Weitere Hunde. We love her so dealing with all of her traits. Once she got home and settled in, she became more rambunctious. The Shar-Pei German Shepherd mix, or German Shar-Pei, is a lovable, floppy family dog and an excellent watchdog. On the other hand, Pugs are friendly, outgoing dogs with a charming, comedic nature. Nicht nur Shar Pei Nass- und Trockenfutter werden für Sie herausgesucht, sondern auch köstliche Snacks. It is a fun-loving, playful dog that inherits the smartness from a Poodle, alongside the devotion of a Shar-Pei. And is not a good dog for first-time dog owners. Proper training and socialization is important for all dogs, even if your Lab Pei is more Lab-like in personality. Do you know what triggers it? However, no Shar Pei mix is likely going to be low maintenance. They are cute, loveable, and fun ! Six years old, 48 lbs, spay, up to date with shots, potty and crate trained. These are both of asian descent and make for an interesting … ca. With this in mind, a prospective owner of a Rottweiler Shar Pei mix can prepare for a family-oriented breed. 6/2016 Im Tierheim von: 7/2017 bis 1/2021 Violeta ist freundlich, gutmütig [...] 67808 Mörsfeld (Rheinland-Pfalz) | k.A. 1985 wurde in Deutschland der „1. Shar-Pei Figur ca. The Walrus Dog, or Shar Pei Basset Hound mix, is thought to have originated in the United States in the 1990s. Wie alle Shar Pei strahlt auch Sharpi meist friedliche Ruhe und … This is certainly not a low maintenance crossbreed. Shar Pei Nothilfe e.V. 5. Shar-peis are also distinguished by their rough, sandpaper-like coats that can be any solid color or sable mix. One who gets along well with just about everyone, including strangers and other dogs. Der Shar-Pei (chinesisch 沙皮狗, Pinyin shāpí gǒu, Jyutping saa 1 pei 4 gau 2, kantonesisch sa 1 pei 4 gau 2) ist eine von der FCI anerkannte Hunderasse aus China (FCI-Gruppe 2, Sektion 2.1, Standard Nr. Rottweilers insist that these breeds are gentle. On the other hand, he may show aggressive tendencies towards strangers and other dogs. He is very clean and was easy to potty train but does not like walks and I recently (he’s almost 3 years old now) doesn’t much like playing. The German Shar-Pei, also … And the Bulldog Shar Pei mix is one of the most popular Shar Pei mixes to date. Leo Shar Pei mix wurde aus einer schlechten Haltung gerettet und kam dann ins Tierheim (in Italien). She is a Cocker Spaniel and Shar Pei mix. Deutsche Shar-Pei Club“ gegründet, der auch heute noch, zusammen mit einem weiteren Verein, die Rasse Shar-Pei im VDH betreut. Leider muss ich mich aus privaten Gründen von der kleinen… 1.400 € | 51145 Köln. They will all need plenty of constant training, socialization, and obedience classes beginning in puppyhood. 3. Schicke Shar Pei Welpen 8 Wochen alt. This includes temperament, physical characteristics, health issues, and more. This is not the best hybrid for homes with small children and homes with other household pets. All rights reserved. Well, my other dog is a 5 year old male Papillon/Yorkie mix, so I am hesitant. 16 Kg geb. Niemals sollte man einen Shar Pei in einer Zoohandlung oder gar auf einem Markt (sehr beliebt in den ehemaligen Ostblockländern!) Violeta - Mix Shar Pei - Labrador, lieb und verträglich Mischlingshunde Shar-Pei (5 Jahre) Violeta Mix Shar Pei / Labrador - mittelgroß Hündin - kastriert, gechipt, geimpft Schulterhöhe ca. 2006; TH Köln Leni,Sophie und Werner - Staffordshire-Shar Pei - Mix Wenn dir die Beiträge zum Thema „Shar-Pei - ein "Listenhund" der Liste 1“ in der Kategorie „Pit Bull, Staff & andere Kampfschmuser“ gefallen haben, du noch Fragen hast oder Ergänzungen machen möchtest, mach doch einfach bei uns mit und melde dich kostenlos und … 50 cm, ca. Suerte ist eine ca. House training and tricks were a breeze with her. Shar Pei Boxer mix black is nice and calm door who are friendly to my children. Sollte Ihnen