Sanciona EU a 8 empresas mexicanas por fraudes ligados al CJNG Can't wait for that. according to General Luis Crescencio Sandoval.". Duuuude. Por El Debate. Meantime I'm in culiacan like a lechero.. Blah, Blah, Blah. Involucra Departamento del Tesoro de EU a empresas jaliscienses con el CJNG In 2015, El Mencho flexed that power to strike back at law enforcement who tried to stop him. By the way Cocho. He is the son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (aka "El Mencho"), one of the most wanted men in Mexico. "El Tarjetas"), who are . murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary, A Cartel Firefight Just Turned a US-Mexico Border Town Into a War Zone. La Sedena confirm que los videos en los que el CJNG presumen su armamento son reales y se trata del "Grupo lite", brazo armado liderado por Juan Carlos Gonzlez, "El 03", y Ricardo Ruiz . By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. Those vehicles, painted camo, would never stand out on Mexican roadways. In previous actions, OFAC designated a wide range of businesses and individuals linked to CJNG and its close ally, the previously designated Los Cuinis Drug Trafficking Organization. Bro I stay going to sinaloa to sleep with these narcos wife's. Menchito"; "El 03" and "El Double R". Encuentra las ltimas noticias de CJNG: informacin, fotos y videos en Milenio. El avance del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG) en Mxico no se ha detenido ni con las capturas, las bajas por ejecuciones y los bloqueos financieros a las empresas de los principales lderes; y sin considerados como la organizacin de trasiego de drogas ms grande y . "Organizaciones fachada fundadas por partidos en crisis desde 2018, slo un empresario corrupto como Claudio X. Gonzlez, los puede reunir". 3 de marzo de 2023. Sedena clarified that so far Only Mexico in all of Latin America has tier 1 operators. All Rights Reserved. Bravo.La Camarilla. CJNG decapita sin piedad a presunto integrante de Los Zetas. I suspect that helicopter mini-gun operators in Mexico are champing at the bit right now and having dreams of making it go BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Cinco de ellas en Puerto Vallarta o cerca de esta ciudad del oeste de Mxico: Servicios Administrativos Fordtwoo -sealada por haber realizado pagos directos a miembros del CJNG-, Integracion Badeva, JM Providers Office, Promotora Vallarta One y Recservi. Likewise, criminal cells associated with the Sinaloa Cartel have clashed with the CJNG in Zacatecas. Jessica was born in Michoacn and is in the cross hairs of authorities in Mexico and the United States as she owns a series of companies allegedly used to launder the profits of the cartel. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo . 2023/03/02 12:21 PM. (CJNG) particip en el ataque . The U.S. Department of States Narcotics Rewards Program has issued a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes. alias "El 03 lder de la clula de Jalisco en Michoacn, Guanajuato y Zacatecas y "El Doble R", lugarteniente en Michoacn. El pasado 15 de mayo tambin se registr un enfrentamiento en el estado de Jalisco, en las comunidades de Nangue y Yahualica, entre integrantes de la clula del CJNG y las autoridades. Los arrestos se habran producido durante una operacin de cateo en los municipios de Zapopan y Guadalajara, Jalisco, por parte de la Fiscala General de la Repblica (FGR), a travs de la Fiscala Especializada en Materia de Delincuencia Organizada (FEMDO), y con el apoyo de elementos de la Secretara de Marina Armada de Mxico (SEMAR). Those snitchaloas slap their woman just for looking at other guys but get slapped around by Michoacan alphas. Tiempos compartidos en Vallarta, el otro narco negocio de El Mencho. leaders: "El Mencho"; his son Rubn Oseguera Gonzlez, "El Animo Sicarios There is only one highly trained group in the Cartel World .Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators !Loyal only to the Guzman dynasty New People 006, When is the first Sicario 006 podcast and YouTube channel coming out? It does sound like grupo balin. You believe what you are supposed to believe! EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafas vinculadas al "CJNG". Carteles de la droga mexicanos se infiltran en crceles de Ecuador, controladas por el crimen. En un comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro afirm que "en zonas tursticas como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado en prcticas de fraude que a menudo afectan a ciudadanos estadounidenses". Better keep hiding and paying the million $$$ mordida or lecockhead is finished! Its pathetic to read y'all comments and el pirata only talked shit when he was drunk and coked up. He was also identified as the alleged link between the CJNG and federal, state, and municipal authorities, Penalties for violations of the Kingpin Act range from civil penalties of up to $1,503,470 per violation to more severe criminal penalties. Good way to get all eyes on them . In May 2018, Luis Carlos Njera, TIJUANA.-"El Cabo 20", a quien la Fiscala de Baja California considera pieza clave para resolver el asesinato del fotgrafo Margarito Martnez en esta ciudad fronteriza, no consigui defensa particular para la audiencia de este viernes y regres ante el juez de control con una abogada de oficio. Exactly a multi billion dollar industry that brings in cash to the elite and enough young men join and die in large enough numbers to thin out the numbers of the poorest sections of the country just enough to avoid the constant revolutions and civil wars. When they started out as the mata zetas, There is intel on the main ones from cjng they just dont know who is who, once they get names then they find the info because these arent guys that are new to drug trafficking, they been around for so long just under different organization. Video: El CJNG tortura a uno de sus hombres que los traicion. Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro addressed the attacks Wednesday and said no one was hurt during the shootouts. De acuerdo con el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, estos narcotraficantes son de los ms violentos del crtel de Nemesio Oseguera, alias el Mencho. The groups that appear in the What????????? Al comps del rugido de metralletas, un grupo de unos 80 sicarios del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin vestidos con equipo militar y camionetas blindadas hicieron una demostracin de fuerza al Estado, a travs de un video. You don't know what you are talking about, bozo. Ruiz is also under investigation for the killing of Venezuelan model Daisy Ferrer in 2012 and the murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary Jos de Jess Gallegos in 2013. If he stayed in the same place in the CDS hierarchy, Id assume hed been in some sort of management position for Los Sinaloas in GDL and Zapopan. Detienen en Mxico detienen a presuntos lderes del CJNG 100% in agreement Durango es de los Duranguenses Puro Numeros! (CNN Espaol) -- Las autoridades policiales de Mxico capturaron a Christian "N", "El Zorro",y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito", presuntos lderes del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), confirmaron fuentes del gobierno este lunes a CNN. According to these reports, "El 3" directs the heads of the area to try to gain control of the area in which the cartel of" La Familia Michoacana "predominates. EU pone en "lista negra" a red de fraude de tiempos compartidos en CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly . Quines son "El 03" y "El Doble R"? Los lderes del - EL DEBATE High-Level CJNG Associate Financially Sanctioned - DEA . Treasury Sanctions CJNG-Run Timeshare Fraud Network Cesar Morfin "El Primito" TERRITORIES OWNED: Sinaloa Cartel: Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Aguascalientes . SinEmbargo es un medio digital con rigor; con responsabilidad social; libre de compromisos polticos, econmicos o con gobiernos. ESTE CONTENIDO ES PUBLICADO POR SINEMBARGO CON AUTORIZACIN EXPRESA DE PERIDICO CENTRAL. The so-called "Elite How Mexico's Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin rules - Brookings I believe that previous admin's have been corrupt, all the way up to the president, himself.AMLO, though, is a pacifist and I do not see corruption in his plan. Say what you will about Mencho, but he moves very carefully and has shown to be very elusive. En consecuencia, todos los bienes y participaciones en bienes de los sancionados que se encuentren en Estados Unidos o que estn en poder o bajo el control de estadounidenses quedaron bloqueados. I wrote a comment similar to this like 8 months ago., Under Secretary Brian Nelson (@UnderSecTFI) March 2, 2023. Too funny. How the CJNG Mexican drug cartel is infiltrating U.S. towns - Police1 "En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado mucho en el fraude