David K. Bernard is the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International. Their children love living in Ohio and love being part of Christian Life Center! We're rejoicing with Queen's Campus Ministry in Ontario for Lizzie being baptized in Jesus' name! Last night at Texas A&M students were gathered by the hundreds for worship and prayer. From 1954-1960, T. F. Tenney served as the Youth President of the Louisiana District United Pentecostal Church. He attended Gateway College of Evangelism from 1994 to 1998 and graduated with a BA in Theology. This is their highest level of licensing. She has a love for people that is tangible and impacting. He also planted a church in Victoria, British Columbia. Sister Shaw earned a bachelors degree in chemistry from Louisiana State University and previously worked as a chemist, editor, accountant, and grant writer before entering full-time ministry. Billy Babb has served as the chief administrative officer for United Pentecostal Church International since 2012. Gifts are subject to the approval of the United Pentecostal Foundation. On March 21, 1969, the first Executive Board was held at Peak Hotel, Shillong. Linda Gleason was elected president ofLadies Ministriesin 2015. He is president of UPCI Mens Ministries and serves as a member of the Florida District Board of Presbyters. An official UPCI website. He has filled numerous sectional, district, and general offices for the UPCI, including time in all three executive positions in Youth Ministries (formerly General Youth Division). Michael Ensey, UPCI General Youth President preaches at #NAYC17. Jeremy Stafford joined the UPCI Youth Ministries in January 2021. However, God kept her and when @hopecampusministry reconnected with her, the first thing she said was "I'm ready to be baptized now". March ni 21 1969-ah General Youth Department din anih avangin PYD Day pawh kumtin March ni 21 ah awmni khamin hman a ni ve leh ta a. Sunday-ah he ni hi a thlen chuan inrinniah emaw, thawhtanniah emaw Day-hi hman a ni ve thin bawk. . Global Missions Director : Jack Jenkins. He has earned degrees in both Theology and Business, and has a background in banking, human resources and administration. In 1987 1999, the conference was attached to the General Church Conference. In September 2007 the General Board of the UPCI approved the formation of the district. Brother Williams is married to Debra, his wife of forty-one years, and is the father of two daughters, Brooke (Pamer) of Barberton, Ohio, and Rory (Hill) of Apopka. He has a bi-vocational background in corporate finance and management and has served in various ministry positions since attending college at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Youtube, Copyright Reserve 2018United Pentecostal Church : North East India, Upper Assam & East Arunachal Mission Field. He is very competitive and loves playing board, video, and card games. Make sure to go to northamericanyouthcongress.com , T-10 days! He is a graduate of Ohio University and Jackson College of Ministires. We currently have a total of 109 churches, 78 daughter works, 205 preaching points, and . Shannon was involved in music, choir, and actively involved in her youth ministry. He was elected general youth secretary in October 1985, and two years later he became . See MoreSee Less. She has been involved in almost every ministry in the church and loves to serve. Their three children are all involved in the work of the Lord. Michael and his wife, DeAnna, are the parents of Myla Joy, Jayla Hope, and Judah Michael. He served in that capacity until becoming bishop in 2009. Mrs. Sjstrand-Post resides in Newark with her husband and two daughters. UPC Lunglei District, Pentecostal Church of North East India ! The objective of the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) in organizing the Global Missions Division is to proclaim the whole gospel to the whole world by sending forth God-called men and women in obedience to the great commission. #NAYC23 Event Registration opens on March 10th at 10am central time. North American Youth Congress (NAYC) | July 26-28, 2023. Rev. However, her primary focus is connecting with people through prayer, worship and encouragement. They also have three "great" grandchildren who are the joy of their lives. The UPCI Family Ministries Council is a cooperative effort of Youth Ministries, Ladies Ministries, Men's Ministries, Children's Ministries, and the Office of Education and Endorsement. . Dr. Butler and his wife are the grandparents of three adorable grandsons. The Bride's Pearl, A Commentary on Ephesians, Made for More: Seven Proven Strategies For Reaching Your Full Potential, The Dancing Father: Discover Joy and Power Through A Daily Relationship with God, The Bride's Prize: A Commentary on Philippians. In NINE days, the link to #nayc23 Event Registration