on your iOS devices, double click Home button, slide to the most left, and choose, for iOS 7, you need to quickly swipe up from the bottom to bring up AirPlay window, and choose. Raspberry Pi: AirPlay Receiver mit rPlay installieren Step 1. rPlay Is Spying On You. Hopefully VMLite will continue to improve the rPlay experience and I can continue to report improvement from here on out. Matte999x. No problems viewing native pictures, videos, or playing music. ( Log Out / Second, this was my first RPi project, and if you’re in the same boat, you may appreciate a bit of extra info to get you started. Some steps may not be necessary, but I typically favor doing all that you can to ensure no problems arise along the way. iOS 9 support has been figured out, and this new (likely paid) version will eliminate the internet based license check. I have also implemented a unique feature that can actually control iOS device in addition to display, this is the video to show Windows version: This is the new video link: https://youtu.be/Y1TY5Px1718. I believe you need to reboot at this point; rPlay is set to auto-start. You can’t try to navigate around too quickly, you may encounter some issues if you do(possibly including freezing). ( Log Out / I regularly fiddle with my router, and this has been a frequent annoyance(I can’t figure out why AirPlay refuses to show up for my Pi). Unfortunately, there isn’t much to report…I’m told we still have a while to wait before a full version is released, and they’re focusing somewhat on Android capabilities. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. For example, you might want to install multiple versions of the Raspberry Pi OS for different projects. http://www.vmlite.com/rplay/. I originally thought many of my issues were due to the terrible internet in my apartment, but we’ve since gotten a rather good upgrade, and I’ve seen little change. This section is for those starting at the beginning–first time RPi users. The forums at VMLite continue to receive requests for rPlay licenses, but I haven’t seen a reply from an admin for quite some time. Change ). Since it is still a beta version you might come into multiple issues when playing video or audio. I’m still hunting for a solution to this, and it may come with the next rPlay update. If you want you can edit the other options on this admin page. I'will test it with my Mac and iPhone. Update (2013-09-20): iOS 7 has brought with it some challenges for developers that are affecting rPlay(in addition to the hiccups still remaining on the beta version). support remote mouse/keyboard control from mobile devices Thanks Matteo. I am not able to access the webinterface, not even via localhost (connected via vnc). Prior to this my Pi wasn’t showing up on the AirPlay menu. Trotz der Beta Version muss ich sagen, dass alles wunderbar funktioniert. When I wrote this, it was a matter of asking for one on VMLite’s forum. I’d love some feedback from others working on this. TP-Link WN722N Adapters; 2x WiFi adapters that are linux compatible I highly recommend using TP-Link WN722N, they are awesome adapters and compatible with nearly anything. Pingback: AirPlay Mirroring auf dem Raspberry – hanseflow Hamburg, This is not working on mac os high sierra. This will all be done from the command line; just type things in. I’m not sure if the rPlay project is still supported or even exists. First of all, the instructions didn’t cover some common errors. Fresh Boarder . You don’t have to change the name of anything, they’re merely informing you that it has changed so you can type in the correct things. sudo /etc/init.d/rplay start sudo /etc/init.d/rplay stop [I want to uninstall rPlay] sudo /etc/init.d/rplay stop && sudo dpkg -r rplay A picture speaks a thousand words: I present my first Youtube video related with the Pi. Could you give me the last version number of Rplay? This is great to hear, please keep me posted. generate a top notch article… but ᴡhat can I sɑy… I put things off a whole lot and never manage to get nearlʏ anything done. Raspberry Pi Zero As USB to HDMI: Because of the size and price of the raspberry pi zero it's a perfect tool for taking with you.As many phones, my phone doesn't have HDMI in his USB port, but it has USB tethering.I'm going to explain how to use a raspberry pi … I didn’t continue from where they encouraged you to start the GUI after rebooting; again, you’ll load rPlay with the command line. do AirPlay for Photos/Music/Videos. More than 5 years have passed since last update. Raspberry Pi 3 2. Wow, huisinro, it has been so long!! Now, I’m not sure. Note (2.22.18): Thank you to anyone who has stumbled across my site and is reading this message. You'll need a Raspberry Pi Zero (£4.20/$5), of course, for which you'll want to add: the Essential Raspberry Pi Zero Kit (£6/$10), which contains necessary adaptors and a … I soon found that many devices will do music and sometimes even YouTube videos over AirPlay, but mirroring is typically only possible on an actual Apple TV. Raspberry Pi, Technology, Computers, Projects. You may have already done this as you were configuring your RPi for the first time; if not, enter the configuration menu with. The first line gets your updater, the second runs it. I was able to get mirroring working pretty well on my iPhone 5. If it does not work, restart the Pi or back track and see if you missed anything when setting up the device. After setting up a brand new SD card with a fresh installation of the latest Raspbian, following the instructions provided to setup rplay and install all the other things that need installing, Airplay mirroring just simply doesn’t work – at least not for me. There is some limited support on Android devices as well; they’ll recognize your RPi as a Chromecast(VMLite has also made an iOS app, titled rplay, that will allow your iDevice to act as a Chromecast!). A friend of mine has been talking about buying an Apple TV lately, mostly so he could use the AirPlay mirroring functionality. For Raspian, AirPlay will