Elkhart 4 Blake Layman 2020, Articles I

iesous in greek mythology

The translators of the King James version must have realised the meaning of this passage in Rev 14:1, namely, the similarity between the Lamb's Name and His Father's Name. They were one and the same just called by different names! The Romans called The King of Heaven Jupiter, while the Greeks called him Zeus! Integral with cosine in the denominator and undefined boundaries. I will give you another example to demonstrate your reasoning. All related aspects are covered such as God, the Concealed Primeval Cube, the Eclipse Corona Sign, Alien Entities, the Day of The Storm, the Time Matrix, the agendas of Ancient and Modern Secret Fraternal Orders, and Esoteric Messages contained within Ancient to Modern Media. The King James Version has retained some of these Hellenised names. ; Iasius, another name of Iasion. The abbreviated form of the name Iesous in the Catholic Church is (IHS) which is really IES, for in Greek the capital for "E" is the letter "H." This is to be found on many inscriptions made by the Church during the Dark Middle Ages! How long was the match between Nadal and Schwartzman? Names always change from country with different languages. "Therefore My people shall know My Name," Isa 52:6. Wayne (talk) 23:02, 26 November 2007 (UTC), Using Simple6,74 English7,74 Gematria8,74 with 'the key'74 of A=1, B2, C3 Y'shua=74=Y25+S19+H8+U21+A1, Joshua=74=J10+O15+S19+H8+U21+A1, Iesous=73/88=I9+E5+S19+O(15)+U21+S19, IESVS=74=I9+E5+S19+V22+S19, Jesus=74=J10+E5+S19+U21+S19. Zeus, however, was called the father (i.e., the ruler and protector) of both gods and men. In Rome, Zeus was king over the spiritual world. These depictions of Zeus suggest that he was universal in a negative sense as morally frail as any mortal. Another proof is Rev 14:1, but this should be read in the newer translations, because the King James Version and the Revised Authorised Version have it both wrong. In the temple of Amphiaraus at Oropus a part of the altar was dedicated to her, in common with Aphrodite, Panaceia, Hygieia, and Athena Paeonia. Greek: the language of the New Testament. In the Synagogue of the Marcionites on Mount Hermon . Light:As the god of thunder and lightning, Zeus name is thought to have originated from the Ancient Greek word for bright. Perhaps word had gotten to Athens of the angel at Christs tomb whose appearance was like lightning (Matthew 28:3), causing confusion about who Jesus was. Christianity.com is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright 2023, Christianity.com. Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin) is adapted from the Greek, possibly from the name of a Greek healing goddess Ieso (Iaso)." Logically, if you believe this: Further evidence of syncretism withe the Isis-system is found in A. Kircher, Oedipus Aegypticus, wherein the name of the son of Isis is revealed to us as "Iessus, which signifies Issa, whom they also called Christ in Greek.". If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. We must remember that Yahusha was born from a Hebrew virgin, not from a Greek one. Most quarrels appear to stem from either fear or pride, though only the Most High who is our Creator, can weigh our hearts. Jesus in Greek means "Joshua" in another language (Arabic I think). The sun becomes an idol. After being enlightened about the solar origin of the word IHS and its fuller form IHSOUS (Iesous), we are no longer surprised to find the ecclesiastical emblem, IHS, encircled by sunrays, commonly displayed on church windows. Its oldest recorded use is in an Amorite personal name from 2048 B.C. The city was full of idols to assorted deities, including an altar to an unknown god (Acts 17:16,23). The abbreviated form of the name Iesous in the Catholic Church is (IHS) which is really IES, for in Greek the capital for "E" is the letter "H." This is to be found on many inscriptions made by the Church during the Dark Middle Ages! satan has seen to it that his own name has been left unmolested! - This should be in the article as the real origin of the name Jesus, not Yeshu which is just a sound-alike name. As you can see, Hebrew names always had a meaning in the Old Testament. Dot product of vector with camera's local positive x-axis? He then continues with a similar example of "skilful planning" by "the very same spirit that converted the festival of the Pagan Oannes is not the feast of the Christians Joannes." This belongs in Wikipedia's article on Jesus in the first paragraph where the origin of the name Jesus is presented. Why is mine upvoted? if another comes in his own name, him you will receive." The name Poseidon means either "husband of the earth" or "lord of the earth." Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:51, 4 November 2007 (UTC), It should be inserted at the end of the article's first paragraph like this: According to the Lexicon of the Greek Language of Liddell and Scott, page 816, the ancient Greek name Iesous is related to the name of the Greek goddess of healing Iaso from Greek Mythology. And more important: Yahusha's name contains the Name of His Father, which the substitute name does not. @david tik I'm not going to post a formal answer b/c this is a clearly a contentious subject and I'm likely to be down-voted, but there are some who do draw a connection between Zeus and Jesus, both from the perspective of their stories and names. Or was Jesus an emissary of Zeus who was, in fact, the angel at the tomb? This video shows you How to Pronounce Jesus in Biblcal Greek - Iesous, , Bible, pronunciation guide.Hear more BIBLICAL NAMES pronounced: https://www.yo. Quite a few scholars have remarked on the similarity between the names of the Indian Issa or Issi, the Egyptian Isis and the Greek Iaso. IHS was the mystery name of Bacchus (Tammuz), another sun-deity. Press J to jump to the feed. But as God said, He who will hear, let him hear; and he who will refuse to hear, let him refuse, for they are a rebellious house (Ezekiel 3:27). Greek creation myths resemble some of the Egyptian creation stories, with gods such as Ouranus (Uranus) and Gaearepresenting sky and earthemerging from an egg or from chaos. Jesus Christ Son of God Savior The writer of Proverbs challenges us in Prov 30:4, "What is His Name, and what is His Son's Name, if thou canst tell?" You appease the shades of the dead with wine and feasts; you celebrate the solemn festivals of the Gentiles, their calends, and their solstices; and as to their manners, those you have retained without any alteration. The complete stubbornness, ignorance and absence of rational thinking exhibited by this user is stifling- he or she likes to paint a picture of his or her opponents by the caricature of ignorant "Bible thumpers", when in reality the most ignorant individual in the discussion is, in fact, the user themself (a very sad irony). 100 Sheep have been hidden from our eyes. Furthermore, this dictionary then traces the substitute name back to the Latin Iesus, and the Greek Iesous. Never! Online version at the Perseus Digital Library. See also the "discussion" at Talk:Iaso. Isous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr. No wonder that we read the testimony of the learned Christian advocate, M. Turretin, in describing the state of Christianity in the 4th century, saying "that it was not so much the (Roman) Empire that was brought over to the Faith, as the Faith that was brought over to the Empire; not the Pagans who were converted to Christianity, but Christianity that was converted to Paganism." And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. It's been suggested no one respond to his 'arguments' and he'll go away. I disagree with you that "rescues" and "saves" are semantically identical. Revelation 19:11-13 NASB. Rebellion entails destruction and complete enacting of violence. [1] [2] As its roots lie in the name Yeshua/Y'shua, it is etymologically related to another biblical name, Joshua. Iesius: aka Iesion, Iasius, Iasion, Iasios: son of Zeus & Electra, possessed numerous attributes -Son of God, healer, born of a virgin, died and resurrected, bringer of lightetc., much like the Persian Mithra. It has no meaning in Hebrew; as it is not a Hebrew word. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. Since there is no J in the hebrew alphabet his name is Yahshua and that is english. For more information on the genealogy of Iaso, see Panacea. Pauls message of contentment was also familiar. Imagine it, Elijah identified with Helios, the Greek Sun-deity! So, yet another group, the worshippers of Bacchus, the Sun-deity, alias Ies (IHS), were conciliated, were made welcome, with the foreign-to-the-Hebrew name of Iesous (IHSOUS) or Iesus. This Gallic or Celtic deity, Esus, has also been identified with Mars, and by others with Mercury, and was regarded to by the special deity of Paris. The Romans continued believing in Zeus and Iesus; they never worshipped Yahuah and Yahusha, nor held Sabbath on the seventh day! 2) As regards your side note, claiming that 'Iason' "could well be a genitive," I have studied Indo-European linguistics and am aware of no Indo-European noun system which would allow a genitive singular ending in 'n'. He was killed by Agamemnon. A further witness to this paganization of the Messianic Faith is that of emperor Hadrian, who, in a letter to the Consul Servianus, wrote, "There are there (in Egypt) Christians who worship Serapis; and devoted to Serapis are those who call themselves 'Bishops of Christ.'" 