through Eventbrite will go live on the NAYC website at 10am CST - Friday, March 10! He presently serves as an adjunct professor at Urshan Graduate School of Theology and at Christian Service Training Institute. The district is divided into 5 sections, which includes Las Vegas Metro. He and his wife, Marsha, are parents to three children and grandparents to six. He also is the pastor of Atlanta West Pentecostal Church, where he has served since 1995. She grew up in a ministers home, and through this, developed a love for people and ministry. . The link to register through Eventbrite will go live at NorthAmericanYouthCongress.com See MoreSee Less. Room Cancelation Policies for #NAYC23 Questions about anything Youth Congress related? Through the years he served local churches in various capacities, culminating with fifteen years of pastoral leadership in St. Louis, Missouri. Pastor Nate Mueller began working in ministry at 12 years old, serving as a Sunday School Teacher. He also serves as District Superintendent of the Ohio District of the United Pentecostal Church International. Ads Blocker Detected!! Here are some of the looks at seating at the Dome! The Howells have three children, Jared (wife Loida), Leah (husband Andrew), and Amy (husband Dennis), and seven grandchildren. Alfredo Bodegas . He retired in December 2021 after thirty-two years of service. Linda Gleasons husband, Gary Gleason, has served in numerous offices of the United Pentecostal Church. Previously The Pentecostal Conqueror was formed in the locality at a time, the administration was administer by the Indian United Pentecostal Church as a whole. Members of @salt.tamu, the local CMI chapter there, had this testimony. Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is intended only as a general discussion of charitable giving opportunities. The couple has five children: Elijah, Logan, Juliana, Lincoln, and Judah. Any questions about #nayc23? He enjoys serving New Life UPC with his wife, Rachel. John and Berenice Burnett are blessed with three children: John III, Sophia, and Jeremy, as well as daughter-in-law Domonique, son-in-law Samuel, and one grandchild, John IV. World Evangelism Center staff members and mentors from the community offer instruction on evangelizing the Spanish-speaking community. . Does it really go live at 10am or can you get in there early? Our Present Leaders: President : Evan. He was the Sophomore Class President and Student Body President for two years. Michael is an ordained UPCI minister who is honored and excited to serve this generation of apostolic youth and young adults. Brocc Chavis is the director of UPCI Multicultural Ministries. Room Cancelation Policies for #nayc23 Questions about anything Youth Congress related? Mobilize, be bold, and OCCUPY! llinois Ladies Ministries is affiliated with the United Pentecost Church International Ladies Ministries. He is the proud husband of Michelle and father to two children, Jeremy . Rick Lovall became the director of The Stewardship Group in 2023 after serving as the assistant director since 2019. . Donna is a member of Apostolic Pentecostal Church in St. Louis, MO pastored by Rev. DANIEL FLEMMINGhas served on our Board of Directors since 2019. He presently serves as an adjunct professor at Urshan Graduate School of Theology and at Christian Service Training Institute. She enjoys reading, writing, hiking, music, and all things coffee related. . He attended Texas Bible College. The UPCI is a network of almost 42,000 churches around the world. David Geri, is originally from FPC Pensacola and holds a B. After graduation he was a youth pastor in Arkansas for ten years and serves as the . They served as pastor in Elyria, Ohio, for twenty-two years before being elected as senior pastor of CLC in 1988. Illinois Ladies Ministries provide various programs to reach the needs of our families and communities. He founded New Life Church of Austin, Texas, out of which 16 additional churches were started under his leadership. UPCI General Conference. "We had our CMI meeting last night and many attended the prayer meeting afterward. district_supt@neupc.org. Stan Gleason is the assistant general superintendent from the Western Zone of the UPCI. The General North American Missions Division has developed excellent ministerial programs to support evangelical efforts across the North American continent. Since serving as Music Minister at FPC, the Sanctuary Choir has recorded a Christmas CD Emmanuel, God with Us. P:636-229-7900 | F:314-837-4503 | Email Us | 36 Research Park Ct, Weldon Spring, MO 63304. Their ministry involvement includes twenty years pursuing their passion in youth ministry and gaining valuable experience in organizational leadership. See one Perhaps the PYD General Conference was held separately in 1981 1986. The tax deduction received when you purchase