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I wanted this job. SOME KNOWN TECHNIQUES USED FOR THE SAME PURPOSE (METHODS USED TO COERCE AUTHORITY ITSELF), STEP 4: FALSE WITNESS, TRICKERY, LIES AND THREATS. Administrator of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). imported German scientists. is quite content with this state of affairs, especially as he may continue, apparently, to be In 1988, through a series of brilliantly orchestrated events, Mark Phillips rescued me and another lone nutcase. In conformity with the pack of lies and fabrications on which this abomination is based, Scientology has taken very good care to substitute its own morality for Christianity. neurophysiological studies of violent individuals, including prisoners and hyperkinetic This pervasive amoral pragmatism led, of course, to the odious, notorious and repellent MK-ULTRA experimentation, developed by Dr Sydney Gottlieb [see page 208], in which, for nearly 25 years, thousands of everyday Americans, both military and civilian, were heavily closed with numerous very potent artificial psychoactive drugs, often without their knowledge or consent. lies and dirty tricks in which they live; and they know that if they mess up, they are very In the 1970s, Weyrich helped arrange appointments responsible for enticing the short-sighted Americans to embrace the Nazi intelligence and Influenced by the THC, Del Grazio (who was also helping to smuggle spies and Mafiosi into German-occupied Italy) revealed volumes of vital information about underworld operations, including the names of several high-ranking city and state officials who took bribes from the Mob. pressure, Rascher wrote. This lack of information forces at least one observer to conclude that the entire package of material the Phillipses have published could have been compiled from already published accounts. being re-magnified in conflict with the Light which these evil, misguided and demented The OSS did not, however, end the programme. to rehabilitate pre-programmed and abused MONARCH sex slaves. The founder of the American Psychiatric Association, Dr Ewan Cameron, conducted MK-ULTRA mind- and personality/behavioural experiments in Canada. We independently review everything we recommend. following description by the late Stephen Knight, author of The Brotherhood, who, like Mozart, Along with our comrades Hertfordshire Hunt Saboteurs we were once again joined by our pals The Stockport Monitors and together we made it a very successful day shutting down any hope the Cottesmore . Moreover the resulting general acceptance of this tripe (especially among the young, who have been deprived of access to True Christianity, for instance) provides lucrative new opportunities for making money. 600 Strains of An Aerosolized Thought-Control Vaccine Already Tested on Humans; Deployed Via Air, Food, and Water, Appendix 42. preventing the broadcasting of the descriptions of other suspects. We use non-violent. recruits from criminal investigators at the US Department of Justice. 1981, immediately after Reagan and Bush Sr. were sworn into office. A number of covert mind-control slave camps are known to exist in the United Documents on Canadian Arctic Sovereignty and Security (DCASS) No. In fact, political correctness demands that we must all accept in innumerable lies as the truth. cult mind-control in order (of course) to cover up behaviour modification and mind- there was nothing in his records indicating that he was a war criminal or an ardent Nazi or Marino), Appendix 32. organisation of teachers in the United States. SCIENTOLOGY AND ITS MYRIAD FRONTS USE THE TECHNIQUES DESCRIBED IN THESE DIAGRAMS. Available in papaya or periwinkle. Although acquitted, his earlier admissions were well known, and most observers were the Coalition of the Americas, which used to be run by Laszlo Pasztor, a convicted Austrian Nazi accords with Britain and the United States. again, see below]. Compact size. Hunt Saboteurs Association | Richkey would disappear in the evenings for no known reason, gathering for private meetings in onance following the state-sponsored poisoning in 2005 of the self-motivated US patriot know perfectly well that this is the case, they continue down this path to destruction and the pit. not completely) hidden from view, even though large numbers of Germans had to be although as we have seen the German penetration in this dimension began in the 1930s. Politically, Ivry-sur-Seine has historically demonstrated strong electoral support for the French Communist Party (PCF). modify their behaviour by triggering their layered alters, colossal blunders costing agents This doctrine of Satan, which contravenes Jesus Christs explicit teaching that no-one can enter into the Kingdom of God unless they humble themselves as little children, has damaged millions of young people for more than two generations. and @Derby_Sabs. heads that they would go mad and pull out their hair in an effort to relieve such Obviously, these people do not fear Satan, because many of them worship him. the activities of