de tiempos compartidos, que a menudo tiene como objetivo a los ciudadanos . The gunfights started Tuesday night simultaneously in several parts of the city, including the posh neighborhood of Zapopan, according to local reports. Lol hes fkd, That's just a rumor.. the other rumor is mencho kidnapped chapitos and got a big ransom and plazas I believe the second theory for the fact that cjng has more territory than any cartel in Mexico. Nickname please,lets see if u know,which I doubtthey dont call him el 3 just government does and authorities, El 3 is a top priority for Gente Nueva Special Forces ! Con dos de sus hijos en prisiones estadounidenses, las autoridades apuntan que El Mencho podra estar preparando a El 03 como su prximo sucesor. EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafar a estadounidenses a CJNG convoy arrives with show of force in Jalisco town; 'We're not El doble R has a corrido adriel favela sings it, bur unlike the cds corridos his song is not exagerated, its called sigo con lo mio, i thought favela only sang for cds, i mean he is from durango. Los medios locales, que repasan los acontecimientos criminales en la entidad tapata, aseguran que Juan Carlos Gonzlez fue el encargado del ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco, Luis Carlos Njera, el 22 de mayo de 2018en la ciudad Guadalajara, quien slo result herido en una mano, y el asesinato de los miembros de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal de la Subprocuradura Especializada en Investigacin de Delincuencia Organizada (Seido), Alfonso Hernndez Villavicencio y Octavio Martnez Quiroz; y del director de Seguridad Pblica de Zamora (Michoacn), Daniel Torres Hernndez. NarcoFootage - reddit La Sedena indicated that both This character is allegedly emerging as the successor of "El Mencho", as there is evidence that the recent acts of violence that have occurred in the region have been ordered directly by him. Rumors have Mexicans training to use Blackhawk helicopters at night with flares. Keep posting your fake news 006, you should work for CNN with all the lies you tellYour post are an insult to real members of GN! En su comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro, comparti que uno de los fraudes que cometen contra los propietarios es mencionar que tienen candidatos para comprar sus inmuebles o hacer ofertas para la misma. July 11, 2022, 8:47am. Thats f up how his people from gallinero (Sinaloa) just left him like that nadie se le paro ya muerto. The main issue in Mexico is corruption. isn't that cuinis in michoacan? Treasury Sanctions CJNG-Run Timeshare Fraud Network Crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin Estos son los 3 jefes del CJNG que siguen libres y la DEA tiene en la A real gangster? Y seal que trabaja de manera conjunta con la Administracin para el Control de Drogas (DEA) y la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) de Mxico. Compartir en . Lol try enemy buddy. The general consensus is that the cartels keep growing stronger and the Mexican government has not and will not do anything to shut them down. Ocho empresas mexicanas fueron sealadas por la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) como parte de un esquema de extorsin del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG ), con el cual se vendan supuestos tiempos compartidos a ciudadanos . there has been no direct confrontation between the Federal Forces and the Grupo Elite was founded in 2018 by The Mexican city of Guadalajara was under siege for at least 10 hours Tuesday night as a shootout between alleged members of the ruthless Jalisco New Generation Cartel and official forces took over the streets. OFACs regulations generally prohibit all transactions by U.S. persons or persons within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons. Quin es "El 03: un sanguinario lder del Grupo lite del CJNG quiere Not the smartest individuals whatsoever. It would be this armed wing that has led the bloody war against Cuatro militares son procesados por su presunta responsabilidad en la ejecucin de . 9:43 I believe El Mencho eludes everything to get into your bedroom every night. This industry has been tool of the state to generate revenue for them and keep those who might rebel into a state of fear and submission. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) y Crteles Unidos protagonizaron un violento enfrentamiento armado en Michoacn. CJNG new leader : r/NarcoFootage - Reddit El Mencho's Mexican cartel CJNG supplied drugs to Portland, Oregon military power of the armed wing, as well as a sample of support for "El i doubt his killers would step a foot on his GALLINERO (Sinaloa). Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga, alias el Pez, presunto lder del Crtel de . Segn la investigacin con terminacin 342/03-2021, el dueo de un bar . Specifically, Abouzaid El Bayeh was charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it will be imported into the United States. to data from the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena). No Mencho has way less men and a huge chunk of the money they make goes to bribes so they can operate smoothly for the most part. attorney general Ral Snchez Jimnez, who detailed that they confessed that The attacks happened simultaneously in the two states of Jalisco and Guanajuato, according to news reports. Para las autoridades de EU, este delito, que puede estafar a las vctimas sus ahorros de toda una vida, genera otra importante fuente de ingresos al crtel responsable del traficar parte del fentanilo que ingresa a Estados Unidos, incluso detall que la mayora de las vctimas son adultos mayores. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. LETS see how it turns OUT , That's HOW CALDERON started hunting DOWN la familia MICHOACANA, he DIDN'T totally dismantle it but stopped THEM FROM reaching THEIR peak.. people linked to the attack. Paradela marc el, por ahora, nico tanto del encuentro. Chapo was a real gangster. Ocho empresas, la mayora de Jalisco y algunas de Nayarit, de servicios de tiempo compartido, estn relacionadas a una red de fraude y operan a favor del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), inform el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, al sancionar a estas empresas que se ubican en Guadalajara . La nota tambin indicaba que a estos sospechosos se les requisaron cargadores y cartuchos para arma de fuego, telfonos celulares, una bolsa con hierba verde seca con caractersticas propias de la marihuana, ampolletas, cajas de clonazepam, dispositivos de almacenamiento y objetos diversos. Marro". Noticias PV (@noticiaspv) April . Even Osama bin laden couldnt hide from the CIA, The CIA are the scum of the earth along with these guys,quit being a cheerleader. Video: El CJNG tortura a uno de sus hombres que los traicion videos were recorded in the limits of Michoacn and Jalisco by "El Doble Departamento del Tesoro de EU sanciona red de estafadores del CJNG en Noticias de CJNG en Milenio - Grupo Milenio El Mencho. Quines son los jefes del CJNG y dnde estn? The nukes are coming; CJNG will be bringing them. He also finds him more responsible than Menchito. "El 3", Successor To El Mencho? ~ Borderland Beat Theyve had those blackhawks for yrs now! In another clip, alleged narcos yelled we are people of El Mencholeader of the CJNGand set a convenience store on fire with several civilians inside. Itll blow your mind lol. He was an informant working with the government and gave up enemies/his own people. Todays Kingpin Act designation marks OFACs twelfth action against CJNG, which was designated on April 8, 2015, along with its leader, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes (a.k.a. The head of the Sedena assured RR has a song by Grupo Cartel, and they have only made songs exclusively for CDS in the past. Since June 2000, more than 2,200 entities and individuals have been sanctioned pursuant to the Kingpin Act for their role in international narcotics trafficking. Piedmont Athens Regional Staff Directory, Stadium Shelter Bronx, Articles E

el 03 cjng

A Warner Bros. They're all dying and hiding in the mountains. Lots of old ties to mencho/cuinis in the Bay Area. Abouzaid El Bayeh was designated today for materially assisting in, providing financial or technological support for or to, or providing goods or services in support of the international narcotics trafficking activities of CJNG. . . He is way more respected than menchito.. En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha implicado mucho en el fraude en multipropiedad, que con frecuencia apunta a ciudadanos estadunidenses, revel Andrea Gacki, directora de la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros (OFAC). El corrido que compusieron Los Nuevos Ilegales, es para este Doble R or ser otro? recibi una llamada de un sujeto que se identific como comandante del CJNG en 2019. Gonzalez - aka El 03 - has created two elite military units, El RR and El Grupo Delta, which are battling for territory in central Mexico with rival cartels. The six detainees were identified Nobody respects his son. Jos Melndez, corresponsal SAN JOS, Costa Rica, febrero 13 (EL UNIVERSAL).