2. I think it's time to give up. 2 Timothy 2:14 NASB, And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. Yahshua is his real name. The one is correct and the other one a substitute. This Iseous guy does not seem to exist. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. That is what the Catholic Encyclopedia clearly is saying if you look at the rest of the paragraph that you curiously omitted, and Liddell and Scott also directly ties Iaso to Iesous. 2. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Now I mean this, that each one of you is saying, I am of Paul, and I of Apollos, and I of Cephas, and I of Christ. Has Christ been divided? The root of is either - or -. Remind them of these things, and solemnly charge them in the presence of God not to wrangle about words, which is useless and leads to the ruin of the hearers. Search Iaso Iesous and you will see them all. 1. 462 Occ. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. This user will scoff at everything I've said here, and will probably paint a caricature of myself and the other editors, as he or she has done several times (in complete ignorance, a very pathetic version of ad hominem). Jesus was derived from the Greek Iesous. Athenian thinkers valued knowledge for its own sake. A very interesting alternate rendering for Psalm 72:17 is given to us in the centre column of the Reference King James Version, speaking about he promised Messiah, "His Name shall be as a Son to continue His Father's Name for ever.". On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This user misinterprets sources completely, and will continue to do so. This user completely ignores logic, and will continue to do so. I have no doubt that Christians view Jesus as their savior. This Iseous guy does not seem to exist. Thus, Isaiah became Isaias, Elisha became Elissaios or Elisseus (Eliseus),and Elijah became Helias in the Greek New Testament. Pergamos was where the Throne of Zeus was, which is also where satans seat was! Iseous is another name for Joshua, and sort of looks like "" (Jesus in Greek). Persephone, aka Kore, represents grain and the summer winter cycle of death and rebirth.) A common Greek name was Iesous in ancient times - it is not Hebrew at all - it was just a nearest sound-alike to Joshua. Bullinger, The Apocalypse, footnote p. 396, "Whatever meanings of IHS may be given, the fact remains that it was part of the name of Bacchus " We then realised, most painfully, that our beloved Messiah was identified with the Greek deity Bacchus, by giving Yahusha the surname or other name of Bacchus, namely: IHS or Ies! If you address and worship Jesus you are worshipping a pagan god! This is false. The English 'pan' is phonetically equal to a certain grammatical form of a Greek word. mGNT 917x in 3 unique form (s) TR 975x in 3 unique form (s) LXX 252x in 6 unique form (s) 338x 134x 503x Dictionary Aids So jesus comes from greek and means he who heals. Tammuz, as you will remember, was known to be the young returning Sundeity, returning in spring. He now became the king of the Titans, and took for his consort his sister Rhea; she bore by him Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon, all of whom he swallowed because his own . Isous: Jesus or Joshua, the name of the Messiah, also three other Isr. That this user is not willing to listen in regards to that subject by experienced editors is quite troubling. Can non-Muslims ride the Haramain high-speed train in Saudi Arabia? He was killed by Agamemnon.Little is known of Isus other than brief mentions or relatives. Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment. Please put comments about the name Jesus here in Talk:Yeshua (name)/Jesus. In our research on the deity Isis we made two startling discoveries. Being the son of God He came to be the perfect sacrificial lamb to be sacrificed for our sins. Because the New Testament was originally written in Greek, not Hebrew or Aramaic. (For examples of how the two names are interchangeable, see Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 in the KJV. Frogs have a variety of symbols, both good and bad, but generally, they signify transformation, change, cleanse through water, fertility, and prosperity. Slrubenstein | Talk 22:22, 13 November 2007 (UTC), This article looks good and has sources for it's claims. This fact is also well documented and is generally admitted by scholarly sources and ordinary English dictionaries. The daughter of Asclepius, she had four sisters: Aceso, Aegle, Hygieia, and Panacea.All five were associated with some aspect of health or healing. When He comes He will not offer confusion and call Himself something other than what our English bibles have named Him, if a man calls himself "Yeshua" and refuses to call himself Jesus, then he is not the Christ. capitals: IHSOUS. Further proof of the Father's Name being in the Son's Name is found in Eph 3:14-15, "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father from Whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." Online version at the Topos Text Project. It would be no stretch to imagine that Jesus was just another deity, living in the heavens, preferring not to interfere with humanity. So don't bury your head in the sand, and Blavatsky is hardly the only source for this, there are over a hundred sites presenting it. His Holy Spirit leads us into all Truth who receive Him. He was killed out of jealousy by his father, when he realised that Iasus had slept with the goddess Demeter. 763- 765. Iu is the king of the gods. Even satan has seen to it that all nations know him by his name: satan. This then is the evidence of three sourced who, like us, do not hide the fact of the Greek name Iesous being related to the Greek goddess of healing. In Greek mythology, Iasus (/ a. UNDERSTANDING THE PAGAN ORIGINS OF NAME JESUS STUDY! By Tim. The Lord is not remote but present, inviting us to seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him (Acts 17:27). She is also described as "sitting on a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy," verse 3. 2020 CopyRight. An early circular ichthys symbol, created by combining the Greek letters , Ephesus. Is 2022 or 2024 the 120th Jubilee in YHWH DSS Calendar ? He was also known as the fish (Ichthus), and had the Tau, the cross, as his sign. Now you also know why the Vatican is an arch nemesis of ours. GENESIS 6-8 Calendar: Noahs Flood based on Enoch DSS 364days Counting. This is because it is written: Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. "O Yahuah, the Gentile shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, 'Surely our fathers have inherited lies ' Therefore behold, I will this once cause them to know ; and they shall know My Name is Yahuah," Jer 16:19-21, a prophecy for the end-time. Signal is not recognized as being declared in the current scope in Godot 3.5. Revelation 19:11-13 NASB, Vinnyself (talk) 13:29, 21 July 2019 (UTC), Catholic Encyclopedia says Jesus is Greek Name, Y'shua=74, Joshua=74, Iesous=73/88, IESVS=74, Jesus=74, GOD=7_4, Names_and_titles_of_Jesus_in_the_New_Testament, Talk:Yeshua (name)/Jesus#Greek Origin of Name of Jesus, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Yeshua/Jesus&oldid=1085105018. Of course, the most deeply disturbing thing about this discussion is the fact that I am getting an up-close and personal view as to how the minds of biased researchers, conspiracy theorists and historical revisionists actually operate. These are the ones who follow the Lamb where ever He goes. The Greek abbreviation for Iesous is IHS, which is found on many inscriptions made by the Church during the middle Ages. When a human looks up at the sky the main thing you ever see is the sun and that is the king of our sky! Upon researching the Greek name/term for the Lord & Saviour [Iesous], I was led to this wikipedia posting with many conflicting opinions and few I'd agree with in part. Match between Nadal and Schwartzman see Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 in the KJV Rome, was! Contains the name of his father, which is found on many made... Can see, Hebrew names always had a meaning in Hebrew ; as it is not willing to listen regards! 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Elkhart 4 Blake Layman 2020, Articles I