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sauder bookshelf assembly instructions

Inserte las ESPIGAS DE METAL en los agujeros al nivel preferido de los EXTREMOS (A y B) y el PARAL (C). Insert the . SIEMPRE utilice el soporte fsico de seguridad segn las instrucciones u otro dispositivo de anclaje en la pared.La colocacin de equipos de audio y/o video en muebles que no estn especficamente diseados para soportar equipos de audio y/o video puede resultar en muerte o lesiones graves debido al colapso de los muebles o al derribarse.NUNCA coloque un televisor en muebles que no estn diseados para soportar un televisor. 5-Shelf Wood Bookcase in Sindoori Mango. Apriete las BARRAS DE RETENCIN a la PUERTA utilizando cuatro TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE DE 16 mm (140S).NOTA: Asegrese de que posicionar las BARRAS DE RETENCIN exactamente como se muestra.NOTA: Las BARRAS DE RETENCIN deben moverse fcilmente hacia arriba y hacia abajo.Fije el TIRADOR (149K) a la PUERTA (O). Use three BROWN 5/8 FLAT. Clean with your favorite furniture polish or a damp cloth. Find the user manual and the help you need for the products you own at ManualsOnline. The unit may collapse. Call 1-800-523-3987. Sauder puede requerir una confirmacin independiente de un defecto reclamado y una prueba de compra. DANS LA MESURE O TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE EST APPLICABLE, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER, EST LIMITE LA DURE DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE ou la priode minimum autorise par la loi, la priode la plus courte tant retenue. Three adjustable shelves for flexible storage options. En vertu des lois de certains tats ou provinces, il ne peut y avoir de garanties implicites de la part de Sauder et toutes les garanties implicites, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER sont dclines partout o la loi lautorise. Slide one of the SHELF MOLDINGS* (I) onto the notchededge of the FIXED SHELF (L). Have a friend help lift properly to move and/or reposition it.AVERTISSEMENTPrire dutiliser le mobilier bon escient et avec prudence. Veuillez joindre votre ticket de caisse ou toute autre preuve dachat ainsi quune description spcifique du dfaut de produit.4. A4 A4 EE2 J CC (2 used) N To cover HIDDEN CAMS (8 used) Page 10 409090 www.sauder. Serrer quatre EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 9Ouvrir le KIT DE RETENUE ANTI-BASCULEMENT POUR MOBILIER (97) et fixer la SANGLE DE SCURIT au DESSUS (N). Cuidadosamente ponga la unidad en posicin vertical. NEVER place toys, food, remote, etc. Look for this icon. Esta Garanta le permite a usted ciertos derechos legales, y usted tambin podra poseer otros derechos adicionales, los cuales varan de estado a estado. Apriete ocho EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 6PASO 10Fije siete SOPORTES DE METAL (4G) a los EXTREMOS (A y B), al FONDO (D) y al PANEL SUPERIOR (N). 5,499,886. Fasten the PULL (149K) to the DOOR (O). UU. Product Description. ADVERTENCIA Por favor use el mobiliario correcta y seguramente. Llment risque de seffondrer.Avec prcaution, retourner llment sur ses chants avant.Dplier lARRIRE (M2) et le placer sur llment.Un perforation ont t prvue pour accs travers lARRIRE (M2) pour la SANGLE DE SCURIT. Punch out the perforation and push the. Utiliser deux VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 13 mm MARRON (125S).Tirer avec prcaution sur le bas de la PORTE (O) pour les incliner. Utilice el TORNILLO DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm provisto. 16 4G SOPORTE DE METAL. The RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily.155M. Algunos estados no permiten limitaciones en cuanto a la duracin de una garanta implcita, por eso la limitacin arriba citada pueda no ser aplicable a usted. Advertisement. Au Canada, composez ce numro dappel gratuit:1-800-523-3987 Du lundi au vendredi, de 9 heures du matin 5:30 heures du soir (horaire Cte Est) (sauf jours fris)Si une pice a besoin dtre remplace, la pice de remplacement sera envoye dans les 48 heures. En tant que recours exclusif en vertu de la prsente garantie, Sauder rparera, remplacera ou rembourser (sur sa seule dcision) la valeur de toute composante de mobilier dfectueuse. 123SBLACK 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW (2 used for the DOOR WHEELS), 127SBLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREW (4 used in this step). 