the Gift Annuity is a great blessing too. Micaela currently lives in the St. Louis area but is originally from Kansas City, MO. Dr. Butler has been an ordained minister with the UPCI for forty years and has served in many local, district, and national leadership positions. Summaries of the experience of our directors and executive officers of the Fund are set forth below: DAVID K. BERNARD has served as the Chairman of the Board of Directors since inception and also serves as the General Superintendent of UPCI. She is involved in the CLC music ministry as a worship leader and musician and she also oversees the CLC Ladies Ministry. Events Resources Leadership Ryan Petersen President youthpresident@inupci.org 920-915-0482 He received his UPCI Local License in February 2016 and advanced to his General License in June of 2019. She is a sought after speaker for ladies conferences nationwide and has ministered in several foreign countries as well. While there are many that attended the prayer meeting because of the novelty, there are so many that are simply hungry for more." She faced some tough trials last semester that led her wanting to give up on life. Heath, OH 43056, Seth & Angela Moore | Discipleship Pastor, Amonie & Shane' Akens | Brownsville Pastor, Christian Life Center, 665 Linnville Road Southeast, Heath, OH, 43056, United States. David Mark Pestano . Kristiina Norkio. He and his wife, Rita, were married in 1978 and have three daughters, Vangi, Kandi, and Mauri, and eight grandchildren: McKaLyne, Kanon, Jenna, Kade, Danika, Halli Rae, Annaleigh, and Darlynn Grace. Prior to joining the FPC staff in June of 2008, David served as the Dean of Music at Texas Bible College in Lufkin, Texas, where he developed the curriculum and founded Higher Ground Music Conference. Watch the video. To respect the church constitutions and objectives, support to achieve its goal and to attend church congregation regularly. He is a graduate of Parkersburg Bible College and has a certificate in counseling from Lorain County Community College. UPC International It is the highest governing body of the UPCI. David K. Bernard is the general superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International, which has 5.5 million constituents in 43,000 churches in 199 nations and 39 territories. He has been involved in youth ministry for over 14 years and was privileged to receive his ministerial ordination in 2017. 10 Feb. We're live for General Hotel Booking for #NAYC23 at. Apostolic Youth Corps is a branch of UPCI Youth Ministries that facilitates the pairing of ministry-minded Pentecostal students with North American and international sites which need and desire evangelism assistance. He has always enjoyed being in the church! He was the founding president and currently is the chancellor of Urshan College and Urshan Graduate School of Theology. Greene Kitchen (1919-1994) was the pastor of Staunton Street Apostolic Church in Huntington, West Virginia. In 2000, the PYD conference was planned to organize every alternate years separately from the General Church Conference. In addition to serving as the director ofBuilding the Bridge Ministries, he is a member of the Georgia District Board. A. in Christian Music from Jackson College of Ministries and a B.S.B.A in Accountancy from the University of West Florida. Dr. Bernard has also served as President of Urshan Graduate School of Theology, a UPCI affiliated divinity school, since 2000, as a founding District Superintendent of theSouth Texas district of UPCI and as Associate Editor for UPCI. District Leadership. Tamra joined UPCI Youth Ministries in 2005. MD.DC Youth represents hundreds of young people around Maryland/DC area that are determined to be part of revival in their generation. Myron began preaching at the age of 14 in 1987 and would preach his first revival two years later. Kevin Prince, General Board Member Lufkin, TX Delano Sherley, Professional Board Member Hamilton, OH Email: smdrury@upci.org Website: www.unitedpentecostalfoundation.org UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH LOAN FUND BOARD OF DIRECTORS She faced some tough trials last semester that led her wanting to give up on life. When her grandfather (my younger brother) was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she moved 1,000 miles to help her Grandpa and Grandma. Little did I realize the blessing God would return simply because I obeyed His voice. This program has helped to build a bridge between the UPCI and the Hispanic population. Prior to becoming UPCIs GeneralSuperintendent, Dr. Bernard served as the Pastor of New Life United Pentecostal Church in Austin, Texas from 1992 until 2011. Texas District United Pentecostal Church Mar 2007 - Jun 2015 . Robin Johnston serves as the editor in chief and publisher for the United Pentecostal Church International. Linda