ein Shar Pei auf den ersten Blick gefallen, dann zögern Sie nicht uns zu kontaktieren, um mehr über den Hund zu erfahren. Woof! Shar Pei Lab Mix is a cross of the Labrador Retriever and the Chinese Shar-pei, also known as Lab Pei or Sharpay Lab. She is a natural problem solver with a number of unique needs and traits. They are protective towards the f… Also known as Boxpei, the Box-a-Shar has a short- to medium-sized coat and needs regular grooming to keep its hairs clean. She is highly intelligent, very energetic, stubborn and hard to train. And of course, the Shar Pei Golden Retriever mix will need plenty of training and early socialization. Rasse: Shar Pei-Mix; Alter: ca. Shar- pei.. Shar-Shar-3 monate Hat alles Hat alle impfug Mit alles papier alles eu rizepass auch Pasport hat. Man war auch nicht bereit mit uns zu telefonieren. But the Shar Pei may be more stubborn than the Labrador. Hi, I purchased my Ori pie from Missouri as well. It is sometimes referred to as the Sharp Eagle. 13 - 14cm groß. Known for his loyalty, the Akita matches the Shar Pei when it comes to guarding instincts and a faithful temperament. Both Pitbulls and Shar Pei dogs have an unfortunate history of being used as pit fighting breeds. We all know Labradors for their easy-going, lovable temperaments. Noch 2 schicke Welpen … The Shar-Pei Pit Bull Terrier mix is a gentle and loving family pet that can also work as a fearless protector. Shar Pei Nothilfe e.V. Der Preis für diese Shar Pei-Welpen ist oft sehr niedrig und sie sollen meistens direkt zum Käufer geliefert werden. Because Shar Peis are known as “difficult” dogs, finding a professional trainer who has experience with the breed is recommended. The Shar Pei Labrador mix is often called the Lab Pei. The Rottweiler Shar Pei mix is another guarding breed combination. 08. Watch More At: http://animal.discovery.com/videos/dogs-101-season-one/?smid=YTAPC-YTD-PLPShar-Pei translates to "sand skin". However, purebred Shar Pei dogs are certainly not the breed for every dog lover. Your Labrador Shar Pei mix will require socialization and obedience training from an early age. ca. What do you think? The Shar-Pei mixes are produced by crossing the Chinese Shar-Pei with a number of purebreds, including Pit Bull Terrier, Labrador Retriever, Beagle, Boxer, German Shepherd, English Bulldog, Basset Hound, and Rottweiler. I have a shar pei border collie mix. She is a Cocker Spaniel and Shar Pei mix. What is the mix in the first couple of photos? Shar-Pei kaufen und verkaufen Tierheimhunde, Rassehunde, Mischlinge und Welpen Jetzt Traumhund finden auf edogs.de! Mixe von Shar Pei mit anderen Hunderassen oder Mischlingen sind selten. Shar- pei.. Shar-Shar-3 monate Hat alles Hat alle impfug Mit alles papier alles eu rizepass auch Pasport hat. Shar Pei dogs are popular guarding dogs, especially in ancient Chinese culture. 1.800 € 73479 Ellwangen (Jagst) 31.01.2021. 04. But all Shar … Pflege, Gesundheit und Krankheiten We got her when she was 7 weeks old. Poodles are known for their intelligence and flair. Ein gesund gezüchteter Shar-Pei ist ein bemerkenswerter Hund. Still, keep in mind that genetics are genetics and any traits as far as temperamental or physical could be left up to chance. It has an inherent desire to work while its courage and devotion are unmatched. Any comments regarding this would be helpful as I do not want to acquire the puppy if more than likely the two dogs will not mix well. She’s sweet, has a sunshiny personality, and a face that could put any cosmetics company out of business. She is a great pup. Labrador dogs rank in at number one, so it’s no surprise that a Lab Shar Pei mix is one of the most popular Shar Pei mixes. The Shar Pei Chow Chow Mix, is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Shar Pei and the Chow Chow. They have been known to show aggression, especially if they are not properly