140SBLACK 5/8 LARGE HEAD SCREW (4 used in this step)The RETAINING BARS should overhang the bottom edge of the DOOR. *Patente EE. Storage Cabinets & Bookshelves. Peel the BUMPERS from the BUMPER CARDS (29M) and stick the BUMPERS on the upper and lower corners of both sides of the DOOR (O). Cuidadosamente lea la tabla a continuacin. This time.Part Identification While not all parts are labeled, some of the parts will have a label or an inked letter on the edge to help distinguish similar parts from each other. Fasten this BACK (G) to the upper portion of your unit using the NAILS (R). Use two BROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREWS (125S). There is no warranty coverage for defects or conditions that result from the failure to follow product assembly instructions, information or warnings, misuse or abuse, intentional damage, fire, flood, alteration or modification of the product, or use of the product in a manner inconsistent with its intended use, nor any condition resulting from incorrect or inadequate maintenance, cleaning, or care. Por favor incluya su recibo de venta u otra prueba de compra y una descripcin detallada del defecto del producto.421191Page 39If you need assistance please contact customer service at 800-523-3987 Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST (except holidays) or at ister your new product onlineFor immediate service, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, to order replacement parts, access assembly tips and register your product, visit, how did it o?Set a world record for speed? The top panel supports up to 100 lbs and each cube supports up to 30 lbs. Diagram #2: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the left front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. PAGE 3. General Conformity Certificate 1. Use nine BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (T). Pase tres TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S) a travs de los SOPORTES DE METAL y en el FALDN. You can also contact Sauder at 1.800.523.3987. Apriete cuatro EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 9Abrir el KIT DE CONTROL ANTI-INCLINACIN PARA MOBILIARIO (97) y fijar la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD al PANEL SUPERIOR (N). Step 5 Carefully stand your unit upright. Apriete dos EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS. Pousser ensuite sur les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE (155M) du bord infrieur de la PORTE et insrer les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE dans le RAIL DE PORTE (110M). NOTE: The RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily. Serrer les VIS dans la rainure.Fixer le LAMBREQUIN (F) aux EXTRMITS (A et B) et au DESSUS (N). Continuer de tourner jusqu ce que la vis commence pivoter librement.REMARQUE : Avant de dplacer lunit vers un emplacement diffrent, dvisser le DISPOSITIF DE SCURIT POUR PLACOPLTRE du mur. Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) provides limited warranty coverage to the original purchaser of this product for a period of five years from the date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship of Sauder furniture components. Est alerto de: Puede ocurrir: Evitar el problema: Estantes sobrecargados Cargar el producto inadecuadamente puede causar la inestabilidad. Il est galement possible de contacter Sauder en composant le 1.800.523.3987. 11/16" Step 4 Position one of the BACKS (G) over the upper portion of your unit. Use this part identification to help identify similar parts. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. ADVERTENCIA Por favor use el mobiliario correcta y seguramente. NOTE: Do not tap nails into the bottom edge of this BACK at this time. I bought a Sauder 5 Shelf Bookcase - Model 419200 in Salted Oak finish and in this video my husband, Kevin, and I unbox and assemble it. Lefty loosey. This "Sauder Beginnings 5 Shelf Bookcase Assembly Instructions" graphic has 18 dominated colors, which include White, Silver, Sunny Pavement, Snowflake, Uniform Grey, Tin, Kickstart Purple . Finish fastening the BACK (M2) to your unit using the NAILS (1N). Step 3 Insert two METAL PINS (L) into the LOWER ENDS (A2 and B2). Pase cuatro TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm (1S) a travs de los SOPORTES DE METAL y dentro de la CORNISA. Empuje dos EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS (H2) dentro de los EXTREMOS INFERIORES (A2 y B2). There is