Gleason will continue to work for the good of Ladies Ministries as she takes on this new role. 36 Research Park CourtWeldon Spring, MO 63304, Building the BridgeFamily MinistriesMulticultural MinistriesMusic MinistryMy Hope RadioThe Stewardship GroupSingle AdultsSpanish Evangelism MinistriesWomen in Ministry NetworkWorld Network of PrayerAll Specialized MinistriesOffering Campaign ResourcesCareers, General ConferenceNorth American Youth CongressKey Events, Office of Education & Endorsement Chairman, Center for the Study of Oneness Pentecostalism, Number of UPCI ministers reaches all-time high, More than 17,000 receive the Holy Spirit in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Compassion Services provides food, water to earthquake victims, Loan Fund helps Atlanta church rise from the ashes, 2022 Order of the Faith Inductees Honored, Reach Out America distributes $300,000 in supplies to victims of Hurricane Ian, General Conference to be Held as Scheduled, More than 17,000 Register to Attend General Conference, 200 Children Filled With the Holy Spirit in SOC Rallies, Reach Out America assists tornado victims. He felt God call him to preach in 2011 and became New Life UPC's Youth Pastor in 2014. This is the official YouTube channel of the United Pentecostal Church International. Flo Shaw is the director of the UPCI World Network of Prayer. As a Native American Indian of the Lumbee Tribe, he is honored to lead a ministry that focuses on evangelizing the diverse cultures of North America. He attended Wake Forest University and Asbury Theological Seminary. Daniel Stroebel was a lifelong resident of New Orleans until 2014 when he and his wife, Dana, relocated to Pensacola after pastoring in his home city for 8 years. He is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ and has served in various leadership capacities within that organization, including as the OH District Superintendent from 2006 to 2011. The SoCal District is part of the United Pentecostal Church International. SHEENA SJOSTRAND-POSTA native Arkansan, Sheena A. Sjstrand-Post graduated from Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas and Capital University Law School, Columbus, Ohio. In addition to pastoring, he currently serves the Iowa District of the United Pentecostal Church as Superintendent. Please read carefully when booking. Make sure to go to northamericanyouthcongress.com T-10 days! After obtaining her degree in education, she was an elementary school teacher before coming on board as the director for AYC with UPCI Youth Ministries. Three years after parting ways with the United Pentecostal Church International, Michael Trosclair, a former senior pastor at Turning Point Church in Theodore, Alabama, was arrested at a bar along with his wife and their infant daughter in tow. Feature image: Alicia Orozco, wife of Ral Alba Orozco, holds a plaque commemorating her late husbands induction into the UPCI Order of the Faith. Let's gooo @refuge_poa, Regan has a beautiful personality and spirit. Family members and close friends of the inductees were in attendance, along with UPCI executives and members of the General Board. Michael enjoys running, kayaking, golfing and going on outdoor adventures. I will never go if in St Louis. 368 views. She and her husband Trent met at FPC and married in March of 2010. Michael attended Gateway College of Evangelism and continues his educational pursuits through Hope International University. Regional Executive Presbyter Wester n Zone - (2-year term)- Tim Gaddy . Official Statement from our UPCPI Youth Ministries President, Rev. Scott Sistrunk has served as the general director of North American Missions since 2018. On March 27, 1976, he married Lanette Droddy of Franklin, Louisiana. Linda Gleason brings with her a wealth of experience in all the work of Ladies Ministries. He has filled numerous sectional, district, and general offices for the UPCI, including time in all three executive positions in Youth Ministries (formerly General Youth Division). In 1954 he was elected district youth president. Daniel L. Butler, DMin, is the chairman of the UPCIs Office of Education and Endorsement. UPCPI General Superintendent . They evangelized until December 1985, when they accepted the pastorate of the Provencal United Pentecostal Church in Provencal, Louisiana. Michael Thomas becameUPCI Youth Ministriespresident in January 2021. Our mission is to coordinate the efforts of the UPCIs focused ministries to children, youth, ladies, and men in order to serve our families holistically. Students are not required to be members of the United Pentecostal Church International, but it is loyal to the teachings of that organization.Faculty and staff must subscribe to the biblical doctrines outlined in the Articles of Faith of the UPCI.. History. 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