trained and socialized. Date listed: 12/04/2020. She is the sweetest thing ever. The Husky was a bred companion and working dog. It makes an excellent family companion, bonding closely with one or two people in the family. I had a dna test on my big boy and he is a Sharpie/ chow on one side and husky german sheppard on the other. And is a Shar Pei mix really right for you? The American Kennel Club (AKC) identifies two … Originally deemed a ‘peasant’s dog’, Shar Pei were developed to be versatile, and were employed as herders, … A Shar Pei Lab Mix is a result of a Shar Pei bred with a Labrador, also known as Lab Pei. The Shar Pei Pitbull mix is a designer breed that could end up in shelters because people are unable to care for this exotic dog. She was calmer than most puppies at first. ca. Nach dem Motto „Einmal Shar Pei – immer S har Pei“ ist es unser tägliches Bedürfnis, diesen Hunden zu helfen Unser Notfall. I live in MO. His coat will most likely shed, so this Shar Pei hybrid may not be the best choice for those owners who suffer from allergies. Especially since Golden Retrievers are incredibly active and can be prone to destructive behaviors like chewing if they become bored. Why buy a Shar Pei puppy for sale if you can adopt and save a life? 10/2012, ca. Starke Faltenbildung und lose Haut bei erwachsenen Hunden sind weder vom Standard … 01.02.2021. However, Bulldogs are friendly and outgoing dogs. Sharpei/akita/chow My son adopted a sharpei mixed with we think Irish Setter or Golden Retriever. kaufen. Coming to the Sharpull, this breed has a large build, and its Pitbull genes make it energetic and enthusiastic. The Golden Retriever, for example, is an eager to please, family friendly dog. DATUM DER PUBLIKATION DES GÜLTIGEN OFFIZIELLEN STANDARDS : 14. wish I could find a breeder to buy anonther great friend. Potential aggression toward strangers. Sie soll wohl nach einem außenstehenden geschnappt haben, näheres warum und wie es dazu gekommen sein soll, wurde uns nicht mitgeteilt oder erklärt. Due to his guarding instincts, the Shar Pei Chow Chow mix is not recommended for homes with young children or other dogs. Look at pictures of Shar Pei puppies who need a home. She is a … The Shar Pei Labrador mix … Shar-Pei is an ancient breed originally developed for guarding, herding, and hunting jobs. They are not highly active and enjoy staying indoors, playing with toys or even sleeping. All Chinese Shar-Pei found here are from AKC-Registered parents. She looks like a Shar pei / chow mix as well. The Bulldog is similar to the Shar Pei as far as having loose, wrinkly skin and shorter fur. Weitere Hunde. Some have protective instincts toward strangers. 8 Jahre; Geburtsland: Spanien; Papiere/Gesundheit: EU-Heimtierausweis, gechipt, geimpft, kastriert, MMK-Test; Anschrift des Tierheims: Asociación Amigos De Los Animales - Gemeinnütziger Tierschutzverein Nr. Both breeds have a similar average height and weight range, so it’s safe to say he’ll fall between 45-70 pounds, with males hitting the higher end than females. Don't miss out on the perfect companion to life with a purrfect friend. The Chinese Shar-Pei German Shepherd Mix is made up of a German Shepherd and a Chinese Shar-Pei. The Shar-Pei originated in the southern provinces … Care of Shar-Pei Pitbull Mix: Food and Nutrition Requirements: Not just the Sharpull, but every dog has a high protein requirement. Find Shar Peis for Sale in Portland on Oodle Classifieds. I call her a werewolf because her face looks so much like a werewolf. Do you have your heart set on one of the Shar Pei mixes listed above? 