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cern opening dimensions

Legitimate scientists, quantum physicists, and theoretical physicists have hypothesized multiple universes, wormholes, teleportation, the idea that reality is a simulation, additional dimensions, and so-on and so forth. Their paper described an empirically observable phenomenon that persisted across people with no clear explanation. ATLAS delivers most precise luminosity measurement at LHC. I've had the great good fortune to witness thousands of reality shifts and Mandela Effects, including some that have flip-flopped, or gone first one way, and then anotherwhich has led me to contemplate that as physicists Leonard Susskind and Raphael Bousso suggested, the many-worlds interpretation and the multiverse of eternal inflation are one and the same thing, Larson said. Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes | CERN Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes Why is gravity so much weaker than the other fundamental forces? . Ive seen a lot of videos go viral making claims about CERN, and when I see that it tells me we need to communicate even further, because theyre getting informed by the conspiracy theories they hear, Clara Nellist, a particle physicist who works on CERNs ATLAS, a Large Hadron Collider experiment seeking to learn more about the basic building blocks of matter, the fundamental forces of nature, and what dark matter is made of told Motherboard. NASA's $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope was designed to perceive light from a large swath of the infrared light spectrum. We are ignorant. [iv]Girl Suicide Over Big Bang Fear, (accessed September 20, 2014). In my opinion, some of the things being misremembered make more sense as what they should have been, she said. How could we test for extra dimensions? However, some scientists have been cautioning against this move, fearing it would open up. For example, in 2012, the collider made headlines after discovering the Higgs boson particle, which was "a finding key to understanding the creation of the universe," according to the Washington Post. In 2016, a video appeared online that seemed to depict a ritual sacrifice on the CERN grounds, right in front of the statue of Shiva, the Hindu deity. They will long to die, but death will flee from them. Many claims have been made over the years. The plane was then reported to reappear roughly 5,500 miles away at Tenerife North Airport on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Experiment Briefing | 24 January 2023. There is no truth to the claim that scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and using the collider to openup a portal to hell,Dejan Stojkovic,a physics professor at the University atBuffalo, told USA TODAY in an email. During a regular briefing at CERN headquarters, he told reporters, Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.[i] The notion of higher dimensional beings traversing such doorways conjures up the denizens of legend, orcs, ogres, elves, fairies, dwarves, and giants. Was Nimrod actually trying to unleash the locusts in defiance of Gods ultimate timing? The current leading theory among a subset of true believers is that Mandela Effects are evidence of multiple timelines, universes, ripping of spacetime, or another physics phenomenon. As Ive said many times in my previous books, the lowest-level members of these mystery religions and secret societies rarely know the truths reserved for the few who actually run the show. In the meantime you can visit our permanent exhibition in the Globe. Inherent within this theoretical realm, populated by obtuse equations and pipe-smoking scientists, lies what I call the Babylon Potential. This is the secret knowledgethe scientific imperative, informed and driven by spiritual advisersthat the Bible cites as the key to opening a gateway for the gods. It is Entemenanki, Baba-alu, the opening of the Abzu, the doorway to Hell. Where things get difficult is when people suggest that CERNan organization that studies physics phenomenais cast as potentially causing those phenomena. But a growing number of people around the world have posited theories that the real aim of CERN is to blast open a portal to admit demons from Second Heaven! Semele is yet another moon goddess, and she fits the Semiramis/Isis/Danu/Diana model. USA TODAY reached out to the social media users who shared the claim for comment. The time wave then continued, until it made contact with the Iberworld Airbus, temporarily displacing it in time and space. In his book, Greek Myths and Mesopotamia: Parallels and Influence in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod, Penglase carefully and methodically demonstrates that the Greek myths and legends of Apollo were simply Greek retellings of the Babylonian myths involving the rise to power of the god Marduk, which were themselves based on earlier legends of the Sumerian hunter/hero known as Ninurta. The first true collision actually happened in 2010. Clouds Over Geneva Show CERN Opening a Portal to a New Dimension? Statues and reliefs of her adorn thousands