEN; construction was completed at 0530 hours April 11, 1945. John Canepa and the 297th Engineer Battalion 67. I have also visited with Jean Treasure in her home. 110. #1 of Companies A, B & C arrive at bivouac area in vicinity of St MARIE-DU-MONT. I remember walking in snow up to my crotch in Belgium. Reorganized and redesignated 1 April 1963 as Company B, 1st Battalion, 145th Infantry; Consolidated 15 February 1968 with Company D, 112th Engineer Battalion (organized and Federally recognized 13 February 1955 in Elyria); consolidated unit designated as Company D, 112th Engineer Battalion, and relieved from assignment to the 37th Infantry Division 128. Bn. Have you already requested personnel records from the archives? The battalion met little resistance across the river and quickly began constructing the bridge. Bn. 121. I fell in love with an English lass, Noreen, in Leicester. April 17, 1945: This day marked the end of the RHUR POCKET in which 315,000 Germans were captured. Waiting for the main part of his unit to catch up, he told soldiers he thought were sleeping to "Get up! He scrambled to his gun mount to man the 20 mm gun and then the threat became apparent. Organized by type of material, then chronologically, The collection contains a unit history and photographs regarding the 296th Engineer Combat Battalion of the United States (U.S.) Army during World War II. This incident was also kept secret until many years after the war when a local resident told of seeing hundreds of bodies being buried on the beach. This was the beginning of a painful journey to healing. March 10, 1945: Co "C" relieved of attachment to the 4th Cav. Bill Nolan from Portland knew his way around and brought Stan to his brother. Naturally, we were warned by security to keep quiet or we would end up being taken to Leavenworth Penitentiary in Kansas. 4. September 26, 1944: Co "C" attached to 297th Engr. An uneventful Christmas Eve for the 298th Engr. Shortly after, the battalion participated in two maneuvers in Louisiana, known as the "Louisiana Maneuvers"; there the battalion and its soldiers learned valuable lessons for war. ArmyAir Force/A.A.F.Marine CorpsNavyCoast GuardMerchant Marine, If Army Air Forces was your veteran How very nice to hear from you. July 17, 1944: Battalion moved to new bivouac at TRIBEHOU. On the grounds of the Digby estate was the 228th Station Hospital, which consisted of a bunch of Quonset huts. Co "C" attached to 297th Engr. Division. I have been flying since 1963. The Bn. This Veterans Day we give THANKS to all who have served our country and continue to recognize those 416 men and women who served Deep River during World War II. The 249th deployed teams to the Gulf Region under Joint Task Force Katrina, working with contractors, and local and state entities to assess, they helped install and maintain emergency generators at critical facilities. 39. We could not launch the life boats because of the high seas and the Coast Guard told us later that if we sank they would have tried to rescue as many as they could. The history, titled History 296 Engr. of the 60th Infantry Regt. Bn. The Captain said that in 25 years at sea he had never seen such a storm. It was the highest bridge constructed by the first army Engineer Combat Battalion in the E.T.O. Whitney were injured. Without enough points to go home in the first wave of returnees, Frank Capuozzi became an acting mess sergeant and took over a kitchen. 21. On 24 December 1944, Brigadier General Harlan Harkness, the assistant division commander, ordered the battalion to advance and secure the towns of Arsdorf and Bigonville to the north of the 26th Infantry Division, near the area of operations of the 4th Armored Division, in order to relieve the occupied towns so the division could advance and attack the enemy line. 90. Bn. We. N/AA pilotEnlisted air crewEnlisted ground crew. Then it was dispatched to France for a time. July 22, 1944: Bn. In 1994, the battalion was reactivated and designated as the 249th Engineer Battalion (Prime Power), stationed at Fort Belvoir, VA. Frank Capuozzi was a rifleman who rode in a jeep ahead of the guns as they pushed across France. The Battalion C.P. 294th Engineer Company | CurrentOps.com Units US Army 294th Engr Co 294th Engineer Company U.S. Army Subordinate units 294th Engineer Company ( MO ARNG) Carthage Armory | Carthage, Missouri, United States Detachment 1 Anderson Armory | Anderson Locations . August 24-25, 1944: Bn. Stan said their first job was repairing the main supply route from Utah Beach. One engine was shot out. September 30, 1944: At 0745 hours an enemy patrol approached Post #3; between then and 1030 hours a brisk fire fight occurred in and around Post #3. 