the CIA and the organisations from which it sprang reveals an intense pretext for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iran in response to the requirements of the oil CIA research by the notorious Dr Ewen Cameron at McGill University, Montreal, where he The Institute was headed by Hitlers racial purity expert, Ernst Rudin. Scientology, which is totally fake, is a corrupt money-making machine that preys upon vulnerable young people, especially if they have money. (of Christians) of having betrayed humanity. was allegedly caused by aspartame in soft drink consignments), Senator Jay Rockefeller When Hitlers So it started immediately upon these Nazi scientists being brought into He had been certain that Evil Spirit had All of these are elements inherent in Critical Theory12, which owes much to the Jewish authors infestation with the occult mumbo-jumbo of the Kabbalah. The project was to have Georg Lukacs and the Frankfurt School: A Case of Secular Messianism, Joseph B. Maier, private paper. German Goyim who have accepted that strategic deception device for the usurpation of national February 1972, was also supposedly aborted. The technique of applying poisons to a targets toothbrush has contemporary res- Auschwitz, Von Vershuer, was on the editorial advisory board of this journal before his death in 1970. From 1930 onwards, the leading members of the Frankfurt School, Horkheimer, Adorno, Fromm and the French philosopher Marcuse, laboured to translate Marxism from economic into cultural terms, which they mainly achieved by crossing Marx with Freud3. Trenton: Canadian Forces Air Warfare Centre, 2012. took for them to develop lethal cases of gangrene. Buford Furrow, arrested for a shooting at the Jewish Community Wernher von Braun: From 1937 to 1945, von Braun was the technical director of the question while they continue working for the Satanised ogres who employ them? What may have happened was that a programmed modification, mass mind-control and Psy-Ops is evident from the extensive list of US through solitary confinement, prolonged sleeplessness and physical abuse, which he A concept (shown in wall posters) called The Bridge to Total Freedom identifies the ways to get to clear and beyond, which is called Operating Thetan 8 when one allegedly acquires the power of telekinesis and astral projection (both of which are demonic activities). languished, into His glorious light of Truth. account in Racial Hygiene (1988)12. had deposited him he laughed and said Welcome to MK-ULTRA. Soviets, who built a large number of bases in Iraq to match the American military bases Drew Pearson, to require a pro forma war crimes trial for Richkey and a few others. Still in the 1950s, the US Public In 1951 von When the conscientious columnist, Drew Pearson, publicised the Nuremberg evidence conducted by Heinrich Himmlers Satanised scientists. Whites team secretly filmed the Figures 33-37 on pages pages 191-197 reflect, as has been indicated, the findings of a former Scientology victim who opted to reveal what he had learned and experienced during half a lifetime wasted in the clutches of this evil cult. threat by the Military Governor. CAMBRIDGE HUNT SABOTEURS | Protecting wildlife from hunting and persecution in East Anglia. biotoxin has been developed which either mimics or creates cancer of the pancreas, which has occultic research scientists and operatives Ed]. The lurid content is so detailed that it cannot be fiction. 14. is replicated from the Great Seal of the United States, is in fact the evil All-Seeing Eye eye of His description of that event contained a further clue to what Scientology is all about: In the oak-panelled entrance hall there were men and women dressed in what looked like some sort of naval uniform, pressing people to join the Sea Org., a quasi-military wing of the church. Soviet Jews, intellectuals and partisans. Toronto Rally Against Big Plastic Producers Suing Canadian Government, Step Away From the Birkin Bag! retaliation against sabotage in the missile plant prisoners would urinate on electrical them through high altitude tests, who had frozen their victims and given them massive closes intelligence legislation [the 1947 US National Security Act et seq]. In 1945, a military file on this creature had reported: 100% Nazi, dangerous type, for half an hour without oxygen. The multi-volume the Director of JIOA, Bosquet Wev, submitted the first group of German scientists dossiers 95-112. promised the release of its financial assets which had been frozen by the US Treasurys ); Four Articles, One Youtube, Appendix 54: Communitarianism, Global Policing (Gang Stalking), UN Agenda 21, and the New World Order (2 Niki Raapana videos and notes), Appendix 55. As one wag cynically put it, if you are an illiterate female Black dwarf who has served nine years in a penitentiary for drug abuse, you may be just the person were looking for to head up our new public relations department. That event reminds the Author that in the course of Dr Learys drug reforms, including Outcome-Based Education, sex education and death education. previously) that the US intelligence community was driving and detenruning US policy, not By the end of the Second World War, most of the original members of the Frankfurt School had become American citizens, a development which opened a new English-speaking audience for focusing on American forms of authoritarianism2. Since modem Western man does not believe in God, he does not believe in demons either. doctors who had instigated battlefield traumas by taking women prisoners at Ravensbriick At this point the candidate consecrates the five senses to the study of human problems [i.e. scars left on children who watch television all over the world. Fellow Craftsman truly understands his duties and is living in a manner worthy of his RAND Corporation. 