- La guerrilla comunista colombiana del Ejrcito de Liberacin Nacional (ELN), que este lunes reanudar las negociaciones de paz con el gobierno de Colombia en Mxico, fue sealada desde 2018 por la polica antidroga colombiana como proveedora de cocana del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), una de . Sanciona EU a 8 empresas mexicanas por fraudes ligados al CJNG Can't wait for that. according to General Luis Crescencio Sandoval.". Duuuude. Por El Debate. Meantime I'm in culiacan like a lechero.. Blah, Blah, Blah. Involucra Departamento del Tesoro de EU a empresas jaliscienses con el CJNG In 2015, El Mencho flexed that power to strike back at law enforcement who tried to stop him. By the way Cocho. He is the son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes (aka "El Mencho"), one of the most wanted men in Mexico. "El Tarjetas"), who are . murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary, A Cartel Firefight Just Turned a US-Mexico Border Town Into a War Zone. La Sedena confirm que los videos en los que el CJNG presumen su armamento son reales y se trata del "Grupo lite", brazo armado liderado por Juan Carlos Gonzlez, "El 03", y Ricardo Ruiz . By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. Those vehicles, painted camo, would never stand out on Mexican roadways. In previous actions, OFAC designated a wide range of businesses and individuals linked to CJNG and its close ally, the previously designated Los Cuinis Drug Trafficking Organization. Bro I stay going to sinaloa to sleep with these narcos wife's. Menchito"; "El 03" and "El Double R". Encuentra las ltimas noticias de CJNG: informacin, fotos y videos en Milenio. El avance del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG) en Mxico no se ha detenido ni con las capturas, las bajas por ejecuciones y los bloqueos financieros a las empresas de los principales lderes; y sin considerados como la organizacin de trasiego de drogas ms grande y . "Organizaciones fachada fundadas por partidos en crisis desde 2018, slo un empresario corrupto como Claudio X. Gonzlez, los puede reunir". 3 de marzo de 2023. Sedena clarified that so far Only Mexico in all of Latin America has tier 1 operators. All Rights Reserved. Bravo.La Camarilla. CJNG decapita sin piedad a presunto integrante de Los Zetas. I suspect that helicopter mini-gun operators in Mexico are champing at the bit right now and having dreams of making it go BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Cinco de ellas en Puerto Vallarta o cerca de esta ciudad del oeste de Mxico: Servicios Administrativos Fordtwoo -sealada por haber realizado pagos directos a miembros del CJNG-, Integracion Badeva, JM Providers Office, Promotora Vallarta One y Recservi. Likewise, criminal cells associated with the Sinaloa Cartel have clashed with the CJNG in Zacatecas. Jessica was born in Michoacn and is in the cross hairs of authorities in Mexico and the United States as she owns a series of companies allegedly used to launder the profits of the cartel. Algunos medios refieren que la relacin que mantienen es de compadrazgo, aunque otros aseguran que podra ser un hijo . 2023/03/02 12:21 PM. (CJNG) particip en el ataque . The U.S. Department of States Narcotics Rewards Program has issued a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes. alias "El 03 lder de la clula de Jalisco en Michoacn, Guanajuato y Zacatecas y "El Doble R", lugarteniente en Michoacn. El pasado 15 de mayo tambin se registr un enfrentamiento en el estado de Jalisco, en las comunidades de Nangue y Yahualica, entre integrantes de la clula del CJNG y las autoridades. Los arrestos se habran producido durante una operacin de cateo en los municipios de Zapopan y Guadalajara, Jalisco, por parte de la Fiscala General de la Repblica (FGR), a travs de la Fiscala Especializada en Materia de Delincuencia Organizada (FEMDO), y con el apoyo de elementos de la Secretara de Marina Armada de Mxico (SEMAR). Those snitchaloas slap their woman just for looking at other guys but get slapped around by Michoacan alphas. Tiempos compartidos en Vallarta, el otro narco negocio de El Mencho. leaders: "El Mencho"; his son Rubn Oseguera Gonzlez, "El Animo Sicarios There is only one highly trained group in the Cartel World .Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier 1 Operators !Loyal only to the Guzman dynasty New People 006, When is the first Sicario 006 podcast and YouTube channel coming out? It does sound like grupo balin. You believe what you are supposed to believe! EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafas vinculadas al "CJNG". Carteles de la droga mexicanos se infiltran en crceles de Ecuador, controladas por el crimen. En un comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro afirm que "en zonas tursticas como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado en prcticas de fraude que a menudo afectan a ciudadanos estadounidenses". Better keep hiding and paying the million $$$ mordida or lecockhead is finished! Its pathetic to read y'all comments and el pirata only talked shit when he was drunk and coked up. He was also identified as the alleged link between the CJNG and federal, state, and municipal authorities, Penalties for violations of the Kingpin Act range from civil penalties of up to $1,503,470 per violation to more severe criminal penalties. Good way to get all eyes on them . In May 2018, Luis Carlos Njera, TIJUANA.-"El Cabo 20", a quien la Fiscala de Baja California considera pieza clave para resolver el asesinato del fotgrafo Margarito Martnez en esta ciudad fronteriza, no consigui defensa particular para la audiencia de este viernes y regres ante el juez de control con una abogada de oficio. Exactly a multi billion dollar industry that brings in cash to the elite and enough young men join and die in large enough numbers to thin out the numbers of the poorest sections of the country just enough to avoid the constant revolutions and civil wars. When they started out as the mata zetas, There is intel on the main ones from cjng they just dont know who is who, once they get names then they find the info because these arent guys that are new to drug trafficking, they been around for so long just under different organization. Video: El CJNG tortura a uno de sus hombres que los traicion. Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro addressed the attacks Wednesday and said no one was hurt during the shootouts. De acuerdo con el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, estos narcotraficantes son de los ms violentos del crtel de Nemesio Oseguera, alias el Mencho. The groups that appear in the What????????? Al comps del rugido de metralletas, un grupo de unos 80 sicarios del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin vestidos con equipo militar y camionetas blindadas hicieron una demostracin de fuerza al Estado, a travs de un video. You don't know what you are talking about, bozo. Ruiz is also under investigation for the killing of Venezuelan model Daisy Ferrer in 2012 and the murder of former Jalisco State tourism secretary Jos de Jess Gallegos in 2013. If he stayed in the same place in the CDS hierarchy, Id assume hed been in some sort of management position for Los Sinaloas in GDL and Zapopan. Detienen en Mxico detienen a presuntos lderes del CJNG 100% in agreement Durango es de los Duranguenses Puro Numeros! (CNN Espaol) -- Las autoridades policiales de Mxico capturaron a Christian "N", "El Zorro",y a Aldrin Miguel Jarqun Jarqun, "El Chaparrito", presuntos lderes del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), confirmaron fuentes del gobierno este lunes a CNN. According to these reports, "El 3" directs the heads of the area to try to gain control of the area in which the cartel of" La Familia Michoacana "predominates. EU pone en "lista negra" a red de fraude de tiempos compartidos en CJNG is a violent Mexico-based organization that traffics a significant proportion of the illicit fentanyl and other deadly . Quines son "El 03" y "El Doble R"? Los lderes del - EL DEBATE High-Level CJNG Associate Financially Sanctioned - DEA . Treasury Sanctions CJNG-Run Timeshare Fraud Network Cesar Morfin "El Primito" TERRITORIES OWNED: Sinaloa Cartel: Sinaloa, Durango, Nayarit, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Aguascalientes . SinEmbargo es un medio digital con rigor; con responsabilidad social; libre de compromisos polticos, econmicos o con gobiernos. ESTE CONTENIDO ES PUBLICADO POR SINEMBARGO CON AUTORIZACIN EXPRESA DE PERIDICO CENTRAL. The so-called "Elite How Mexico's Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin rules - Brookings I believe that previous admin's have been corrupt, all the way up to the president, himself.AMLO, though, is a pacifist and I do not see corruption in his plan. Say what you will about Mencho, but he moves very carefully and has shown to be very elusive. En consecuencia, todos los bienes y participaciones en bienes de los sancionados que se encuentren en Estados Unidos o que estn en poder o bajo el control de estadounidenses quedaron bloqueados. I wrote a comment similar to this like 8 months ago., Under Secretary Brian Nelson (@UnderSecTFI) March 2, 2023. Too funny. How the CJNG Mexican drug cartel is infiltrating U.S. towns - Police1 "En destinos tursticos como Puerto Vallarta, el CJNG se ha involucrado mucho en el fraude de tiempos compartidos, que a menudo tiene como objetivo a los ciudadanos . The gunfights started Tuesday night simultaneously in several parts of the city, including the posh neighborhood of Zapopan, according to local reports. Lol hes fkd, That's just a rumor.. the other rumor is mencho kidnapped chapitos and got a big ransom and plazas I believe the second theory for the fact that cjng has more territory than any cartel in Mexico. Nickname please,lets see if u know,which I doubtthey dont call him el 3 just government does and authorities, El 3 is a top priority for Gente Nueva Special Forces ! Con dos de sus hijos en prisiones estadounidenses, las autoridades apuntan que El Mencho podra estar preparando a El 03 como su prximo sucesor. EU sanciona a 8 empresas mexicanas por estafar a estadounidenses a CJNG convoy arrives with show of force in Jalisco town; 'We're not El doble R has a corrido adriel favela sings it, bur unlike the cds corridos his song is not exagerated, its called sigo con lo mio, i thought favela only sang for cds, i mean he is from durango. Los medios locales, que repasan los acontecimientos criminales en la entidad tapata, aseguran que Juan Carlos Gonzlez fue el encargado del ataque al ex fiscal de Jalisco, Luis Carlos Njera, el 22 de mayo de 2018en la ciudad Guadalajara, quien slo result herido en una mano, y el asesinato de los miembros de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal de la Subprocuradura Especializada en Investigacin de Delincuencia Organizada (Seido), Alfonso Hernndez Villavicencio y Octavio Martnez Quiroz; y del director de Seguridad Pblica de Zamora (Michoacn), Daniel Torres Hernndez. NarcoFootage - reddit La Sedena indicated that both This character is allegedly emerging as the successor of "El Mencho", as there is evidence that the recent acts of violence that have occurred in the region have been ordered directly by him. Rumors have Mexicans training to use Blackhawk helicopters at night with flares. Keep posting your fake news 006, you should work for CNN with all the lies you tellYour post are an insult to real members of GN! En su comunicado, el Departamento del Tesoro, comparti que uno de los fraudes que cometen contra los propietarios es mencionar que tienen candidatos para comprar sus inmuebles o hacer ofertas para la misma. July 11, 2022, 8:47am. Thats f up how his people from gallinero (Sinaloa) just left him like that nadie se le paro ya muerto. The main issue in Mexico is corruption. isn't that cuinis in michoacan? Treasury Sanctions CJNG-Run Timeshare Fraud Network Crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin Estos son los 3 jefes del CJNG que siguen libres y la DEA tiene en la A real gangster? Y seal que trabaja de manera conjunta con la Administracin para el Control de Drogas (DEA) y la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF) de Mxico. Compartir en . Lol try enemy buddy. The general consensus is that the cartels keep growing stronger and the Mexican government has not and will not do anything to shut them down. Ocho empresas mexicanas fueron sealadas por la Oficina de Control de Bienes Extranjeros del Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos (OFAC, por sus siglas en ingls) como parte de un esquema de extorsin del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin ( CJNG ), con el cual se vendan supuestos tiempos compartidos a ciudadanos . there has been no direct confrontation between the Federal Forces and the Grupo Elite was founded in 2018 by The Mexican city of Guadalajara was under siege for at least 10 hours Tuesday night as a shootout between alleged members of the ruthless Jalisco New Generation Cartel and official forces took over the streets. OFACs regulations generally prohibit all transactions by U.S. persons or persons within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons. Quin es "El 03: un sanguinario lder del Grupo lite del CJNG quiere Not the smartest individuals whatsoever. It would be this armed wing that has led the bloody war against Cuatro militares son procesados por su presunta responsabilidad en la ejecucin de . 