feedback2[i].innerHTML=" ✗ Sorry, 'like' is a state, but 'enjoy' is an action! Stative Verbs. Some of the most common stative verbs are and have. feedback1[i].style.color="red"; It is obvious when you look at an example like The cake tastes delicious. 1 Helen likes reading historic novels. In today's HOW TO ENGLISH video you will learn the difference between STATE and ACTION verbs. Let’s look at two examples. "; D- I own two cars. To kick, to cook, to speak — these are all actions that we do with our bodies and we can see the actions happen. 5,769 Downloads . This is a state verb the describes the cake. That’s right. There are more, of course, but these are the most common verbs. So, think is a state verb when we use it to give an opinion, but it is an action verb when we describe our brain in action. for (i=0; i Kit Ausbildung Kauffrau Für Büromanagement,
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