1999 ÜBERSETZUNG : Dr.J-M. Paschoud, Frau R.Binder und Frau E.Peper. Looking for a good guard dog? Find Chinese Shar-Pei Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Chinese Shar-Pei information. Huskies require lots of exercise, socialization, and obedience training, and so do Shar Pei dogs. Kategorie: Mischlingshündin über 50cm (Tierschutz) PELUSA, w., kastr., Shar Pei-Mix, geb. She suffers from shar pei fever too. This is Abby, Angus's … Sharpei/beagle/pug Shar Pei Labs are likely to be intelligent, playful, loyal dogs. It is a medium-sized designer dog that excels as a loving and protective family companion. Bitte kaufen Sie keine Welpen der Rasse Shar Pei oder andere Rassehunde per Vorkasse über Western Union. PATRONAT : F.C.I. Children should be supervised around this crossbreed. Shar-pei literally means "sand skin" in Mandarin. Hope Shar-Pei Mix 1,8 Jahre soll Ihr Zuhause schnellstmöglichst nach 3 Wochen schon wieder verlassen. Kein Zustand für die liebe Hündin und so nahm Aleksey sie im Tierheim auf. Jonny; Shar Pei / Labrador Mix; geb. Kontakt. They have a striking look, and are packed with personality. Shar Pei. 2481 - Camino de la Abadía - 18220 Albolote (Granada) Telefon: 0049 152/21 81 93 48 I would love another one. 1.800 € 73479 Ellwangen (Jagst) 31.01.2021. It’s funny he is all of these dogs combined for sure and has sometimes been a little challenging but i love this dog so much it is nuts. 15 kg Kastriert: ja ZIZI ist… 450 € | 35390 Gießen, Lahn. Then the Shar Pei German Shepherd mix may be the perfect dog for you! Facts about the Shar-Pei Pitbull Mix: Before we go ahead and know more about the breed, let us have a look at some fun facts about the Shar-Pei Pitbull Mix: The name “Shar-Pei” means “sand … Join millions of people using Oodle to find puppies for adoption, dog and puppy listings, and other pets adoption. My girl has a stocky body with the SP ears- and has the temperament (reserved and stubborn) and my boy took in more foxhound. 17 € 40723 Hilden. The Shar Pei Beagle Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Beagle and the Shar Pei. I will continue to adopt pei mixes. Some Chinese Shar-Pei are friendly, while others are very reserved. Ein klarer Vorteil dieser Rasse: Ist der Shar-Pei nicht überzüchtet und konsequent erzogen, ist er sehr pflegeleicht. They can be natural problem solvers with willful tendencies and a knack for getting into trouble. And while Labradors do wonderfully with children, Shar Pei dogs can be reserved with strangers. Violeta Mix Shar Pei / Labrador - mittelgroß Hündin - kastriert, gechipt, geimpft Schulterhöhe ca. Purebred Vs Mutt-Common Objections to Mixed Breed Dogs, Tiffani J Howell, Tammie King, Pauleen C Bennett, Puppy Parties and Beyond: the role of early age socialization practices on adult dog behavior, The Myth of Hybrid Vigor in Dogs…Is A Myth, Best Large Breed Dog Food – From Puppies to Seniors, Best Food For Maltipoo Puppies, Dogs and Seniors, Best Chew Toys For German Shepherds – Our Complete Guide, Lowell Acumen DVM, DACVD, MBA, MOA, The Genetic Connection; a Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs, Second Edition, 2011. One died at eight years from Sharpei fever the other is a grand old lady now 13 years old. This is more than likely a friendly dog that is bred from two very distinct and different dog breeds. Tell us which one in the comments section below! We got her when she was 7 weeks old. He is a gentle loving doll baby. Durch diesen Eindruck wurde diese Hunderasse eher von Bauern gehalten, die diese Hunde für die Jagd oder als Hüte- und Wachhunde einsetzen. Love them to bits!! Your Pit Pei could come out looking like a pit bull, a Shar Pei, or a mix of both. Shar Pei Mix Build Information. Watch More At: http://animal.discovery.com/videos/dogs-101-season-one/?smid=YTAPC-YTD-PLPShar-Pei translates to "sand skin". The Shar Pei is incredibly intelligent, but she’s also wilful. 