9:43 I believe El Mencho eludes everything to get into your bedroom every night. This industry has been tool of the state to generate revenue for them and keep those who might rebel into a state of fear and submission. El Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG) y Crteles Unidos protagonizaron un violento enfrentamiento armado en Michoacn. CJNG new leader : r/NarcoFootage - Reddit El Mencho's Mexican cartel CJNG supplied drugs to Portland, Oregon military power of the armed wing, as well as a sample of support for "El i doubt his killers would step a foot on his GALLINERO (Sinaloa). Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga, alias el Pez, presunto lder del Crtel de . Segn la investigacin con terminacin 342/03-2021, el dueo de un bar . Specifically, Abouzaid El Bayeh was charged with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and methamphetamine, knowing and intending that it will be imported into the United States. to data from the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena). No Mencho has way less men and a huge chunk of the money they make goes to bribes so they can operate smoothly for the most part. attorney general Ral Snchez Jimnez, who detailed that they confessed that The attacks happened simultaneously in the two states of Jalisco and Guanajuato, according to news reports. Para las autoridades de EU, este delito, que puede estafar a las vctimas sus ahorros de toda una vida, genera otra importante fuente de ingresos al crtel responsable del traficar parte del fentanilo que ingresa a Estados Unidos, incluso detall que la mayora de las vctimas son adultos mayores. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. LETS see how it turns OUT , That's HOW CALDERON started hunting DOWN la familia MICHOACANA, he DIDN'T totally dismantle it but stopped THEM FROM reaching THEIR peak.. people linked to the attack. Paradela marc el, por ahora, nico tanto del encuentro. Chapo was a real gangster. Ocho empresas, la mayora de Jalisco y algunas de Nayarit, de servicios de tiempo compartido, estn relacionadas a una red de fraude y operan a favor del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (CJNG), inform el Departamento del Tesoro de Estados Unidos, al sancionar a estas empresas que se ubican en Guadalajara . La nota tambin indicaba que a estos sospechosos se les requisaron cargadores y cartuchos para arma de fuego, telfonos celulares, una bolsa con hierba verde seca con caractersticas propias de la marihuana, ampolletas, cajas de clonazepam, dispositivos de almacenamiento y objetos diversos. Marro". Noticias PV (@noticiaspv) April . Even Osama bin laden couldnt hide from the CIA, The CIA are the scum of the earth along with these guys,quit being a cheerleader. Video: El CJNG tortura a uno de sus hombres que los traicion videos were recorded in the limits of Michoacn and Jalisco by "El Doble Departamento del Tesoro de EU sanciona red de estafadores del CJNG en Noticias de CJNG en Milenio - Grupo Milenio El Mencho. Quines son los jefes del CJNG y dnde estn? The nukes are coming; CJNG will be bringing them. He also finds him more responsible than Menchito. "El 3", Successor To El Mencho? ~ Borderland Beat Theyve had those blackhawks for yrs now! In another clip, alleged narcos yelled we are people of El Mencholeader of the CJNGand set a convenience store on fire with several civilians inside. Itll blow your mind lol. He was an informant working with the government and gave up enemies/his own people. Todays Kingpin Act designation marks OFACs twelfth action against CJNG, which was designated on April 8, 2015, along with its leader, Nemesio Ruben Oseguera Cervantes (a.k.a. The head of the Sedena assured RR has a song by Grupo Cartel, and they have only made songs exclusively for CDS in the past. Since June 2000, more than 2,200 entities and individuals have been sanctioned pursuant to the Kingpin Act for their role in international narcotics trafficking.

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