also no warranty coverage for rented products or any products purchased used or as is, at a distress or going-out-of business sale, or from a liquidator. Scan this QR code or go to this address: to watch a video on how to assemble your unit. 5. Overall Width. NO HAY OTRA GARANTA APLICABLE A ESTE PRODUCTO. Turn the screw until it is flush against the wall and you feel a firm resistance.5. Est alerto de: Puede ocurrir: Evitar el problema: Estantes sobrecargados Cargar el producto inadecuadamente puede causar la inestabilidad. Assembler llment sur un sol moquette ou sur le carton vide pour viter dendommager llment ou le sol. (Sauf week-ends et jours fris)A lusage exclusif du Canada Noter la date dachat de cet lment et conserver le livret pour future rfrence. Diagram #3: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the right front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. NOTE: Do not tap nails into the bottom edge of this BACK at this time. En tant que recours exclusif en vertu de la prsente garantie, Sauder rparera, remplacera ou rembourser (sur sa seule dcision) la valeur de toute composante de mobilier dfectueuse. La gaine en nylon restera derrire le mur.TAPE 15Fixer trois SUPPORTS DE RAIL DE PORTE (105M) au LAMBREQUIN (F). 421191Meuble de rangementUtilisez les instructions dassemblage en franais avec les schmas tape par tape du manuel dinstruction en anglais. NOTE: The SCREWS will tighten into the groove. Enfoncer deux EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES (H2) dans les EXTRMITS INFRIEURES (CC et EE2). A continuacin, inserte el extremo de metal de un PASADOR DE EXCNTRICO (2F) dentro de cada EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO.PASO 2Empuje diecisis EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS (1F) dentro de los bordes largos de los EXTREMOS (A y B).Fije el EXTREMO DERECHO (A) al FONDO (D). Pacific View . Ensuite, insrer lextrmit en mtal de la CHEVILLE DEXCENTRIQUE (2F) dans chaque EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE.TAPE 2Enfoncer seize EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES (1F) dans les chants longs des EXTRMITS (A et B).TAPE 3Faire tourner seize VIS DEXCENTRIQUE (8F) dans les PIEDS (H et P).TAPE 4Fixer deux PIEDS (H et P) lEXTRMIT DROITE (A). Replacement parts will be warranted for only the remaining period of the original Warranty. There were a few cor. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. mainstays student desk mainstays student desk assembly home design ideas beautiful basic student desk mainstays student desk multiple finishes assembly instructions. You may receive extra hardware with your unit. But definitely makes for a sturdier Storage Cabinet that's easier to assemble and friendlier to the environment. Thenylon sheath will remain behind your wall. Si necesita ponerse en contacto con Sauder en cuanto a esta unidad, refirase al nmero de lote y al nmero de modelo cuando llame a nuestro nmero gratis.No. Fije el EXTREMO DERECHO (A) al FONDO (D). Charger les surfaces infrieures en premier pour viter un meuble trop lourd en haut.Dplacer un meuble qui nest pas conu pour tre dplac ou qui est quip de roulettes peut entraner des blessures voire des dommages de meuble ou de matriel personnel.TOUJOURS dcharger les tablettes et les tiroirs, en commenant par les surface suprieures, avant de dplacer le meuble. Utiliser sept VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRES (1S).Fixer la PLINTHE (G) au DESSOUS (D). As used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the product. Improper loading can cause the product to be top-heavy. Sauder puede solicitar que las reclamaciones sean presentadas por escrito a: Sauder Woodworking Co., 502 Middle Street, Archbold, OH 43502 USA. Manual. Use four BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S) through. 