50 cm, ca. The sounds are endearing to some people; nerve-wracking to others. German Shepherds are popular military and police dogs. They are a tad dog aggressive but we are working on that. 129 € 99974 Mühlhausen. In den 1970er-Jahren galt der Shar-Pei als seltenste Hunderasse der Welt und war vom Aussterben bedroht. With so many Shar Pei mixes to choose from, picking the one for you could be a difficult decision. While they are not demanding, they do thrive … Anything … But you need to take proper care … I am looking at a shar-pei, mixed with chihuahua, and daschund. Although it is mostly an even, affectionate, and emotionally responsive dog, it may inherit the independent and dominant personality of a Shar-Pei. I had a Shar pei /pit an he was the best dog I ever had I just lost him last week he was 14 years old an I loved every thing about him . Find Chinese Shar-Pei Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Chinese Shar-Pei information. Although Shar Pei and Lab dogs are both different from each other in terms of temperament and appearance, the mix … Tags: Chinese Shar-Pei Dogs for adoption in Fort Myers, FL, USA. I found out my rescues were Shar Pei mix after we did a DNA. Also called Ori Pei, it is a well-mannered dog that usually stays indoors and plays with toys, pleasing its owner by performing new tricks. Thanks. 6/2016 Im Tierheim von: 7/2017 bis 1/2021 Violeta ist freundlich, gutmütig [...] 67808 Mörsfeld (Rheinland-Pfalz) | k.A. Shar Pei was bred to protect, to hunt large, dangerous animals, and to fight. Your Pit Pei could come out looking like a pit bull, a Shar Pei, or a mix of both. When it comes to Shar Pei mixes, the German Shepherd Shar Pei mix may be one of our most intelligent and loyal. The Shar-Pei and Lab mix is loyal, loving and protective of its family. They make popular family pets and, mixed with Shar Pei dogs, can prove to be intelligent and mischievous crossbreeds. 1999. be_ixf; php_sdk; php_sdk_1.4.18; 37 ms; iy_2021; im_02; id_03; ih_07; imh_29; i_epoch:1612366156768; ixf-compiler; ixf-compiler_1.0.0.0; py_2020; pm_03; pd_10; ph_10; pmh_17; … Only 1 has been dog aggressive but managable He could have tiny ears on a powerful head or tall ears on a wrinkled noggin. Ein kleiner süßes Shar Pei Welpe sucht ein neues zu Hause, er ist aus super soften Ecoflex 20. Both are super smart but try to herd people. My daughter has a shar pei newgoundlang(premise) mix looking ro find him a new home has a skin irritation get it cured and he starts chewing and it comes back needs room to run, I had a shar eagle Shar-Pei Beagle mix the best mix ever. And a dog who will prove to be a loyal, intelligent, and helpful companion. Dieses und viele weitere Tiere bei uns - komm vorbei! Sparkasse Aachen IBAN : DE 15 3905 0000 1072 8329 24 BIC : AACSDE33xxx. Bullmastiff Shar Pei Mix dogs are basically the Chinese dogs which can be characterized by their wrinkled skin. All of that is still very much a part of its makeup. It can be stubborn and willful at times, requiring an experienced hand while training. The Shar Pei Chow mix is a combination of two ancient Chinese breeds who were used for guarding. And while the Poodle is considered hypoallergenic, the Shar Pei is not. URSPRUNG : China. I’ve had 5 shar pei mixes and they’ve all been wonderful loving, and some, protective. Heute erfreut sich diese Rasse großer Beliebtheit und besonders die Shar Pei Welpen weisen die charakteristischen … Violeta - Mix Shar Pei - Labrador, lieb und verträglich. It’s a medium-size dog at about 18 to 25 inches tall, weighing between 40 … The Shar Pei is an ancient and unique dog breed of Chinese origin. Coco is a short stocky Shar Pei mix. We had two Sharpei pug mixes. Aside from the ear shape my dog look practically identical. She is very loyal and has attached well to each member of our family. The Shar Pei Lab mix offspring could be difficult to train if he inherits his Shar Pei parent’s personality traits. Required fields are marked *. Intelligent and devoted towards its people, the Ba-Shar can adjust to apartment living but requires a fair amount of daily activity. A prospective