of government buildings and courts around the world, especially in Washington D.C., as familiar Lady Justice, blindfolded and holding scales and a sword. Other particle accelerators are also in the planning stages, though its unclear whether or not any will ever see the light of day. Apollo, or Apollyon, is listed in the book of Revelation as belonging to the king of the hybrid-fallen angel creatures that rise up from the pitAbysswhen it is unsealed. This sounds eerily similar to what the Watchers did during the creation of the nephilim and to what scientists are doing this century through genetic engineering of human-animal chimeras. Theories that suggest extra dimensions predict that, in the same way as atoms have a low-energy ground state and excited high-energy states, there would be heavier versions of standard particles in other dimensions. "There are many other colliders all over the world.". If successful a very new universe is going to be exposedmodifying completely not only the physics books but the philosophy books too. A graviton might escape our detectors, leaving an empty zone that we notice as an imbalance in momentum and energy in the event. Heres the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. The Jura Mountains loom over the CERN campus like ancient judges who oversee the construction and implementation of the new Babylon Portal. The laboratory we know as CERN was born in 1952, not long after World War II and the emergence of the nuclear bomb. [xi] Thomas Horn, Zenith 2016 (Crane, MO: Defender, 2013) 138. FREE!!! As the story goes, the plane was carrying 170 passengers, and had been heading toward Santa Cruz, Bolivia, when it seemingly disappeared mid-flight. On the surface, it looks horrifying: A human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of one of the world's most famous science labs. Ants living on a much smaller scale could move around the cable, in what would appear like an extra dimension to the tightrope-walker. It does not "absorb, reflect or emit light, making it extremely hard to spot," according to CERN. People hear interesting theories about multiple dimensions and timelines and there are misconceptionsin science, the language we use can be confusing, like, we talk about links between particles and looking for extraspatial dimensions and portals, and people hear these words and they think that thats whats being developed [at CERN]., IMEC clearly sees this as a scientific problem to be solved. I have to keep reintroducing myself and validating my experience, and then I get insulted on TikTok because people say Im just a PR person, Nellist said. Frustratingly, they do not have a solid theory for why this is happening, though they hypothesize that peoples minds are filling in the blanks from what they expect an image to look like, or perhaps have been exposed to the wrong version somewhere and have remembered this. Is CERN Really Opening Portals? But whats really behind CERNs interest in making contact with a parallel universe? They were captured only 10 days after the Advanced WAKEfield Experiment, which began at its facility at CERN on June 16, 2016. Since that time, some of the research at CERN has entered the public lexicon and nearly become a household word. The video showed the CERN schedule for the LCH which includedan experiment called Awake, due to commence on June 24. [vii] CERNs official names and founding information come from the Wikipedia entry, available at (accessed January 12, 2015). Extra dimensions The . One year after CERN's grand opening, Sergio Bertolucci, former Director for Research and Scientific Computing of the facility, grabbed headlines when he told a British tabloid the super collider could open otherworldly doors to another dimension for "a very tiny lapse of time," mere fractions of a second. Over time, a few minor details surrounding significant events, and therefore our perception of these events, might somehow change and may continue to improve in the years ahead. In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming. Email us at or call 0207 782 4368. People repeatedly inserted the same wrong characteristics from their own memory: The scientists found that there are certain images that elicit a specific false memory, despite high familiarity and confidence. They specifically demonstrated that seven familiar images from popular iconography have low memory accuracy, with a specific incorrect version consistently remembered across people, suggesting that something about the logos was being misremembered by large numbers of people for unknown reasons. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. In another experiment, the scientists showed participants only the correct version of the image, then asked them to draw the image from memory later. Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and opening a portal to hell. Gilgamesh claimed to be two-thirds god, which seemed impossible until today, when babies are born every day with three parents (a process where one parent is a woman who donates her enucleated ovum as carrier for the DNA of the other two parents). The CERN projects carried out under the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) program have long been targeted by conspiracy theorists for a slew of unsavory activities, ranging from satanic rituals to world domination. "Everything is fine." Another user agrees that CERN are on schedule to rip open a portal in space-time, adding: "They began getting it ready when the planets aligned on June 24th." The thinking here is that there actually was a movie called Shazaam for a specific subset of the population who lived in one universe or version of reality, and those people have somehow either collectively switched realities, or reality itself has shifted, and a certain subset of the population has a collective memory of what things were like in the before times, when it was Looney Toons instead of Looney Tunes, for example. But if we could look on a small enough scale, that hidden dimension might become visible again. For other inquiries, Contact Us. It is said that one possible location for the tower was directly over the presumed location of the Abzu, the Abyss! Other theorists suggest CERN is being used as a portal to allow Satan to return to Earth. High-energy experiments could prise open the inconspicuous dimensions just enough to allow . Phenomena Surrounding CERN (Pastor Charles Lawson) preached what you hear in 2015 about CERN. Yet, prior to the discovery of spinning Kerr black holes, traversing the magic sphere meant being obliterated down to the atomic level by the enormous gravitational force. When two beams of these particles collide, detectors, which are located around the beams, record the outcome of these collisions. Scientists at the University of Chicago recently described it as an internet phenomenon describing shared and consistent false memories for specific icons in popular culture." (Chaz Anon) The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or more commonly known as CERN, is making its return this week. We would need to carefully study the properties of the missing object to work out whether it is a graviton escaping to another dimension or something else. . 20, No. Larson is looking for reality shifts and Mandela Effects, or evidence of multiple universes, timelines, rips in the space-time continuum, or other evidence that reality as we know it has been distorted by the Large Hadron Collider. [iii]Richard Bullivant, Beyond Time TravelExploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books, 2014) Kindle Edition, 781785. Traversable wormholes provide a valid solution to field equations of general relativity. Tech ANOTHER DIMENSION Jaw-dropping photos taken above CERN's Large Hadron Collider lead to wild new conspiracy theories and 'prove portals are opening' The images were taken as scientists. However, that may be just enough . In 1935, Albert Einstein and his student, Nathan Rosen, proposed that connecting two black holes would form a tube-like gateway between two regions. They showed volunteers the real logo or character in a lineup of slightly manipulated images, for example, versions of the Monopoly Man with and without a monocle. Boston Globe . . "This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC. Soon CERN will open a larger size portal or even open the portal all the way and those which have been trapped will be free. We do so using the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments. 11:00 . Instead, the model predicts that black holes may form at energy levels of at least 9.5 TeV in six dimensions and 11.9 TeV in 10 dimensions. The International Mandela Effect Conference (IMEC) is a group that broadly studies the phenomenon and held conferences in 2019 and 2020 for people who swear that the Berenstain Bears were actually the Berenstein Bears, that the Monopoly Man wore a monocle (he doesnt and never has), that there was a movie called Shazaam that featured Sinbad as a genie, and, of course, that Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 1980s (he didnt). LHC Machine Coordinator Dr. Mike Lamond said officially that the shutdown had been caused by a bird that dropped a bit of baguette, causing the magnets to heat up and almost result in another quench incident, as reported by the Telegraph on November 6, 2009. Enter Werner Karl Heisenberg, a renowned German Nobel laureate physicist who is often called the founder of quantum mechanics. He served as head of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute during World War II, heading up the Nazi push to create an atomic weapon. The research programme at CERN covers topics from kaons to cosmic rays, and from the Standard Model to supersymmetry, Steering and focusing: magnets and superconductivity. Are scientists intentionally trying to open portals to other worlds? The name means "horned one," and his stern image appears in various forms, usually wearing "stag's horns" upon his head, and he is oftentimes accompanied by a ram-headed serpent. In their research, psychologists Wilma Bainbridge and Deepasri Prasad asked volunteers to identify famous logos or characters based on their memories. CERN is all set to restart the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on July 5th but it has also given rise to the rumors that the world is going to end on July 5th after people came across a fake news . [ix]Wendy Doniger OFlaherty, History of Religions Vol. These heavier versions of particles called Kaluza-Klein states would have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass. But Genesis refers to Nimrod as a man who began to be a mighty one in the earth (Genesis 10:8 emphasis added). Lets start archiving possible changes in our new reality.. One of the recurring accusations is that the LHC is opening portals to other dimensions. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaftrose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, andthe sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. What exactly we would detect would depend on the number of extra dimensions, the mass of the black hole, the size of the dimensions and the energy at which the black hole occurs. While scholars admit to speculating as much as anyone else, they typically interpret these spirals as symbolizing the portal to a long journey. A series of incredible photos by Christophe Suarez appeared online in June of 2016. Second Thessalonians 2:3 warns: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [Apoleia; Apollyon, Apollo] (emphasis added). The scientists do not consider whether this might be the result of alternate dimensions. Ive been paying attention to see whether reports of Mandela Effects might increase, now that CERNs Large Hadron Collider fired back up again, Larson, the author of Reality Shifts and Quantum Jumps, told Motherboard. The math works. They then asked participants to rate the confidence they had in whether their specific memory of that logo or character was correct. CERN is a French acronym based on the name of the working committee that imagined the possibilities for a physics laboratory governed by another emerging body, the Common Market, which would eventually rise as the revived Roman Empire, the European Union. "If yall dont know about cern its a demonic/Evil machine that opens up portals to other dimensions/Hell/other spiritual worlds(not Heaven/or bosom of Abraham)and it brings in demons wicked spirits/High Evil Principalities," reads the caption of the post. Many prophecy scholars equate Nimrod with Gilgamesh, the hero of the ancient Sumerian creation story composed circa 2000 BC. Nellist said that, while the science CERN is doing at the LHC is groundbreaking, they are simply recreating collisions that happen in our atmosphere all the time in a controlled environment. It's not squeezed, or squeezable, into an atom-sized box. John Titor discusses the nature of worldlines, portals and how time travel could be discovered through the research at CERN: The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online. January 31, 2001. Nimrod most likely was a product of a profane mating of fallen angel (god) and human. They, too, looked a bit blank about the whole thing - it was put together by German director . Why is gravity so much weaker than the other fundamental forces? . The claim: Scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and opening a portal to hell In April, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, restarted. [viii] This ritual is performed on the back of a demon named Apasmara who is said to represent ignorance. Peter Goodgame sheds further light on the identity of this king locust: And just who is this Greek god Apollyon who makes his strange appearance in the book of Revelation? Furthermore, according to David Rohl, the original name for Ninurta was in fact Nimurda, whose historical identity can be traced back to King Enmerkar of Uruk, the very same figure who is known in the Bible as Nimrod.[xii]. In our everyday lives, we experience three spatial dimensions, and a fourth dimension of time. ENOCH, THE WATCHERS, AND THE FORGOTTEN MISSION OF JESUS CHRISTPART 4: The Sin of the Watchers and the Apkallu, PART 3: THINGS COULD GET SO BAD BEFORE THE MYSTICAL HEBREW YEAR 5785 (THE FOCUS OF DR. THOMAS HORNS UPCOMING NEW BOOK WE ARE LEGION, FOR WE ARE MANY [DUE THIS FALL] THAT YOU NEED TO PREPARE NOW: What Happens First. Einsteins general theory of relativity tells us that space can expand, contract, and bend. Of course, to the Illuminati, the truly ignorant are the foolish Christians. Hence, it's no surprise that on July 5, 2022 . The goal on that last day at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be to accelerate particles at incredible speeds, colliding at unprecedented energy levels, then smashing them together and finally detecting and analyzing the results of those collisions. CERN Physicist: "We've Done Something at CERN we Shouldn't have Done" Titors worldlines were effectively timelines, branches in the multiverse, each representing the infinite possible courses of events. Did CERN Open a Portal to Another Dimension? Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC - raises "major concerns" about what the LHC is being used for. So far, every attempt to locate Dark Matter has failed. Cosmos Lab 170K subscribers Subscribe 565K views 7 months ago On June 16, 2016, CERN, the European Organization for. 8-18-15 - DREAM: The Gates of Hell Opening Up. In the video, you can see a number of cloaked figures gathered near the statue, surrounding a woman. "What is in the cloud - some say it is lightning or a massive ball of energy. The name for the committee was the Conseil Europen pour la Recherche Nuclaire(European Council for Nuclear Research). A recent stitch of hers plays out like this: Since when does Double STUFFED Oreos, a TikToker says, gesturing to a package that says Double Stuf Oreos. The Mandela Effect, in which large numbers of people all misremember the same thing about pop culture (it's always been "Double Stuf" Oreos), is a highly interesting conspiracy theory, in part because it is verifiably real. The video is taken from the point-of-view of an unsuspecting onlooker, who decides to run for it after realizing whats about to go down. For billions of years this has been happening in our universe, she said. Here's the answer: CERN is an abbreviated title for the ancient god worshipped by the Celts: Cernnunos. In other words, the tried and true spacetime continuum that . Purveyors of the Airbus theory believe the strange event may have happened during the preparations for the LHCs relaunch in early November. A British military analyst later quipped: Were looking here at an imminent visit from a race of carnivorous dinosaur-men, the superhuman clone hive-legions of some evil genetic queen-empress, infinite polypantheons of dark mega-deities imprisoned for aeons and hungering to feast upon human souls, a parallel-history victorious Nazi globo-Reich or something of that type.[ii]. Scientists FINALLY Found A Way To Open A Portal To Another Dimension! Particle physics is a big part the future of scientific discovery, and perhaps portals are as well. The fact that CERN can open a doorway into another dimension is something that is known and expected. Some question whether or not the alleged strange activity surrounding CERN is deliberate or not. According to, the short answer is no. "Is this why the weather is so crazy all over the planet? The Large Hadron Collider: Inside CERN's atom smasher By Daisy Dobrijevic, Andrew May published 27 June 2022 The Large Hadron Collider is the world's biggest particle accelerator. They were toldnot to harmthe grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not havethe seal of God on their foreheads. With its name and by placing a bronze Shiva sculpture prominently in front of its headquarters, CERN is indicating to those with eyes to see that the colliders true purpose is to open a portal to the underworldto create a stargate or god-gate, which would serve as a doorway between worlds. But they want to open the door anyway. In January 2019, CERN officials revealed their potential plan for a 62 mile circular collider. This passageway is called an Einstein-Rosen Bridge. As Metro reported in January 2017, some bloggers online believe that CERNs experiments are in fact an attempt to build the kingdom of the antichrist, who will eventually step through the portal and rule our planet.. The extraordinary images were of dark clouds filled with lightning, and a rainstorm underneath the skies . Conspiracy theorists speculated that pictures of a storm over Switzerland were proof that the Large Hadron Collider had opened. The July 5th reactivation of the collider will be the most powerful yet and many believe that the purpose is to open a portal to another dimension and others believe it will cause power outages and earthquakes. The Large Hadron Collider at Cern in 2013. A new ATLAS for the high-luminosity era. "There are much higher energy particle collisions happening in our atmosphere all the time. What CERN can actually do with its beams doesn't even come close to what is needed. This excerpt from Zenith 2016 and the CERN relationship with the Jura Mountains becomes even clearer when we examine the second of the towns mentioned earlierPouilly, established by the Romans as Apolliacum, which reportedly served as the location for a temple to Apollo. As CERN themselves reported, "On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 125 GeV." The particle was "consistent with the Higgs boson," and in 2013 Franois Englert and Peter Higgs received the Nobel prize in physics for the discovery. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. On the r/conspiracy subreddit, a popular post states Let the Mandela Effects begin CERN was successful with the Large Hadron Collider run3. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. These gods, these fallen angels from the pit, intend to set up a new world order on the ash heap of the oldon the backs of ignorant dwarves like you and me. One speaker at an IMEC conference a YouTuber who goes by "MoneyBags73" and has radically shifted the content of his channel over the last few years: "This channel was originally about purchasing precious metals to protect our wealth from a hidden tax called inflation and from the U.S. dollar that is on the road to destruction," he wrote on his channel description.

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