26. While there, there was a German air raid and two planes were shot down. Heavy rains and the overflowing ROTGEN DAM caused failure of timber trestle bridges at ROTT, MULARTSHUTTE, and VICHT. Then fate intervened in the form of an ambulance without a driver. Many of the vehicles were damaged and one man was killed while driving the Battalion Commander from the defense position to the FWD. After a close call with a booby trap, he was injured when a tank shell landed right under his jeep. September 2, 1944: Bn. The 296th Engineer Combat Battalion was activated by the U.S. Army on 3 March 1943 at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. April 21 - May 7, 1945: The Battalion moved to BRAUNFELS, GERMANY on April 21st and was given the mission of re-constructing and repairing Route N-49, which was the First U.S. Army's M.S.R., from BRAUNFELS to the AUTOBAHN south of GIESSEN. On his first raid in North Africa, reconnaissance platoon leader John Souther captured a hundred Germans with no losses to his own unit. In Germany, Carroll's unit liberated a forced labor camp, and he remembered that the prisoners were horribly emaciated. 111. Battalion vs regiment vs division - dxeexf.lesthetiquecusago.it Was searching the internet for my father-in-law who was a member of 294th Engineer Combat Battalion during WWII and found your web site. They traveled from Liverpool to Berlin, a total of 1800 miles in 623 days. After this bridge site was secure, the 249th was detached from the 1137th Engineer Group and was given the mission to secure and maintain the bridges on the Rhine River. You can literally trace the steps of your WWII veteran! Veteran's Branch of Service? location of the Company HQ on a map. B-24 flight engineer Bill Toombs was over Germany when bad went to worse. have been maintained. April 5, 1945: The Battalion moved back to KROPPACH north of ALTENKIRCHEN. in clearing rubble from the streets of CARENTAN. 1 talking about this. You are a great artist. Henk Duinhoven was lucky to be in the countryside, where gardens had been harvested. 42. Redesignated on 9 November 1954 as the 237th Engineer Battalion (Combat)(Army), the Battalion was allotted April 16, 1945: The Battalion moved to LENNEP, GERMANY. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. December 16, 1944: The Ardenne breakthrough begins; there was much aerial activity in vicinity of STOLBURG and DUREN. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion US Army in Memoriam (pamphlet), 1989 June 6 Scope and Contents From the Series: The Dickinson R. Debevoise World War II series documents his service as a sergeant in the 2nd Platoon of company A of the 294th Combat Engineer Battalion. in the crossing of the SIEG RIVER and the reduction of the RHUR POCKET. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion US Army in Memoriam (pamphlet), 1989 As a young airman I hitchiked many times over that road to see my wife in the 1950s. April 12, 1945: Co "B" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at WIEHL, GERMANY. The timber trestle bridge at ROTT was closed to traffic. 8. He was in the hospital right at the time of the explosion . We did all of our training with mines and bridges on the property formerly owned by Sir Walter Raleigh, and now owned by the Digby family. March 24, 1945: The Battalion was relieved of the ferrying operations on the RHINE RIVER and moved to KONIGSWINTER, GERMANY. June 24, 1944: Co "C" constructed a Class 40 timber trestle bridge at St MARTIN-DE-AUDOVILLE. 146th engineer combat battalion 185th Combat Engineer Battalion 238th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 250th Engineers Combat Battalion Roster 263rd ENGINEER COMBAT BATTALION 299th Engineer Combat Battalion 309th Engineer (Combat) Battalion 320th Engineer Battalion 331st Engineer 335th Engineer Regiment 340th Engineer Regiment 389th Engineers . 245th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Third Army, Camp Gordon Georgia 551 heavy engineer pontoon battalion photos. It was Oran in North Africa. 46. gave him permission to go see him. moved 100 miles on the night of August 24 - 25th to the vicinity of LA LUPE, arriving at 0830 hours on the morning of August 25th. Five (5) men were killed and 25 injured. Destroyers came alongside and were able to rescue all the men on board. Bravo Joe. July 29, 1944: Co "A" cleared hundreds of wrecked enemy vehicles from the streets of RONCEY and other roads in the vicinity. Thats where Stan picked up a large German Flag. 294th Engineer Combat Battalion - 1944. Additionally, the commander serves as the Commandant of the U.S. Army Prime Power School, the institution responsible for the development of Army and Navy power generation specialists. From there we were sent for desert training in Camp Pilot Knob in the Mojave Desert, near Yuma Arizona, which was started by Gen. Patton, as a training ground for the war in Africa. She worked as a secretary at the 228th while I was there. 72. His job in the 1st Armored Division was to be out in front with his eyes open, and he was doing just that when a huge amount of enemy was spotted. 104. Co "A" occupied road blocks #4 & #5; Co "B" occupied road blocks #1, #2, #3; Co "C" occupied position #11. bivouac was shelled by enemy artillery for 30 minutes at 1900 hours; one shell exploding 11000 pounds of TNT in the center of the bivouac area. 89. October 23, 1944: Co "A" relieved from attachment to 297 Engr. From there, we boarded a ship and headed out in convoy to Glasgow, Scotland in January, 1944. Many years after the war, I found out that the 294th went up to Wales and from there sailed to Normandy in the Susan B. Anthony to Utah Beach on June 7, 1944. After all, he was the son of a chef. From then on it was the road to Berlin. Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion. Along with thousands of others, he was forced to surrender and was facing the prospect of joining what would become known as the Bataan Death March. 56. Thank you very much for your service to our country and sharing your experiences with us. VII CORPS from February 1, 1944 to April 2, 1945. was shelled by artillery from across the RHINE RIVER - T/5 Malone was killed, Capt. The reason for the withdrawal was that the position now had no tactical value due to the new enemy situation. All traffic was moving North to Battice. By October, all of 296th was in Belgium. Bill Elias' WWII Story: 258th Engineer Combat Battalion March 14, 1945: The Battalion moved to DUISDORF, in the vicinity of BAD GODESBERG, GERMANY in preparation for the crossing of the RHEIN RIVER. Division begining [sic] at 1500 hours. moved to the vicinity of PLOMION. 34. moved to new location and relieved 297th Engr. Co "A" relieved of attachment to the 4th Cav. 22. The 237th Engineer Combat Battalion served with distinction under 1st Army during WWII. We are always glad to assist! On this day, two German E-boats came out of the fog and fired their torpedoes and escaped back to France. April 9, 1945: Co "C" converted the railroad bridge in WISSEN to take vehicular traffic. The Official (DECLASSIFIED) Files of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion during World War II Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944 Journal for August 1943 Journal for September 1943 Journal for October 1943 Journal for November 1943 Diary 1943 October 12, 1944: Co "A" Platoon on Post #9 were straffed [sic] by our own planes at 1416 hours - no damage was done. 257th Engineering Combat Battalion | WWII Forums She was also present on that fateful day. Date 1944-09-29. It was disgusting down below in the Queen Mary so Newton Riess went up on deck to escape the smell. How should we contact you? As they approached the beach, the ship hit two mines and sank. Division sector; one Battalion of the 60th Inf. I have been back to Sherborne on four occasions. HURTGEN FOREST, GERMANY99 November 8, 1944: The Bn. Once they got there, a fierce ten day battle ensued due to the last major German offensive, Operation Nordwind. Division now driving in the direction of PERIERS - St LO Highway. 11. His father worked as a chef in America and as soon as he became a citizen in 1939, he sent for the rest of the family. 79. April 7, 1945: Co "C" constructed a C1 #40 D/S Bailey Bridge at HANHOFF, GERMANY. 324th Combat Engineers WWII- Family & Friends - Facebook 132. When he had to bail out, Jim Wicker was literally sucked from the cockpit when he released the canopy because of his high rate of speed. Regiments vs Divisions regiment English ( wikipedia regiment) Noun ( en noun ) (military) A unit of armed troops under the command of an officer, and consisting of several smaller units; now specifically, usually composed of two or more battalions. 1. Recon. WW2 Army Unit Records Research | WW2 Research 1. November 29th: Our National Day of Giving. Bn. 75. With a commandeered ambulance full of casualties, he threaded his way through the ordeal thanks to luck and guile. We have six children, thirteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Division for the drive to close the famous "FALAISE GAP". moved from BRAUNFELS to WETZLAR on April 29, 1945. October 6, 1944: 47th Enfantry [sic] Regt. of a sector of the front line in the Hurtgen Forest. 96. August 13, 1944: Bn. moved to vicinity of LE HORPS. January 5, 1945: Co "A" started construction of a continuous Bailey Bridge across the L'OURTHE RIVER in DURBEY, BELGIUM. September 5, 1944: Co "C" started construction of Class 40 Timber Trestle Bridge under Bailey Bridge at MARIEMBOURG. Part 2 of 2. Status coordinate No status yet. The main body departed Fort Gordon, GA, on 27 September 1965 by troop train bound for . I came back from Germany to get married on August 4, 1945. After an accident resulting in a raft being sunk, the Battalion moved downriver to Mainz. The 257th was also credited the Ardennes-Alsace campaign (9 Dec 1944-25 Jan 1945) and the Rhineland (22 Feb - 21 Mar 1945) campaign. They learned how to dismantle and remove land mines, repair and build bridges and construct camps for their comrades in other units. 61. The remainder of the night was utilized for digging in which was a difficult operation in the frozen ground. The 294th Combat Engineers were training at the same time at Camp Gordon. Co "A" constructed a Class #40 D/S Bailey Bridge over the timber trestle bridge in VICHT. 