Shar Pei Lab mix owner should prepare for their Shar Pei mix to be intelligent, loyal, and playful. Shar Pei Puppy Pictures Caring Coaching shar-pei would like a firm hand and a lot of patience. But does this mean they are bad, aggressive dogs? 45 cm Gewicht: ca. Polk County, Lakeland, FL ID: 21-01-29-00279. For these reasons, the ideal owner of a Shar Pei mix will be one with a flexible schedule who understands the importance of training and exercise. Does the dog in your life have a cat in theirs? Read on to find out information about these popular Shar Pei mixes. Luna reinrassige Shar-Pei Hündin Geimpft gechippt und bei Tasso registriert. All of that is still very much a part of its makeup. Shar Pei Lab Mix is a cross of the Labrador Retriever and the Chinese Shar-pei, also known as Lab Pei or Sharpay Lab. Violeta Mix Shar Pei / Labrador - mittelgroß Hündin - kastriert, gechipt, geimpft Schulterhöhe ca. Von da wurde mir ein Video gezeigt wie gestresst er war und offensichtlich auch nicht sehr umgänglich! How to find a puppy and raise a happy, healthy dog, December 5, 2018 By Madison Guthrie 19 Comments. 50 cm. I have a 1 yr old Minni Hippo. Labrador Shar Pei Mix Jan 29, 2021 AUTHOR Alpha Paw Reviewed by Alpha Paw Dr. Addie Reinhard is an experienced companion animal veterinarian. Known for being extremely devoted to its family, it enjoys staying close to its people. The Shar-Pei Lab mix lifespan is around 8 to 10 years. Learn more here! Shar Pei Mixes Home » Dog Categories » Shar Pei Mixes Shar Pei was bred to protect, to hunt large, dangerous animals, and to fight. The Bulldog is similar to the Shar Pei as far as having loose, wrinkly skin and shorter fur. Finding out they had some SharPei really helped in training. Hunderasse Shar Pei zum Thema Hundefutter & Co. Aus den Statistiken des Futterchecks bezüglich den Angaben, von Shar Pei Haltern, geht hervor, dass die Mehrheit unserer zufriedenen Futtercheck Nutzer einen "mittel"- aktiven Rüden zu Hause haben. SHAR-PEI FCI-St. Nr. She’s very smart and usually doesn’t require a leash. 1 shar pei/lab Its personality can be described as affectionate, devoted, social, active, joyful, alert, and occasionally aggressive. 309).Der Rassestandard wird von der FCI verantwortet und entwickelt. 4. Spende an Shar Pei Nothilfe e.V. 10/2015 geborene Shar Pei-Mix-Hündin t einer Schulterhöhe von ca. Name: ZIZI Rasse: Shar-Pei Mix Alter: ca. He did require lots lf extra love and time and trainimg fromy older Germain S. And lab mix. Da hab ich beschlossen ihm zu helfen und jetzt ist er seit einigen Tagen endlich hier im Sunneberg Leo ist sehr intelligent für seine anderthalb Jahre. The Husky Shar Pei mix could make a loyal pet for those looking for an active, energetic hybrid who bonds closely to his loved ones. Its personality can be described as affectionate, devoted, social, active, joyful, alert, and occasionally aggressive. Notfall Shafita. Read here for more info on this stunning mix. Chinese Shar-Pei … They have a small amount with foxhound, Newfoundland, Border Collie and Australian Shepherd. Certainly, the dog usually takes on characteristics from both parents. © 2021 (101DogBreeds.com). 02/.2020 Geschlecht: Hündin Größe: derzeit ca. Quite strong and athletic, the Bull-Pei makes an adorable family pet provided that it receives 40-60 minutes of regular exercise. Shar-Pei als pflegeleichte Hunderasse. They need plenty of early socialization and obedience training to ensure he grows up happy and well rounded. Noch 2 … Your Chow Chow Shar Pei mix will need extensive grooming if he inherits his Chow Chow parent breed’s fluffy coat. Shar Pei mixes require plenty of exercise, socialization, and consistent obedience training. She graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine and currently practices in the central Kentucky region.
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