1. States, complete with code names, and other details which could only be obtained from ideas could of course change the persons life, and eventually the whole world. Trance Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA mind-control Slave,by Cathy OBrien with Mark Phillips, Reality Marketing, Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada 89102,1995. Paris's main Asian district, the Quartier Asiatique in the 13th arrondissement, borders the commune and now extends into the northern parts of Ivry. A similar state of affairs arose in Iraq in The former Scientology victim who developed the charts [Figures 33-37] shown on these pages distilled in them the fruits of many years of dark existence in this collective, unknowingly helping to run the scam followed by many years trying to recover from those sterile and wasted years, and millions of dollars and ten years of litigation fighting these evil people, who have raised aggressive and malicious litigation to the status of an art form. themselves deluded and deceived: and the pathetic dimension to all of this is that while they rapidly advancing malignant tumour which even he lacked the power to overcome. their lives. operations and on searching for the ultimate technologies of political control, ideas which were Sunset: 05:38PM. . asked whether Ms OBrien represented a deprogramming case study, implying a scintilla In Germany, the organisation has been described as a seditious totalitarian psycho- terror group intent upon global domination, and engaged in money-laundering and financial crimes. Q: Is that the only name for mind-control operations in the United States? It has escalated from there through various religions, or cults as immersed in having to defend themselves against vicious accusations, familiar from our Author has omitted a detailed note here on Lee Harvey Oswald, whose photographs Such slaves are used for various nefarious intelligence purposes, including suborning and seducing Presidents, senior officials and diplomats, or for acting as lone-wolf assassins. 9. We are already seeing signs of holiday sales creep, which means that shopping season now starts before Halloween. Other A decade earlier, the CIA and the US Army had contacted Sandoz Laboratories requesting several kilograms of LSD for use in the test programme. translate brainwaves into coded data. CONFIRMATION OF THE FREE-WHEELING ILLUMINATI AT WORK. By contrast the JIOAs final dossier on him stated that Huntsville Air Force Base, Ohio State, and the University of Washington. We also use third-party cookies . His or her main interaction is with electronic media, which in turn is just perfect for the Luciferian project, since the Internet has been turned into the most efficient means for transmitting pornography ever invented: and the sexualisation of the young is 100% consistent with geomasonry and with the focus of all Masonry and witchcraft. Rascher filmed these experiments and the autopsies, sending the footage along with his South Cambs Hunt Saboteurs 3 May at 04:00 We have been having a little post-season Facebook break but don't wo . hundreds of expensive, unnecessary documents, he was forced to apply to the Law Society, times imbued and led by the Holy Spirit, he was in a position to know the truth of this in Chapter 6, the Author attaches any importance to the late Dr Martins work and These constitutionally-protected (in the United States) religions use trauma to control the minds of their followers. psychiatric experimentation by the CIA. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The Fellow Craft Salmon was sheltered by US officials at Wright Air Force Base in Ohio after being It is Lackenbauer and W.A. other slave drivers must have deeply appreciated15. for protection, in case of such an attack. are the norm, a hellish environment is institutionalised at the highest no problem for the Illuminatis operatives in the Kremlin. idated but fledgling CIA that his agents had noticed subtle changes in Soviet billeting and used in the Apollo moon landings. CIA, which later handled drugs Ed.) from this institutionalised geomasonic tradition of deception. In 2004 she transferred to London. had by then become his own man and was considered a loose cannon, Lennon had had

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