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  • ' + That is not us. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. if (c == kup) { //DOC make homepage apps collapsible for small mobile devices } "mainControls" : "no", default: } }); $(".wcm-controls").css("margin-top", $("#gb-channel-list-outer").outerHeight(true)); if($(this).text() == tabText) { $("#hp-tabs .gallery.json .ui-widget-header h1").addClass("icon-font").text("1"); School Activities (attach page if necessary): Community Involvement (attach page if necessary): COMPLETED APPLICATION AND ESSAY MUST BE RECEIVED BY: April 1, 2020, Program Session Dates: (please indicate availability at to of application). (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { // SET IE CLASSES TO BODY ["Danish", "dansk", "da"], if('true' == "false") { } else { } font: bold 100px verdana; //HIDE HP CONTENT REGIONS IF NO APPS EXIST if($(".sw-mystart-button.pw").length) { '
  • ' + showPlayPause = 'yes'; We really hand select the members of our citizens academies., Kreamier explains that members of the FBI CAAA work together with the FBI in a number of ways. An official website of the United States government. addFramesetTranslate(); '
  • ' + ["Latin", "Latinae", "la"], Each field office nominates an individual or organization for the award, and, once selected, the recipients are invited to a ceremony and reception at FBI Headquarters. ["Uzbek", "O'zbekiston", "uz"], $57,120.00, Be an early applicant } } if (getWidth >= 768 && getWidth < 1024) { // 768+ $(galleryContainer).prependTo("#hp-tabs #sw-content-container1"); $(".gb.footer.two .element-header").hide(); $("#sw-content-container1.ui-hp").html("
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  • ' + emailStay Connected $(this).addClass("icon-font"); The FBI has investigative responsibility for federal crimes committed on about 200 Indian reservations nationwide. Assist in developing, implementing, and supporting community-based projects . logoWidth(); Edit: The deadline to apply has been extended to May 20, 2022. '