5. La unidad podra caerse. NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. Stylish cube organizer and bookshelf with metal base and legs for sturdy support. Date of Manufacture: __________________________, JCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada Radio Despertador Digital AM/FM con Vibrador, Sound Link MW-2408 MW-1608 HYBRID ANALOG/DIGITAL MIXER Gua de inicio rpido Puede descargar el Manual del usuario en, Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's Manualz` PUV15S PUV25S PUV15H PUV25H, DS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver DS222-18V DS225-18V DS322-18V AUTO-FEED SCREWDRIVER Operating Instructions KYOCERA-SENCO Industrial Tools, Inc. 8450 Broadwell Road Cincinnati,, Your email address will not be published. Then, insert the metal end of a CAM DOWEL (I2) into each HIDDEN CAM. access assembly tips,. Overloaded shelves can break. La unidad podra caerse.Fije el PARAL (C) al FONDO (D). Step 7 We recommend using the SAFETY BRACKET (K) for added stability. Pro Tip: Lift with your legs. Utiliser trois VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRES (1S) travers les CONSOLES EN MTAL et dans la PLINTHE.REMARQUE : La PLINTHE ne comporte pas de trous pr-percs. Required fields are marked *. Esta Garanta le permite a usted ciertos derechos legales, y usted tambin podra poseer otros derechos adicionales, los cuales varan de estado a estado. WARNING Please use your furniture correctly and safely. Sauder Select Washington Cherry 2-Shelf Bookcase. Give us a ring at 1-800-523-3987.Customer Service is available Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST (except holidays)Youll love what we have in stora e.Storage CabinetModel 421191Share your journey!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-large-mobile-banner-1-0');NOTE: THIS INSTRUCTION BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. 3. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES APPLICABLE TO THIS PRODUCT. Sauder will (at its sole option) repair, replace or refund the value of any defective furniture component. Carefully turn your unit over onto its front edges. Lot n : ____________ Date de lachat:, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTITA EXTRMIT DROITE..1 B EXTRMIT GAUCHE..1 C MONTANT..1 D DESSOUS1 E TABLETTE RGLABLE ..5 F LAMBREQUIN..1 G PLINTHE1 H PIED.4 I MOULURE DE TABLETTE 6 J MOULURE DE PORTE INFRIEURE..1 K MOULURE DE PORTE SUPRIEURE1 L TABLETTE FIXE..1 M2 ARRIRE 1 N DESSUS.1 O PORTE COULISSANTE.1, LISTE DE PICESREFERENCE DESCRIPTION QUANTIT4M CARTE DE RUBAN ADHSIF..2 14M CROU AILETTE .4 29M FICHE AVEC TAMPONS.2 98M ROULETTE DE PORTE..2 104M SUPPORT DE ROULETTE2 105M SUPPORT DE RAIL DE PORTE.3 106M ARRT DE PORTE 2 109M CROU MANCHON4 110M RAIL DE PORTE.1 111M TUBE DE RAIL DE PORTE.1 152M LONG CROU MANCHON .2 155M LANGUETTE DE RETENUE 2 1N CLOU ..60 79P FICHE DAPPLIQUS ..5 1R GOUPILLE EN MTAL..20 2R MANCHON EN CAOUTCHOUC..20 97 KIT DE RETENUE ANTI-BASCULEMENTPOUR MOBILIER..1, 18E PATIN RGLABLE..4 1F EXCENTRIQUE ESCAMOTABLE..30 2F CHEVILLE DEXCENTRIQUE .14 8F VIS DEXCENTRIQUE .. 16 4G CONSOLE EN MTAL 7 9I RONDELLE EN PLASTIQUE .6 149K POIGNE..1, 1S VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRE 18 15S VIS MTAUX 16 mm ARGENTE..2 85S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 19 mm NOIRE6 113S VIS TTE PLATE 49 mm NOIRE2 123S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm NOIRE.2 125S VIS TTE GOUTTE DESUIF 13 mm MARRON..4 126S VIS TTE PLATE 16 mm MARRON ..3 127S VIS MTAUX 9,5 mm NOIRE 4 140S VIS TTE LARGE 16 mm NOIRE ..4, Ne pas serrer les EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES dans cette tape. Demander une autre personne de le soulever correctement pour le dplacer et/ou le repositionner. Easy to assemble using the included instructions. 11% Mail-In Rebate Good Through 2/26/23. Wall Shelf Set of 2, 31.5 inch Hanging Shelf with Invisible Brackets, for Bathroom, Bedroom, Toilet, Kitchen, Office, Living Room Decor, Rustic Brown BF80BJP201 . Si prefiere ajustar la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD a un montante de la pared, vaya a su ferretera local para obtener las herramientas adecuadas.INSTRUCCIONES DE INSTALACIN:1. Punch out the perforation and push theif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-netboard-2','ezslot_29',713,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-netboard-2-0');SAFETY STRAP through the hole.Fasten the BACK (M2) to the REAR LEGS (P). And, you know, your arms. Insert the METAL PINS into the hole locations of your choice in the ENDS (A2, B2, and D2). And, you know, your arms. NOTE: Be sure the edges of the ANGLE BRACKETS are even with the edges of the UPPER ENDS and FIXED SHELF. Enfoncer quatorze EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES (1F) dans les EXTRMITS (A et B), le MONTANT (C), le DESSOUS (D) et la TABLETTE FIXE (L). Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Millwood Pines Part #: W011215278 on this page. Mar 2 - Sat. Diagrama 3: Si su puerta tiene un espacio ms grande cerca de la parte inferior, gire el NIVELADOR frontal derecho fuera de la PATA un par de vueltas. Essuyer.TAPE 21Schma n 1 : Lcart entre la PORTE et le ct de lunit doit tre constant de haut en bas. Push fourteen HIDDEN CAMS (1F) into the ENDS (A and B),UPRIGHT (C), BOTTOM (D), and FIXED SHELF (L). No hay cobertura de garanta para defectos o estados que resulten del incumplimiento en seguir las instrucciones, la informacin o las advertencias sobre el ensamblaje del producto; del uso incorrecto o maltrato, del dao intencional, incendio, inundacin, cambio o modificacin del producto; o de la utilizacin del producto de manera contradictoria con el uso para el cual fue fabricado, ni por ningn estado que resulte del mantenimiento, limpieza o cuidado incorrecto o inadecuado. NOTE: Be sure the METAL PINS in the LOWER ENDS insert into the holes in the FIXED SHELF. Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) provee cobertura de garanta limitada al comprador original de este producto por un perodo de un ao, a partir de la fecha de compra, contra defectos en los materiales o de mano de obra en los componentes de muebles Sauder. Buy Sauder Summit Station 66"W Executive Desk, Raven Oak: . Seque con un pao. And, you know, your arms. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Home sauder sauder Storage Cabinet Instructionsif((window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().indexOf('plus')<1)){window.location.href=window.location.replace(window.location.hostname,'');}if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'manuals_plus-box-3','ezslot_3',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-box-3-0');Contents hide1 Limpiar con un trapo hmedo. Live Better Peel APPLIQUES from the APPLIQUE CARD (79P) and stick them onto each visible HIDDEN CAM. Use two BLACK 1-15/16 FLAT HEAD SCREWS (113S). En vertu des lois de certains tats ou provinces, il ne peut y avoir de garanties implicites de la part de Sauder et toutes les garanties implicites, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER sont dclines partout o la loi lautorise. Serrer six EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 10Fixer sept CONSOLES EN MTAL (4G) aux EXTRMITS (A et B), au DESSOUS (D) et au DESSUS (N). NOTE: Please read the back pages of the instruction booklet for important safety information. Les pices de rechange seront garanties uniquement pendant la priode restante de la garantie originale. Use theprovided BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW. NOTE: Position the SAFETY STRAP exactly as shown.Fasten the TOP (N) to the ENDS (A and B) and UPRIGHT (C). La garantie ne peut pas tre transfre des propritaires ou utilisateurs subsquents du produit, et sera immdiatement invalide dans le cas o le produit est revendu, transfr, lou sous bail ou lou une tierce partie ou personne autre que lacheteur original. Si on prfre fixer la SANGLE DE SCURIT un montant mural, obtenir la visserie approprie auprs dune quincaillerie locale.INSTRUCTIONS DINSTALLATION :1. $269.99. Fije el DORSO (G) de manera que los mrgenes son iguales a lo largo de los cuatro bordes. 5. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Use four BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S). Finish fastening the BACK (M2) to your unit using the NAILS (1N).NOTE: Be sure to tap NAILS into the holes that line up over the UPRIGHT (C).Caution Do not stand the unit upright without the BACK fastened. Chaque tape en franais correspond la mme tape en anglais. Under the laws of certain states, there may be no implied warranties from Sauder and all implied warranties, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE are disclaimed where allowed by law. Using a Phillips screwdriver or a hand drill, press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of yourunit so the SAFETY STRAP will not be visible.3. You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1.Diagram #3: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the right front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. Fije el FALDN (G) al FONDO (D). Use seven BLACK 9/16 LARGE. Ce produit nest pas conu pour supporter un tlviseur moins quune tiquette davertissement de tlviseur ne soit incluse et que les instructions indiquent spcifiquement la taille et le poids du tlviseur.Surcharger les tiroirs et tablettes peut provoquer la casse, laffaissement ou encore le renversement du meuble entranant ainsi des blessures.NE JAMAIS excder les limites de poids indiques sur les instructions. | Save Money. While the individual pieces on this shelf were somewhat unwieldy, they all fit together with perfection, including every connector, screw, and nail. Durable, 1" thick top holds laptop, lamp and more. Nailing on the back panel Assembling the drawers. Utilice tres TORNILLOS MARRONES DE CABEZA PERDIDA de 16 mm (126S).NOTA: Asegrese de colocar los SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA exactamente como se muestra.PASO 16Aplique la CINTA de la TARJETA CON CINTA ADHESIVA (4M) a las MOLDURAS DE PUERTA (J y K) exactamente como se muestra. Repeat this step for the remaining SHELVES (E) and SHELF MOLDINGS (I). 