function at any time(command line, GUI, etc), but this isn’t universally true. Without mirroring, YouTube via AirPlay worked rather well. Select your Pi as the device, and activate mirroring if you want to play with that. (Note: I was using the Mac instructions–the following might be slightly different for Windows or Linux)Later in the process of loading the SD card you’ll need to alter Engadget’s instructions so that the name of your image reflects the name of the image you downloaded, the most recent one, not theirs from 2012-06-15. Remember that your RPi and iDevice need to be attached to the same network, in other words, the same router. You’ll do this on the web, and you can do it on your RPi if you want(use command ‘startx’ to bring up the GUI and use the Midori web browser), but I just did it on my laptop for simplicity. I was pretty pleased when I was able to get things working, and I hope you’re successful too. You’re unlikely to see perfect performance. Like me, you’ll likely run into some hiccups and need to do a couple extra things to get everything working. Re:Rplay RaspBerry Pi 5 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 0 hello. Connect all the cables such that your Raspberry Pi is powered and connected to your receiver or stereo. Rplay with alpha 4 and pi2. Also, you technically don’t need the USB mouse if you truly intend to only use the Pi for AirPlay, but odds are you want to tinker more than that. to the last line of the file, for example: (5) test regular AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring. that had pretty recently managed that very thing. I followed an instruction from the web and everything worked fine until I wanted to start the actual program. Also, when they talk about ‘converting’ the name of your disk, that is happening automatically. (8) You are more than welcome to create videos on. Yes, I know it’s been a long time, will support rplay from now on. Their link for the downloads didn’t serve me; I got mine from here, and got the newest Raspbian “wheezy” image. for Airplay its "rplay ("hostname")" and for chromecast its "rplay (raspberrypi)" [raspberry pi is not my hostname]. Your SD card will need to be at least 2GB, and there are lots of reasons to get different types or memory capacities if you want to do a bit of research and decide what your needs are. Re:Rplay RaspBerry Pi 5 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0 Hi I'd like to get a license key for rPlay to see if I can get rPlay to work on my new Raspberry PI 2 can i get rPlay license key? In video playing apps, you’ll typically need to select the output device again from within the app to push only the video to the screen(separate from mirroring). Remember that your Pi will need to have the ethernet and HDMI cables hooked up at boot time. This section is for those starting at the beginning–first time RPi users. (1) update firmware: (you may skip this step, and perform the rest first, if not working well, then do this). I followed most of their guide to install a compatible OS image on your SD card. There’s a tutorial here on how to do this on a Raspberry Pi. *rPlay is a way to turn you Raspberry Pi in the an airplay device. sudo dpkg -i rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb” for the old version). However, Netflix wouldn’t load a video at all(much to my chagrin). The email instructions I received said rPlay runs on a “dumb terminal.” I wasn’t sure what this meant, but I think rPlay will work with any image you’d like, since you’ll only really need the command line(note that there are some differences in how some images use rPlay!). You can also perform other admin tasks here, such as setting password, toggling fullscreen, recording, etc. you need to install and update youtube-dl on pi, run the following command on Pi to auto update it: right now, this is very simple implementation, it only works with YouTube app, either on Android or iOS. The edges of my iPhone’s screen seemed to be cut off a little on the big screen. Do you have a newer version of rPlay? Change ). Shairport Sync works perfectly on my Raspberry Pi Model B running Raspbian Jessie! The Raspberry Pi is a full Linux computer that is about the size of a credit card and sells for $25–$35. I’m having a hard time getting things to work consistently, and several others on the forums are reporting the same. Last I heard VMLite was moving on to a better version on BananaPi, but I haven’t kept up to date on it. I’m humbled by the impressive amount of traffic this page continues to see after so many years–there is clearly a lot of interest in AirPlay mirroring without need of an Apple TV. Even after the fix, things are buggy and sometimes fail. HDMIポートを差し替えた場合は再起動をかける必要がある。 I had a friend recently tell me about how he was using a tool called rPlay to airplay his apple devices through his raspberry pi. Plus you can be paranoid like me, and reboot…again . Airplay allows you to mimic what’s happening on your recent generation iDevice or Macbook on your TV wirelessly–watch YouTube, show pictures, play music, even ‘mirror’ the screen exactly. From the Raspberry Pi command line we can access the audio mixer by running the command: Here make sure that your signal is not muted (press ‘m’ to un-mute if it is)– you can also use arrow-up and arrow-down turn the volume up and down. Whatever feature you decide to play with, your video and/or sound should be running to whatever is hooked up to your Pi! I'm sure you can find many other posts about installing and running rplay in raspberry pi. Don’t use Safari for your browser here; VMLite tells me you’ll run into bugs. Either the Model B or B+ is perfect for the task, but don’t overclock it, it’s unnecessary for this task. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. I couldn’t change the position of the playback, for example, but I was able to get videos to play mostly without issue(certainly better than over mirroring, no audio/video out of sync problems).
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