119. Frank learned English and worked in the restaurant with his father. Learn when and where a WWII veteran was wounded or killed in action (we can often show you exactly how a veteran was wounded or killed in action). There we prepared the maps for the invasion and also the maps for the other countries on the continent. I get so tired of hearing some complain day in and day out about how it's too hot or too cold, or how they had to drive 15 miles to pick up a wife's prescription, or You get the drift. The main thrust of the effort was to use assault boats to get troops from 5th Infantry Division across and later to construct a more stable pontoon bridge. August 30, 1944: Bn. 108. RootsWeb is funded and supported by One platoon of Co "C" was sent to clear the situation at Post #4; they killed one German. The 294th built the second bridge across the Rhine River, and Carroll recalled that as the American army moved into Germany, all the cities they came across were piles of rubble. 53. Available for both RF and RM licensing. 6. For Air Corps flight crews we can determine the exact flights that your individual Air Corps veteran took part in. It was a fierce week long battle for the city of Heilbronn. The windows blew out the way he told me. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection, Activation of the 298th Engineer Combat Battalion March 18, 1943 and Reorganization November 3, 1944, After/After Action Reports 26 July - 1 Dec 1944, Journal of 1128th Engr Gp Sep 44 thru Aug 45, Excerpts from the U.S. Army in World War II Series, More Excerpts from the U.S. Army in World War II Series, The documents below were kindly shared by Marc Shafer (whose father was a 298th member). 105. That was only one hazard at the air fields in China; the others being Japanese air raids and infiltrators. Gp; Co "C" joined the Battalion at ERZEE, BELGIUM. On June 4th 1944, the 297 th Engineer Battalion left the city of Bournemouth, England to reach its marshalling camp. Then, we went to Tennessee maneuvers for a couple of months. Unit records are useful in piecing together stories about a unit or group, as well as about individuals who served in them. The 249th sailed from the United States to England in May 1944, after equipping and preparing for combat, the Unit landed on Utah Beach in August 1944 under the 1137th Engineer Combat Group commanded by Colonel George A. Morris. was attached to 9th Infantry Division as of 1200 hours. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 November 9, 1944: Bn. December 4, 1944: Co "A" relieved Co "B" of attachment to the 294th Engr. The other officers that were supplied to the unit were second lieutenants from the 1943 class of West Point. GAVRAY, FRANCE.6 In loving memory of my grandfather who served with Co. A in this unit, I would like to bring together friends and. Bill Adair was suffering from the effects of a concussion when the battle for the Philippines came to an end for him. December 25, 1944: At 1800 hours the Bn. The battalion was used in an effort to block the German advance by deploying landmines, obstacles and establishing roadblocks. At first, there was jubilation, but that turned to fear as he hid in his basement for a week while the battle raged for Arnhem. The division was inactivated at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia on 27 November 1945. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material The winter of 1943 was brutal. Day May 8, 1945. 112. Witness to War: Preserving The Oral Histories of Combat Veterans I've heard the story of the training accident many times. Bn. Frank Capuozzi was born in Naples. By 1630 hours all units of the Battalion had been relieved - the Battalion moved back to RAEREN. It didn't blow up the plane, but they lost all the fuel for that engine, so now they had two engines out. December 28, 1944: At 0200 hours an enemy Infantry Battalion made an attack in the vicinity of the motor vehicle park and the Battalion FWD. Send Us a Request to Start Researching Your World War II Veteran. Co "A" relieved Co. "C" on the construction of Timber Trestle Bridge in VICHT. Gp. Alongside those are the plaques with the names of the Sherborne men who were killed in World War II. This bridge was very important as it was the first bridge across the river in the 9th Inf. Official 249th Engineer Battalion website, Civil engineering and infrastructure repair in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, United States Army Center of Military History, "249th Engineer Battalion Responds to Terrorist Attacks", Prime Power Lights Up Anaconda by Sgt. 43. Division whose mission was to seize and hold the west bank of the ROER RIVER south of DUREN. Many times there is a daily record of events which shows daily combat details within the company, troop or battery to which the individual WWII veteran was assigned. Copyright 2023 Witness To War. 17 Germans were captured and several were killed in the action. 98. I was taken to the 228th for treatment. Often the military records will show the duties a WWII veteran held during the war. 17. An Engineer Combat Battalion (ECB) was a designation for a battalion -strength combat engineer unit in the U.S. Army, most prevalent during World War II. 45. 27. The Allies had arrived in Holland. He heard some firing from another gun and turned around just in time to see a horrifying sight. It was the day that was going to affect the lives of approximately one thousand men. Even though they were only delaying the inevitable, the Germans weren't beat, yet.

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