413045 . Replacement parts will be warranted for only the remaining period of the original Warranty. Se destacan las figuras de cada paso con una tonalidad oscura para mostrar precisamente cual parte se debe montar a la unidad. La prsente garantie ne saurait couvrir les dfauts ou conditions qui surviendraient la suite du non respect des instructions, informations ou mises en garde de montage, dune mauvaise utilisation ou dun abus, dun dommage intentionnel, dun incendie, dune inondation, dune altration ou modification du produit, dune utilisation du produit allant lencontre de son usage prvu, ni aucune condition rsultant dune maintenance, dun nettoyage ou dun entretien inappropris ou inadquats. A perforation in the BACK (M2) has been provided for access to the SAFETY STRAP. If you prefer to fasten the SAFETY STRAP to a wall stud, go to your local hardware store for proper hardware.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Use a littleextra force while turning these SCREWS.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-square-4','ezslot_41',722,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-square-4-0');Then, hang the DOOR (O) onto the center of the DOOR TRACK TUBE (111M) as shown.111M 125SBROWN 1/2 PAN HEAD SCREW (2 used in this step)111M 106MPage 24O421191111M 20NOTE: You will lift the DOOR by holding onto the ends of the DOOR TRACK TUBE while the DOOR hangs from the TUBE. NOTE: A corner of the unit is cut out to show part of the assembly. Il faut peut-tre faire tourner le VRIN de deux tours pour ajuster la PORTE comme lindique le schma n 1.Schma n 3 : Si la porte a un cart plus large prs du bas, tourner alors le VRIN avant droit hors du PIED de deux tours. The gap between the DOOR and the unit should be constant from top to bottom. Caution Do not stand the unit upright without the BACK fastened. It means a video assembly tip is available at Fasten the remaining TOP/BOTTOM (B) to the LOWER ENDS (CC and EE2). 1: pdf: 288.43KB: View Full View Download. Dimensions: 57.6" W x 15.35" D x 33.19" H, weight: 56.76 lbs. Use two BROWN 1/2 PAN. 3. Pour serrer bloc, faire tourner lexcentrique escamotable de 210 degrs. Furniture. Lefty loosey.P P H HPage 4Fasten one of each LEG (H and P) to the RIGHT END (A). TAPE 22Enfiler la MOULURE DE TABLETTE* (I) sur le chant crant dune des TABLETTES (E).Rpter cette tape pour les autres TABLETTES (E) et les MOULURES DE TABLETTE (I).Enfoncer les MANCHONS EN CAOUTCHOUC (2R) sur les GOUPILLES EN MTAL (1R). 5 year. Pour toute question concernant la garantie ou toute demande de rclamation, consulter le site Web Apriete dos EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.Precaucin: Riesgo de daos o heridas. If it is not, then make adjustments below.Diagram #2: If your door has a larger gap near the bottom, then turn the left front LEVELER out of the LEG a couple of turns. Positionner lun des ARRIRES (G) sur la portion suprieure de lunit. The DOOR and the unit should be constant from top to bottom el. Card ( 79P ) and SHELF MOLDINGS ( I ) METAL PINS into the holes in the ENDS ( and., weight: 56.76 lbs desk, Raven Oak: a perforation in the SHELF. Back fastened replace or refund the value of any defective furniture component interest without asking for consent ct lunit. Cc et EE2 ) remaining SHELVES ( E ) and SHELF MOLDINGS ( I ) and P ) to SAFETY... A lo largo de los SOPORTES de METAL y en el FALDN up to 30 lbs ) al (. Tres TORNILLOS NEGROS de CABEZA GRANDE de 14 mm NOIRES ( 1S ) a travs de los INFERIORES! To cover HIDDEN CAMS ( 8 used ) Page 10 409090 www.sauder assembler llment un. Pour serrer bloc, faire tourner lexcentrique escamotable de 210 degrs panel up... Sur le carton vide pour viter dendommager llment ou le sol INFERIORES ( A2 B2. 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